29 September 2024

SEPARATE! Before It's Too Late!

27 Elul 5784

Israel Needs Regime Change

I know it doesn't look like it right now, when we appear to be on an upswing, supposedly no longer following US orders, as if the Prime Minister, after 20 years, finally grew a backbone.  But I think things are going to take a major turn down.  At least that's how it is going to look.  HKB"H is setting up a test.  Maybe the last one.

The Democratic Pluralistic Zionist State could only ever bring us just so far.  It was never going to be the vehicle to push us across the finish line.  If we're lucky, it will only run out of gas and stop dead in its tracks.  The alternative is that it might crash and burn. The best outcome would be for us to pull over and park right now and get into the one reserved and waiting to bring us across into the geulah shleimah.

We've had a Western-style, Western-oriented, Western-dominated regime here in the Land of Israel for what - 78 years now?  It has brought us to a situation of internal galut!  However, we had the Davidic Monarchy with a Holy Temple for 1,000 years!!  It's no myth or fable.  It's real.  Why does it seem so impossible and out of reach now?  It's nothing but lack of imagination, lack of faith, lack of will and a lot of ignorance!!

It is critical that people begin to grasp these truths because we are in geulah b'ita - redemption "in its time" - the worst case scenario.  The minority who get this and who are prepared for it are not going to be held back any longer by the majority who don't.  

In contrast to the calls for unity, especially unity at any cost or sacrifice of principles, not just in regard to Jewish unity but in the name of universal brotherhood, even with the enemies of God, c"v, the true calling of this hour is separation.  Think in terms of Korach.  Separate or descend into hell with the evildoers.

Judeo-Chr*stianity - Jew and Gentile Together - "One New Man"

Many, many (too many) Jews have fallen into this trap unwittingly while some have cultivated their connections maliciously.  I'm not here to judge who falls into which category.  But it would behoove every one of us to examine our ways and decide for the final judgment where we stand. 

This is a Maccabee moment as the Judeo-Christian Jews decide if they are going to abandon this modern Hellenism or if they are willing to break free from that fading, failing world and respond whole-heartedly to the call "Mi l'Hashem elai!!"

Maybe its because Eisav's offspring and power are concentrated in the English-speaking world, but American Jews seem to have the most trouble avoiding this pitfall - the attachment to Edom. The Jewish trait of giving the benefit of the doubt is, I think, why a lot of Jews get involved with the Evangelicals who are saying all the nice, comforting things their souls crave to hear from the world. They make a lot of excuses for them because of all the seemingly good things they do and say, and sincerely believe they are correct in building these relationships.

Maybe in the same way, we have been making excuses for them - our fellow Jews - for the same reasons,  but that time has come and gone now.  We can't afford to do it anymore - not for us and not for them either.  We're not doing them or ourselves any favors.  They've already broken the links in the chains of generational continuity.  We now have to let go of them and go our separate ways while leaving the door ajar so they can still join us if they come to their senses in time.

These Judeo-Chr*stian Jews, so similar to the Hellenists of the past, can have unity with their fellow Jews who remain 100% committed to Torah, or they can maintain their connection to their Edomite sycophants, but they can't do both.  Not anymore.

…the last war will be the beginning of the redemption, and a Torah-true Jew who is completely separated from the non-Jews will not be subjugated, as we find that in Egypt when two people drank from the same cup, one (an Egyptian) drank blood and the other (an Israelite) drank water. This shows that in fact there is no rule whatsoever over a Jew who is separated entirely from the non-Jews” (Rabbi Aharon Kotler, in the name of the Chafetz ChaimLeket Reshimot Channukah by Rabbi Noson Wachtofogel, p. 40).
I have a tradition passed down from one to another in the name of Maran HaGaon Rabbi Yehoshua Leib Diskin, z”l, that in the final war before the arrival of Mashiach all of the righteous Jews will be savedWho are ‘righteous Jews’? Those who are separated from the non-Jews! It does not mean that they must be one of the 36 righteous individuals, rather they must be separated from the ways of the non-Jews and have no contact with their culture! Not with their newspapers, their music and books; to be entirely separated from them. Then Hashem will say: You are Mine and you are under a different authority so no one else will rule over you” (Ibid., p.41)

No more riding the fence, no more having a foot in each world, no more interfaith relationships.   Just us and HKB"H in a 100% commitment to the Covenant we share together.  Then the geulah will come with all its precious promise.

But keep in mind that geulah b'ita comes whether we are ready or not.  There's no time to waste because we don't know how much is left.  Could be only days or even hours!!

Towards the End of Days the airev rav will be given great capacities and success in all its undertakings, like a false prophet for whom the sun stood still in the heavens.  They will enjoy a period of success to stand at the helm of the nation with the might and intoxication of power and dominion, in order to act as the last temptation to the Nation of Israel.  

...The great success of the airev rav will reach its zenith...when the time approaches for the spirit of impurity to be eradicated from the world, ....unaware that its end is near, that the complete redemption is close at hand, and with it the total elimination of evil and its forces from the world.  (Source:  The End of Days by Shmuel Raber)


  1. Replies
    1. I got a very bad taste in my mouth from this article. I don't like when people judge other Yidden. Its this holier than thou group.
      Everyone thinks THEY know what Hashem wants and thinks.

    2. That's very indicative of where you stand - on trembling earth. Hashem never left us to wonder what He wants and thinks, He made sure we knew. He tells us outright in His Torah and through the words of His prophets: "He has told you, O man, what is good, and what the Lord demands of you; but to do justice, to love loving-kindness, and to walk discreetly with your God." (Michah 6:8)

      Look in the mirror. With this "holier-than-thou group" remark, you've just done the very thing you've accused others of doing.
      Your entire comment is a self-serving statement, virtue signaling on your part. Which reminds me of something I need to say but forgot.

      During the Golden Calf affair, the Jews who stood by and said nothing and appeared to not be involved were also punished, but why? Because "they were attached to the Erev Rav in their hearts."

      To survive what's coming, we have to stand "clear" of everything and everyone attached to what is about to disappear. Just like Korach and his group. That's the best way to think of it. And it sounds to me as if you, Mr./Ms. Anonymous would have fit right into that wicked bunch.

  2. One of today's headlines says: "Netanyahu: Iran regime change will come a ‘lot sooner than people think’"

    What Netanyahu does not suspect is that Israel regime change is coming too - a lot sooner than people think!!!!
