26 October 2021

The World As One

20 Marcheshvan 5782 

R. Richter: One World Religion? One World Government? One World Currency? Conspiracy Theories?


  1. I watched the first 10 min yesterday, came back latter at night, and ouuuups.... was already removed !

  2. DEvorah there is a LIVE ZOOM meeting NOW,
    PLEASE POST the link

    In advance of the FDA meeting regarding approving the Covid Vaccine for children, a Beis Din will be meeting and hearing testimony from expert doctors and scientists, and from victims.
    It started a few minutes ago
    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 952 175 3151

    Passcode: 248

    Or call-in



    And enter:

    Meeting ID: 952 175 3151 #

    And then

    Passcode: 248 #

    All Rabbonim, doctors and community leaders are invited to watch the testimonies. Open to concerned members of the public as well.


    BezH, the doctors and experts testifying are:

    Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche

    Dr. Peter McCullough

    Dr. Robert Malone

    Dr. Jane Ruby

    Attorney Thomas Renz

    Dr. Christiane Northrup

    Dr. Michael Yeadon

    Dr. Janci Lindsay

    Dr. Richard Urso

    * Plus, Vaccine Victims and those who care for them

  3. Yasher Koach. Waiting for the second part!


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