30 May 2019

New Elections = Yeshuat Hashem

25 Iyyar 5779
Day 40 of the Omer

If you will recall, Israel went to elections in April in order to pave the way for the roll-out of the Trump/Kushner "peace" plan.  The idea was that reinstalling Bibi Netanyahu as PM would mean a mandate from the people to implement it in full.  But, no one foresaw what was coming.

Something historic and unprecedented happened.  The new Knesset has dissolved itself and called for another election on the heels of the last one.  Word is that the "Deal of the Century" will be revealed as planned - this summer.  (We're not yet into Sivan, but Tamuz and Av are right around the corner.)  If true, that means all the details will be known by the next election -September 17, 2019, or which is also the 17th (17=Tov in gematria) of Elul during the 40 days of repentance, just 13 days before Rosh Hashanah 5780!

A commenter brought up another interesting angle.  We expected Mashiach ben Yosef to arrive before the elections, but that did not pan out.  Maybe this do-over is meant to correct that, too. 

Whatever the case, "that which is wondrous in our eyes is from Hashem."

Ultimately, this is proof that HKB"H's eye never leaves this land and His protective hand is ever hovering over His people.  Not only does He save us from our enemies, He saves us from ourselves!

...Netanyahu lamented the time wasted on another superfluous election campaign when vital national business was at hand. The first session of a US-Russian-Israeli committee was due to take place very soon in Jerusalem for a unique discussion on regional and Israeli security, he revealed. He promised more information on this development in the coming days. The White House announced shortly after this disclosure that the US. Russian and Israeli national security advisers would hold a joint meeting next month in Jerusalem. (Source)


  1. When the satmar Rav visited the chazon ish he asked what will happen to the Zionist state. The chazon ish answered one day one will get up in the morning and there will be no more medinath Israel. Maybe we will soon witness this prophesy.


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