20 September 2024

"Third Lebanon War": Second Day

 17 Elul 5784
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
 Parashat Ki Tavo  

From Israel Realtime Updates...
⭕ROCKET BARRAGE (180+ rockets in the past hour) with some hits - multiple forest fires.

.. Due to risk of more rockets, fire and rescue forces are not allowed to go to certain areas.
.. Power outages in Safed due to rocket damage to the electrical system.
.. Rocket landed IN a swimming pool at the Emek HaTchelet park.

.. One injured, minor, by Kibbutz Ortal.

♦ IDF counter terror forces operating in Shechem and Ramallah areas right now.

MOST OF THE COUNTRY = MEDIUM-HIGH RISK — War continues and surprise attacks can occur, but no known immanent events.

NORTH - VERY HIGH RISK — Attacks WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY occur on Shabbat in the north, any town north of Route 85 at maximum risk as well as all of the Golan.

➡ PREPARE YOUR SAFE SPACE before Shabbat: unlocked, lights on. 
.. .. .. .. HIGH RISK = A/C on, phone in there (plugged in or portable power bank), water, metal window locked in place. Children? Snacks, mattresses.

➡ SYNAGOGUE SAFE SPACE, AND ARMED MEMBERS: Armed members a very good idea everywhere. 
.. .. .. .. HIGH RISK = use a synagogue with a protected space or one very close by.

➡ SAFE TO GO TO SYNAGOGUE? Prepare in case there are sirens on the way - know the nearest protected space on the way and what to do if you can’t reach one.

.. .. .. .. HIGH RISK = if you can’t move quickly to a protected space or have multiple young children - not safe to go. Do the children know what to do if a siren happens? Practice it!

➡ CARRY YOUR WEAPON, even without an eruv. Pepper spray, legal-size knife, legal gun. We are at war, people are trying to hurt us.

➡ CALL POLICE, DO NOT HESITATE !! - If anything suspicious, rocket fall in the area - CALL POLICE immediately! Dial 100, you may save lives.

➡ MONITOR FOR ALERTS via Silent (Shabbat) Channels.

Stay tuned... 

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