23 July 2024

A Little Light Out of the Darkness

17 Tammuz 5784
Tzom Shivah-Asar b'Tammuz 

In the future, the 17th of Tammuz is destined to become a holiday.  Why?  What will be so special about it?  It will mark the completion of our repentance and atonement for the sins for which it was established as a fast day.  It will mark the time when we will have fully uprooted the Golden Calf from our hearts and minds, when the entire people of Israel will rise up like the Levites and like Pinhas, with full faith and trust in HKB"H, with no fear, to wipe out the desecration of His Holy Name.  We may not be there yet, but we are on the way...

More Mashiach Talk


  1. All moshiach talk has to include fighting in the name of Hashem. Threats to decimate our enemies without invoking Hashem and His blessings are empty and worse: a show-off of Israel's supposed might, which is nothing without Hashem. Who is this man? He has strength but he needs perspective! Stop making threats that Israel will crush anyone or anything without Hashem and His blessing. Hashem needs to be and stay in the middle of everything... remember it is all for His glory. We are but His servants. May these Three Weeks be our easiest and best-ever and move us closer towards geula.

    1. Mashiach himself will make this point clear. Meantime, what I am hearing here is what is necessary before Mashiach can "arrive." A determination to go all the way with what the Torah has already commanded us to do. Mashiach can only lead when there is a people willing to follow him in doing the hard things. This man isn't calling on Tzahal or the State, he says "WE ARE COMING FOR YOU, WE WILL UTTERLY DESTROY YOU." And you can tell from his voice it's not just rhetoric. That's a huge step forward in my view.

  2. You might wish to post this, it has English subtitles:

    Rav David Toledano

    For any Jew excited over Trump, because it means you can continue your comfortable life in the US, you misunderstand the situation.
    Rav Toledano says that Trump is connected to the geula ( but not in the way you think). What is likely to happen is that the prospect of another Trump presidency is what will precipitate a world war. The axis powers need to strike whilst Biden is still in power.

    Regarding a comment above, nothing more has to happen for the geula to occur. The Rambam says that Mashiach will strengthen Am Yisrael in mitzvot, meaning that we do not have to be perfect. Anyway, amcha kulam tsadikim, kol yisrael malei mitzvot k'rimon. Each one of us can be lelamed zchut al am yisrael with our words. Just our collective suffering alone is a huge kapara for any shortcomings. Of course we are ready for the geula, right now.

  3. The date at the bottom right of the video is very blurry, but it seems to be just a few days after the start of the war. Sadly this Tzadik hadn't yet realized that we're up against another much more bitter enemy, the enemy from within, that's doing its best to prevent us from destroying the enemies on his list
