27 June 2024

Yeshu/Chr*stianity Has Nothing of Value to Offer Jews

21 Sivan 5784 

[Alternative title:  2,000 Years Later Yeshu Is Still A B*stard]

What better way to steal the minds and hearts of Jews than to prey on their ignorance of Torah and sell them on the lie that understanding the kabbalah of Christianity in the Zohar is key to bringing the Redemption, G-d forbid!!

The Zohar is not for gentiles and it's not even for all Jews.  In answer to the question of why not, I found three good answers offered by learned Jews. 

(1) The problem with learning Kabbalah is not that it is forbidden. The texts are there, everybody can look them up. But what is meant with a secret is, that even if you read it, you will not be able to understand it correctly if you don’t have authentic guidance from a person who is conversant in the subjects. The danger lies in the fact that you can come (by yourself) to the wrong conclusions and start believing certain concepts that are actually heretical. Heresy, even if by accident, is still a very serious prohibition. Only when a person has filled himself with sufficient knowledge in the revealed Torah (Jewish Scripture, Talmud, Midrashim and poskim) can one be called ready to start learning Kabbalah. It is practically impossible that this branch of knowledge will be correctly understood by anybody who has not the firm basis it needs. (Levi Wise)

(2) The Zohar is deliberately written in a style that requires the individual to have an extensive background in Jewish sources and to be able to derive understanding from hints. Thus it is suggested that it only be studied one on one, one student with one teacher, and the student explains their understanding and is then corrected or given further insight by the teacher. Just reading it, without the extensive background needed and without a proper teacher will lead to error and confusion, nothing positive.

And cults like the “Kabbalah Center” of the Bergs or Michael Laitmain’s ‘Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Center” are scams. They say what they think will bring in the most people to make money from them. Nothing genuine, just erudite sounding rubbish that relies on their followers being too ignorant to argue with. (Marc Lipshitz) [This has been well established.]

(3) The Zohar was not mentioned in the Torah for a good reason.

Tradition relates the Zohar to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a Jewish sage from the 2nd century CE. That is 500 years after the Torah was canonized and millenia after it was written. The Zohar was actually written in the 13th century CE by a scholar named Moshe Di-Leon.

One can only study the Zohar after a lifetime of studying the Talmud. It is a tradition not to engage in the study of Kabbalah until one is 40. I myself never tried, as I spent my life doing lots of things but never studied the Talmud very deeply.

Pop Kabbalah Madonna style is for idiots. Like trying to understand quantum mechanics without learning middle school physics. (Gal Amir)
These answers comport with what I was taught and makes very logical sense.  So, why are there so many "Orthodox teachers" today prescribing the learning of Zohar for "every person, regardless of gender, race, religion or nationality."  Just one of the many ways the Sitra Achra uses to corrupt Klal Yisrael.  The promise of "secret knowledge" and the "power" it allegedly confers very much appeals to the ego. Something else that needs to be mastered before engaging in such study.

The reason this is so important right now is because this technique is proliferating in the "Orthodox" Jewish world.  (I don't know about other communities, but all the false teachers I am encountering keep claiming their "Orthodoxy" as if it's a hechsher for the heretical ideas they are spreading.)

If anyone is issuing a blanket invitation for all Jews (or all people) - people they don't know and will never know personally - to learn Zohar, they do not have your best interests at heart.  It's a scam of the Sitra Achra and the job of these "teachers" is to lure you in and compromise your faith. Remember Gila Jedwan who said she promised Hashem that she would learn and teach Zohar for a year and claimed it is the key to everything?  She has another interview out with a person called Billy Phillips ("Who was J*sus? How did his life intersect with The Zohar? Billy answers all my questions")...

He says he is a student of "Rav Berg" (I reckon that's the famed Zohar scammer from the Kabbalah Centre.) Says he was born Jewish, went to "Hebrew school" but home was secular, was not satisfied with the answers he got to his questions. He "looked for meaning" outside of Judaism and the only place he found "answers" was through the Kabbalah Centre. 

The result is he's teaching things like "Unredacting J*sus" and "How the Kabbalists Hid the Zohar Inside Chr*stianity".  One of his sites says:  "There are many ways to understand the Trinity from The Zohar, some deep, some simpler."  

Why does a Jew even need to consider this question?  It's not a kosher thing to turn your mind towards.  A Jew will never in his life have a need to "understand the Trinity."  In fact a smart Jew will see this and run with all his might in the opposite direction!!

Is the Pope's endorsement really a consideration for us?  A thousand times "NO!"

What explains this treif obsession with Yeshu???

Quoting Phillips  [bolding/underlining mine]...

If you have questions about the universe, life, or in particular unanswered questions about J*sus, God and the chaos in our lives, this course can provide profound insights and practical answers based on hidden teachings that are now coming to light after twenty centuries.

馃挰 I know what you're wondering...

Is this Jews for Jesus? No.

Is this Christians for Judaism? No.

Is this Christians for Christians? No.

Is this Jews for Jews? No.

So what then is it?

And THAT is one of the secrets that will be revealed. And the answer is stunning and life-changing.


1. J*sus gave secrets only to his close disciples. To the masses he spoke in parable. Now that the secrets are being revealed, takeaway number one is that you are in the same relationship with Jesus as were his closest disciples.

2. You will have a profoundly deeper understanding of the origins and secret meaning of Chr*stian Doctrines.

3. You will know the secret history and source of J*sus' teachings that have never been made public.

4. You will understand the way to bring the Final Redemption and the arrival of the Messiah based on the secret teachings.

5. You will fill your body and soul with Light because the secret teachings and the actual story of what really happened are both the sum and substance of supernal Light—at least, according to the secret teachings.

6. You will understand HOW the Messianic reality will function and look in a practical way, and why the secrets are the key to igniting the arrival of the Messiah.   
It's like Chr*stianity without the free ticket to Heaven.  Who needs it???  Nobody, but especially NOT JEWS!!!  It's treif, treif, treif, treif, treif, treif!!!!  It's a scam and I pity whomever falls into the trap of believing in it or even pondering over it, God forbid!!

This is part of the NWO plan to create a one-world religion where differences are erased and commonalities are emphasized, where everyone can find common cause, no matter their background.  The big push here is to get Jews over their knee-jerk disgust and rejection of anything related to Yeshu(Gila really emphasizes this point.)  Restore him to the Jews as a good Jewish Rabbi (as per Shlomo Riskin), make him a kabbalist and holder of secrets that can bring upon us the Final Redemption (which everyone is expecting anyway) and they will soften up and stop being so obstinate and fixated on Torah and mitzvot, remaining apart from the greater culture.  In a word - ASSIMILATE!!  Out of existence - One New Man.  

They express the view that whomever opposes them or their program to spread this globally is "Erev Rav" from the "Darkness" trying to extinguish their "Light."  

They must be staring into a mirror.  

The more you find treif ideologies mixed in with Torah Judaism, like New Age, Chr*stianity, Hindu ideas, etc. just turn it off, run away from it.  HKB"H has given us everything we would ever need in the Torah Temima.  Everything outside if it is a hindrance.  It can add nothing.  That's why there is a warning not to add to or take away from the Torah.

We didn't need anything Yeshu had to say 2,000 years ago, and we certainly aren't interested in anything his admirers are pushing in his name today.


  1. It is no wonder why all of these evil Xtians are warmly invited to come to Eretz Yisrael by the Amalekite government running the country, but anything having to do with authentic Judaism brings out the Yasamniks to physically and violently beat up G-d fearing Jews. In a way I am very thankful to Hashem that I come no where close to being able to understand the Zohar as my Talmud learning is still very insufficient. Moshiach needs to come now for the true Birur!

  2. If it weren't for these incessant posts about this topic, I wouldn't give it a second thought. But you're constantly on it, over and over and over. Give it a rest and people won't even think about it. FHS.

    1. Precisely why I write these posts incessantly. :-)

    2. true, we the jewish people are separated from goim, it means we don't search and listen about them and about they believes, and what they planning to do, it doesn't make us holy, no, it doesn't, it's a pure dirt...

    3. It's a balance. Otoh, why even think about it. Otoh, there is a missionary onslaught against us that Jews need to wake up to.

  3. To further your point on Xianity and the Yishmaelite systems offering nothing of value.

    There is this idea that both founding figures of Xianity and Yishmaelim are little more than artificial constructs of very questionable historicity.

    Daniel Unterbrink's works for example have Yeshu as little more than a composite figure whose literary basis was loosely drawn from various Kanai leaders (e.g. Judas of Gamala, etc) of the period, prior to a Herodian called Saul engaging in entryism and creating a Pacifist Pro-Roman universalist stream in a rebellious part of the empire ultimately took hold elsewhere (e.g. Pauline Xianity).

    Meanwhile the now marginalised original particularist Xian sect with its anti-Roman warrior messiah bent later made its way to Hejaz in Arabia as the Ebionites and likely played a role in the development of the Yishaemlite sect on its ideas.

    It is pretty much a given Josephus's works were heavily edited by the Romans / Church over the next few millennia to muddy the waters, although would need to somehow get hold of a copy of The Great Revolt by Dr. Michael Ben Ari to help get a broader picture as a counterpoint.

    There is also a pretty well-established idea regarding the Yishmaelite system questioning the historicity of the founder, the premise being the Arab Empire came first and their belief system including founding figure was retroactively created centuries and backdated in an attempt to give itself legitimacy (whilst baselessly claiming we distorted our own texts) with with one Caliph by the name of Uthman burning other divergent copies of their own texts.

    Robert Spencer's Did Muhammed Exist is one such book and drawing upon previous works indirectly ties it back to the Ebionites on the basis his name is essentially a religious title for Yeshu meaning Praised One.

    If anything it only serves to demonstrate how damaging the Zealot movement aka Biryonim was over the past few millennia for the Jewish people in playing in role in not one but two antithetical belief systems of foreign worship.

  4. A prime example of one of the "fringe benefits" of this war. It has contributed to the shmad campaign of Judeo-Chr*tianization of Israel by (1) disorienting people by uprooting them from their familiar surroundings and routines and then (2) throwing them into a mixture of people they don't know (and should not trust) and making them dependent upon them and their good will.

    Watch this video about Yad HaShmona. Yad HaShmona is a Messianic Jewish Moshav of believers in Yeshua. A beautiful and community of 60 families located just outside Jerusalem. (Source: their website.)

  5. In the Gemara you see he was a composite figure as it talks about a yeshu during the greek times - apparently it was a name taken by any false messiah. Interestingly there actually is a tradition that Paul was a rabbi who was went undercover to make changes in order to distant xristians from jews!
    The Baalei Mussar say that the worse darkness is half light and half dark because that makes people mix up things, same here mixing bad and good is being used to lead people astray. This is happening because before Mashiach comes the evil tries its hardest to stop it and the world sinks to the 50th gate of impurity.


  6. Anon @ 11:51 am: What a foolish comment showing you really don't get it, just like the rest of many secularists who have no idea of what is really going on and who is behind it all. Besides trying to usurp our teachings of our Torah, they are now after the 'hidden' teachings of our Torah, & eventually, they think, that it was and is theirs, c'v.
    What Devorah Chaya is doing is of the greatest importance because
    our people have forgotten who and why we really are and that our enemies are all out to destroy us, both physically and spiritually(Torah).

  7. The 讞住专讜谞讜转 讛砖"住 relates that 讗讜转讜 讛讗讬砖 was a 诪住讬转 讜诪讚讬讞. The Sanhedrin asked if anyone knew of any merit to save 讗讜转讜 讛讗讬砖 from death. No one did so they had him hanged.

    The gemara asks why we're looking for a merit. We don't look for merits for a 诪住讬转.

    The gemara answers that they did so since he was close to the Roman government.


    1) He was a Meisit. No excuse to whitewash that with New Age mumbojumbo.
    2) We shouldn't be looking for merits for him since he was a Meisit, for whom we shouldn't be finding merits (it's a negative commandment in the Torah - Devarim 13:9). There is no need to be concerned for the Roman government any longer.
    3) Those who ignore this are playing with fire.

    1. The Gemara in Sanhedrin 43a (censored in the Vilna edition, available on Sefaria) covers this in detail, including his five (not twelve) disciples, who were also killed.

      There, the question is not why they were looking for merit, but why such extraordinary measures were taken to seek exoneration. The answer was because he had friends in government. Even still, he was killed.

  8. Thanks Yaak, awaiting more from you
