02 June 2024

"The North of Israel Is Burning"

26 Iyyar 5784
41 Days of the Omer

UPDATE (2:10 PM): "A large blaze is spreading in the Ramim Ridge area, near Kiryat Shmona, reportedly as a result of rocket impacts in the area over the past day.

The Fire and Rescue Services says nine firefighting teams are working in the area, and the blaze is not yet under control.

Meanwhile, the service says firefighting efforts also continue in the Golan Heights, following a major fire sparked yesterday as a result of a Hezbollah rocket barrage at the Katzrin area.

~ ~ ~
(Yehudit) North of Israel will burn up from missiles from the Iranian Hizbullah, with the support of Syria.  * IDF (Israel Defense Force) reaction will be worthless. * IDF will be very angry with the 'non-government'.

Updates from Israel Realtime...


  1. Please post a link to Yehudit's predictions.thanks


  2. is this the end starting?


  3. They don't care about us here in the north. It's not just now, with Hezbollah firing a barrage of rockets, missiles and suicide drones all day long yesterday, from morning to night. But they never provide the promised resources either, such as improved transportation, improved medical facilities, economic centers, etc. Tel Aviv is Israel in the eyes of this government, and in the eyes of the world. A barrage like what we experienced yesterday would have brought brimstone and hellfire on Hezbollah if it had happened in Tel Aviv.

    1. The entire world is unconcerned with what is happening up north. Weird, huh?

    2. How come what's happening in the north it's not being reported by arutz 7 ??


    3. Tel Aviv is still very much complacent. Yet, it maybe that when the time comes, its residents will be the first to whip out their foreign passports and leave... along with the Supreme Court justices.

      Ever since Shimon Peres constantly talked about the Negev and Galilee, and its development, then all of a sudden started talking only of the Negev, I knew something was up. Jews still make up a minority of the Galilee.
      Bye! Bye! Galilee! (2013)

      Setting Precedents for Arabs to Secede from Israel (2014)

      Then, of course, there is this, which we have been seeing since 2005, with the wandering of the Jews from Gaza:

      תלמוד בבלי, מסכת סנהדרין צז,א
      תניא ר' יהודה אומר דור שבן דוד בא בו בית הוועד יהיה לזנות והגליל יחרב והגבלן יאשם ואנשי גבול יסובבו מעיר לעיר ולא יחוננו וחכמת הסופרים תסרח ויראי חטא ימאסו ופני הדור כפני כלב והאמת נעדרת שנאמר (ישעיהו נט,טו) ותהי האמת נעדרת וסר מרע משתולל
      Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a
      It was taught, Rabbi Yehudah said: In the generation when the son of David comes, the house of assembly will be for harlots, the Galilee will be in ruins, Gablan will lie desolate, the residents from the border towns will wander about from city to city, receiving no comfort (hospitality), the wisdom of scribes will be in disfavor, God-fearing men will be despised, people will be dog-faced, and the truth will be absent, as it is said, "And the truth is absent, and he who withdraws from evil makes himself prey." (Isaiah 59:15)

    4. Jesterhead3/6/24 2:43 PM

      Is there any certainty of the Galvan / Gablan referring to the Golan or could it be referring to another area like the Gaza envelope or parts of Judea & Samaria?

    5. Ron, you'd have to contact someone over there and ask them.

    6. Jesterhead, with God's help, I'm going to answer this in a new blog post.

    7. Ron, in general A7 has and continues to deteriorate in many areas. There is no consistent approach. It's all over the place. Inter alia, they support missionaries, glow in the 'success' of Jews and non-Jews they claim as Jews in building up the galut, and have a poor grasp of the English language. I have no idea who is in charge there, but it is not a nationalist Jew.

  4. With the approach of Moshiach, insolence will increase and prices will rise sharply. The vine will yield produce but wine will be expensive. The government will turn to heresy and no one will be qualified to give rebuke. The meeting places will be used for promiscuity, the Galilee will be destroyed and the Gavlan (perhaps referring to the Golan) will be desolate. Those who live on the frontier will wander from place to place but no one will take pity on them. The wisdom of scholars will deteriorate, people who fear sin will be despised and truth won’t be found. Source : Mishnah Sota

  5. Katzrin is not burning to the ground. I have relatives in Tiberius and they said nothing of rockets. People say things like this without showing any actual proof. Show proof not words. It doesn't help to publish these things without proof and citing sources. Rfael Yaakov

  6. In Tiberius was it from a rocket? I spoke with my brother in law and he heard no rockets and in Tiberius they have no air raid warnings. Rfael Yaakov

    1. All I know is what was reported and shared above and in the blog post. As I said, I 'm not there and I don't know anyone there. I go by sources which have proven in the past to be reliable, like the Israel Realtime Updates. Their latest report which just arrived says the following: "🔥SEVERE FIRES IN THE NORTH.. near Katzrin, near Kiryat Shmona, near Ramim, and Israel can’t use firefighting planes due to risk of anti-aircraft fire. Parts of Kiryat Shmona evacuated due to fire threat."

    2. Upon further examination, I do not find a confirmation of those early reports on Teverya, so I have removed that reference. The rest appears to be entirely accurate. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  7. Events are not always reported. And sometimes the reports are not true. We've had several rockets or drones near to us here in Yavne'el. One slammed into the side of the mountain. There was no siren. In fact, even during the Iran drama, we never had a siren, only explosions. I also know people who never hear anything. My chavruta who lives in Ma'alot never hears the sirens or the explosions, even though they occur. So we can't always go by the experiences of people on the ground either.

  8. https://judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/128028/why-will-the-galilee-be-destroyed-sanhedrin-97a
