20 June 2024


14 Sivan 5784 

Assimilation is more rampant than most Jews understand and I would posit that most of the assimilated have no idea that they have, in fact, been assimilated.  A kippah on the head is no indicator of a kosher hashkafah.  

If you can listen to the following video excerpt (3:40) of a JNS interview and not be able to identify the basis of my assertion, you may also have fallen prey to this scourge on the Jewish world.  Check yourself accordingly.  This kind of thinking has been, and continues to be, the main impediment to the revelation of Mashiach in our days!!

An Assimilationist Vision


  1. Seeing this a lot now: 'Hamas cannot be destroyed, it's an idea,' says IDF spokesman. Still following Hitler's theory that if you tell a lie often enough, people will begin to think it's true. You could claim the same of Fascism - it's an idea, or an ideology - but the Nazis were defeated and Hamas will be, too!!

  2. It is so blatantly obvious in the video. Devorah Chaya, this is all a continued part of Israel society being gaslit. Today's generation are weak and unable to think for themselves. They totally believe what ever the governmet will tell them. They want to keep the constant perpetual state of fear going.

  3. I must believe that more than less have been awakened because how a society of normal people can still be fooled war after war, tzoros after tzoros and still not have learned 'anything'.
    The real reason is the good life that many, many American Jews have in the U.S. and the impact they have had on the lifestyles of many Israelis which has so clouded the thinking of even the Orthodox Jews living in chutz l'Aretz and those living in EY which shows us the low level of Emunah/Bitachon that so many Jews have, where in their minds they actually unite 'Yisrael with Eisav'. That is why we have the present situation of such open anti-semitism - this is Hashem's wakeup call; some are realizing that, but many, many, especially secular Jews, have not yet caught on and are so galutified, they do
    not understand.
    Truth is, very few people know history and/or have learned anything from it. Otherwise, that history would immediately
    enter the minds of our people. This is why it get scary because how much worse must it get, c'v, for us to wake up from our slumber?

  4. Listen here for first two mins.
