15 February 2022

What's This 'Revolving Door' About?

14 Adar Aleph 5782
Happy Purim Katan 

For the world to be on the verge of WW3, there sure is a lot of strange traffic in the Middle East.  Maybe all of this a smoke screen to cover an attack on Iran?

Visiting Israel on Monday, US Senator Lindsey Graham told journalists that he and Israeli leaders discussed the ongoing international negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, and that he raised possible avenues for additional security cooperation between the US and Israel.

Graham was in Israel to hold a series of meetings on Iran and bilateral cooperation between Israel and the United States.  (Source)

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Seven House Democrats will join Speaker Nancy Pelosi when she arrives in Israel on Wednesday, a Knesset spokesman confirms to The Times of Israel.

The delegation’s members are Reps. Adam Schiff, Ted Deutch, Barbara Lee, Bill Keating, Eric Swalwell, Ro Khanna and Andy Kim. (Source)

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A Bahraini military band played Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem, outside the royal palace in Manama as Prime Minister Naftali Bennett made history as the first Israeli leader to visit the Gulf state on Tuesday.

...Bennett said in an interview with Bahraini paper Al-Ayam that Israel and other countries in the region should work together against their shared challenges, such as the Iranian threat. (Source)

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Israeli President Isaac Herzog is preparing to visit Turkey, his office said Tuesday, in a rare trip following years of frayed ties between the two countries.

A presidency statement said that a senior Turkish delegation, including a top aide to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was due in Israel this week "as part of preparations for the planned visit".  (Source)
~ V'Nahafoch Hu ~

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