28 January 2020

What a Spectacle!

3 Shevat 5780

The introductory music for their entrance sounded like the herald for a king but they should have played circus music...

Bibi and Donald's Dog and Pony Show

The First US President (currently impeached and under trial) and the First Israeli Prime Minister (not exactly currently elected and under indictment) to recognize a Palestinian State!

Oh, now I get it.  Purim came early this year?  April FOol's?  No?

What have they been smoking?!  They are insane!  No self-respecting Arab would go for this.  And it's too humiliating to even consider.  It makes sense that Erev Rav Jews were behind this.  They have no concept of self respect or national pride.  What a waste of time!

The best part of the whole spectacle was when Trump mentioned the Al "Aqua" Mosque.  LOL!!

Trump doesn't know and doesn't care.  He just wants to be liked and to go down in history.  He will certainly go down in history - just like Paro - as the leader of one of the greatest empires the world has ever known during its final days.


  1. I've been checking back here all day waiting for your comments! LOL-I love the photo-shopped pics- do you do them yourself? I sat listening to them and thought, "They are living in a fantasy world". it was like watching two people talk about how they just made this deal with a dining room chair. And this dining room chair will follow all the details of this new deal because it really, really wants to. They have no concept that the Arabs that call themselves "palestinians" have no interest in peace whatsoever, under any circumstances. It is not even on their radar. I felt like I was watching The Academy Awards where all these actors come up to praise each other and clap for each other... each one of them more out of touch with reality than the last. Nothing but a political minstrel show. They need to take off their tin foil hats and come back down to planet Earth.

  2. Well well well. Bibi He poses as "right wing" but my oh my this plan is so far to left. All masks are off. Bibi is going the way of Sharon. zig zag. tack hard left.

    Shared ashdod and haifa ports? an undergorund rail link between gaza and Shomron? carving up the negev to give to the fakestine?

    Watch bibi drop the srugim like a hot potatoe and form a coalition with Ganz and the Hareidim. And magically.... the charges will drop from the AG since Bibi will be the one to implement the two state "final solution". He might even form another "kadima" to push this through.

    Deja vu. What a joke.

  3. Replies
    1. Typical and predictable American Modern Orthodox.

  4. Israel gives away land for fake “Peace Plans”, US gets Disasters
    Remember Gush Katif -Tisha B’Av 5765 (2005) Close to 10,000 Jews were expelled from their homes in the Gaza Strip and parts of northern Samaria. The US got: Hurricane Katrina! Will Trump get Miami or Los Angeles destroyed by the Coronavirus?

    1. Worse than that. Yes, it is a division the US is planning over us. Here's a report:

      "US Ambassador David Friedman told reporters that before Israel decides to apply sovereignty over the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria the Trump administration wanted to form a committee with Israel to discuss the issue, but stressed that it could not be said how long this would take.

      "It's a process that requires effort, accuracy and calibration and you have to make sure that the annexation matches the map in our plan," said Friedman.

      "We will look at the Israeli proposal and examine it and make sure it is in line with our plan. We will set up the committee as soon as possible and work on it immediately and try to end quickly but I do not know how long it will take," the ambassador added."

      I don't think HaShem cares how "compassionate" it is. The Creator of the Universe says NO DIVISION OF ISRAEL -- and that's final!

      Thank you so much, DJT. How the "mighty" will fall because of you!

  5. "The status quo at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif will be preserved."

    THIS all by itself is the heart of the matter. THIS is the real battle for Jerusalem. THIS is the real battle of Gog uMagog. THIS is how they win their war against HKB"H - by preventing the rebuilding of the Temple, the renewal of korbanot and ensure the 'equal' standing of their false religions alongside the absolute Truth of the Torah.

    THIS IS THE CRUX OF EVERYTHING! And no Torah-Truth-loving, God-honoring Jew will accept any part of a plan that includes this proviso.

  6. It's just occurring to me... I remember Rebetzin Weinberg, may she live a long life, of E.Y.A.H.T telling us back in 1989 that there's a prophecy that says that everything the "Zionists" built will have to be destroyed before moshiach will come. That would mean the government, the shtachim, and Jerusalem divided again? I'm horrified by this fake "Peace Plan" but if it dopes happen, at least it will bring us closer to Redemption. May Hashem extend for us enough time to do the teshuva that He desires us to!

  7. Agree with Rebetzin Weinberg as cited above

  8. US envoy: We won’t impose change to status quo to let Jews pray at Temple Mount

    Responding to apparent contradiction in US plan, Friedman hopes for more openness to ‘religious observance everywhere, including Temple Mount,’ but only if agreed by all

  9. Firstly, we must realize that these 'Jews' who are delighted with even thinking about giving away even an inch of EY to anyone, and let alone, to our mortal enemies, are not really Jews, but Erev Rav!!! Secondly, we also know that there will not be a fakerstein state. Eretz Yisrael is G-D's personal & private country, literally, and no other people, other than the Jewish people, can make a state of it, as it was given by G-D to His children, Israel and only Israel!!! Anyway, they will not accept it, as usual, because there is a mechanism built within them to not accept it. It's all m'Shamayim!
    We pray that Moshiach will not tarry.


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