31 October 2019

Daniel: Part 3 - "A Time, Times and a Half"

2 Marsheshvan 5780

(Part 1. Part 2.)

If, for argument's sake, we accept my proposition that the United States of America is the "little horn" described in the Book of Daniel, then I have some explaining to do, because the following does not fit our commonly held assumptions about that country.
And he will speak words against the Most High [1], and he will oppress the high holy ones [2], and he will think to change the times and the law [3], and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, two times, and half a time [4].
We have to keep in mind that this is the ultimate EMET.  The fourth empire is represented by the chazir (pig) because it makes a public show of being kosher, sticking out its cloven hooves, but the inner sign is missing; it is quite the opposite.  Publicly, the United States honors God, but, in fact, it's only artifice.

Regarding the points enumerated above, the commentaries state as follows...
According to Rambam's Epistle to Yemen:  "[...this upstart would conjure up a religion similar to the Godly religion.  He will say that he is a prophet and say many things.]  Daniel here explains that his interest will be to hinder and destroy the true religion. And shall think to change the times and the law (v. 25)."
[1]  "Speaking words against the Most High" would be to propagate a religion that misrepresents the Torah; replacing the covenant with a "new" one and the people of God with a "new" one, etc.
...the United States still tops the chart by far in terms of total missionaries, sending 127,000 in 2010 compared to the 34,000 sent by No. 2-ranked Brazil. (Source)
The [Evangelical] movement gained great momentum during the 18th and 19th centuries with the Great Awakenings in Great Britain and the United States.

In 2016, there were an estimated 619 million evangelicals in the world, meaning that one in four Christians would be classified as evangelical. The United States has the largest concentration of evangelicals in the world. American evangelicals are a quarter of the nation's population....  (Source)
But, not only is the United States in the business of replacing Torah Judaism with a false religion, it is also the mainstay of anti-Torah Jewish "streams" like Reform, Conservative and Reconstructionist 'Judaism'. Not to mention that it is the birthplace of the 'Messianic' movement which really seeks to blur the lines between Judaism and Christianity.

However, when I read [3] "shall think to change the times and the law," I think of the mass assimilation that has been going on since Jews arrived in America.  Jews who abandon the Shabbat and mitzvot are the most celebrated in America.
[2] and he will oppress the high holy ones: He will burden and oppress Israel.
One really need look no further than the ongoing, decades-old "Peace Process" to understand this statement, but it goes so much farther than most people even can imagine...

...exposes a series of scandals from Oliver North to the British royal family, The Secret War Against the Jews reveals as much about political corruption inside Western intelligence as it does about Israel. Using thousands of previously top-secret documents and interviews with hundreds of current and former spies, Loftus and Aarons, both veteran investigators, Nazi-hunters, and authors, present a compelling narrative.
The authors demonstrate that numerous Western countries, especially the United States and Great Britain, have conducted repeated and willful spying missions on Palestine and later Israel over many decades. While on the surface these two countries and others profess to be ardent allies of Israel, they work, in fact, through their intelligence services to betray Israel's secrets to the Arabs. Their motive: oil and multinational profits, which must be attained at any price through international covert policies.
Which brings us to the most important part.

[4] "...and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, two times, and half a time."

Does that phrase strike you as unusual - "they will be delivered into his hand"?  It made me ask myself, "Who is delivering whom into whose hands and for what purpose?"  

The commentators unanimously identify the "holy ones" as the Jewish People.  So, the Jewish People is being "delivered" into the hands of the "little horn" after it has become an exceptional world power, i.e., the United States after WWII. (The British Empire declined and America took its place.)

The Nazis were not defeated during the war, they were transferred to the United States (Operation Paperclip), their work continued in the service of American interests, and the war on worldwide Jewry took on a new form.  In Israel, that meant to keep pushing the Jews down until they gave up or gave in.  

Since Jews still remained scattered all over the world, how could it be possible to deliver all the Jews into the unfriendly hands in the American government?  It would only be possible if one Jew were valuable enough to feasibly represent the entire Jewish nation.  That would require a Mashiach ben Yosef-type figure, strategically placed by Divine decree at the center of American power, in a position to be privy to information that could save Jewish lives and the Jewish state.  A solitary Jew with tremendous mesirut nefesh who would willingly sacrifice himself to save his people - a Jew like Jonathan Pollard.

As is common knowledge now, after discovery, and upon reaching the safety of the Israeli embassy grounds, Jonathan Pollard (and his wife Anne) were "delivered" into the waiting hands of the FBI by the Erev Rav in the Israeli leadership.  It was November 21, 1985 (8 Kislev 5746).

Had Yosef HaTzadik not been released from prison, who would have fed the starving families of Ya'aqov Avinu?  Having one Jew in your power really can influence the fate of the entire Jewish people. 

Right now, you might be thinking this is quite a stretch but just wait.

The text says, "...and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, two times, and half a time." 

"They" being Jonathan, and, by extension, the Jews of Eretz Yisrael whom he tried to help, would be trapped and held in their grip until the passage of some period of time equal to  "a time, two times and half a time."  The mystery has always been the definition of "time."  The text tells us that it would not be possible to figure this out until the End of Days, but at that time, it would become clear.

I've tried off and on for fifty years to figure this out.  But now, I think I may actually have uncovered the secret, and why?  Simply because the time has come.  

I was pondering this enigma again and thinking in segments of time -  days, weeks, years, decades...  And wham, it hit me like a sudden light going on out of the dark.  Three and one-half decades or 35 years of Jonathan Pollard in prison.  And then I was even more amazed when I suddenly realized it was divided into three parts:  The first 10 years was really all he was supposed to serve for breaking their law - "time".  Then, they decided to hold him hostage (Dennis Ross to Pres. Clinton at the end of that ten years:  "Save Pollard's release for a later time.  You don't have too many cards like this to play.") for another 20 years - "2 times."  For the life sentence that he was handed, he became eligible to go out on parole after 30 years, which he did in 2015 on the exact original date.  It was a miracle that no one contested it.  But, that brings us to the third period - "half a time" or 5 years of supervised probation - when he is neither in prison, nor truly free.  It's a transitionary period.

We can know it now because, as of November 21, 2019, there is only one year left.  That final 5-year period ends on November 21, 2020.  Because they did not prevent his going out from prison, I do not believe they will (or can) prevent his leaving the US after that time.  Their power to hold him would have been ended, as it says - "until time, times and a half of time."

However, that said, had we merited it, Jonathan Pollard would have been saved by Israel just like he had saved Israel.  He was safely inside the embassy grounds!  With the deliverance of Jonathan Pollard to Eretz Yisrael in 1985 instead of his being delivered into the hands of the corrupt US Justice system, we might have been spared all the horrors of intifadas and Oslo and the Gush Katif expulsion, etc.  Furthermore, had we merited it, Jonathan Pollard could have gone free at any point and still can!  The 35 years, if I'm right, would be the final end by which Redemption has to come even if we don't merit it. 
'How long until the ultimate end?' [the final date for redemption to come] ...for a time, times and a half a time and upon the completion of the fragmenting of the hand [yad=power] of the holy people,....  (Daniel 12:6-7)
Here is another riddle which I believe we can easily see based on current events, since I am convinced we are living now very near the end of the End.

The "power of the yad of a people" rests in the government and the military, for better or for worse.  An unprecedented event took place in Israel this year.  There were two elections and still there is no functioning government.  The unrelenting call of the day is for a "unity" government and yet contrarily, the fragmenting increases daily.  I really think this is what Daniel is describing - the very situation we find ourselves in right now.  

When this situation reaches a stalemate where nothing can be resolved, that will be "the completion of the fragmenting of the hand of the Jewish people" - in keeping with the predictions of the rabbis that two elections will fail and before a third can be held, Mashiach will come.
And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under all the heavens will be given to the people of the high holy ones; its kingdom is a perpetual kingdom, and all dominions will serve and obey it."
Of course, this all remains guesswork, but educated and informed guesswork.  In any case, Mashiach will surely come, and we are getting closer to Redemption every single day.  But, I have a lot of faith in this idea.  We really won't have to wait long to see if it pans out.  I hope it will inspire everyone to pray often for Yehonatan ben Malka and Esther Yocheved bat Raizel Brachah who is very ill.  They both just want to come home.

Please continue and review the additional material reproduced below.  And thanks for hearing me out.
In the history of the United States, no other spy convicted for passing intelligence to an ally has received a life sentence. In fact, the maximum sentence for such an offense today is 10 years while the median sentence has always been 2 to 4 years. (Source)
Imprisoned spy Jonathan Pollard's handler revealed on Monday that he agreed to supply the United States with information proving Pollard’s guilt, since he knew that the United States and Israel had an agreement to release Pollard from prison after he served a ten-year sentence. (Source)
Over time, the Rav [Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, ztz"l] shared with us and with a few others who were very close to him that Jonathan's release is the key to the redemption of all of Am Yisrael.

He taught us how Jonathan's release is also the key to the release of all of Israel's captives and MIAs. Once Jonathan is out, all the captives are all out! Once they are all out, we are all in Geula!

Perhaps most significant of all, the Rav always referred to Jonathan as the "Yosef HaTzadik shel doreinu" (The Yosef Hatzadik of our generation.)

While the Rav never forbid me from speaking of these things publicly, he himself was reluctant to do so. I remember asking him, many years ago: "Kavod HaRav, if you know all these things about Jonathan, why don't you say so openly? Why don't you speak about this in public?"

The Rav responded with a sigh, "Esther," he said, "it would not help anyone if I were to do so. Every Jew has to wake up; to open his/her own eyes; to realize for themselves that we have the Yosef HaTzadik of our generation languishing in a pit in America. Every Jew has to feel the pain of his suffering and to decide on his/her own to participate in this mitzvah -- to do whatever he or she can to redeem Jonathan, and in so doing, effectively redeem themselves. We have to wake up Am Yisrael to this mitzvah!"

The Rav spent the rest of his life doing just that, trying to wake up Am Yisrael! He spoke about Jonathan everywhere he went. He wrote prayers for Jonathan, and headed prayer rallies on his behalf. He lectured and taught and wrote and constantly reminded the Nation that we have a captive in America and that the mitzvah of pidyan shvuyim devolves upon each and every one of us. He also taught that in Jonathan's case, this was the highest form of the mitzvah - that it is the mitzvah of pidyan shvuyim for one who was "moser nefesh for Am Yisrael" ( That is, for one who sacrificed himself for the sake of the Nation of Israel). (Source)

Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Coalition for Jewish Values Calls for Pollard Freedom on Humanitarian Grounds

May any learning from this blog post go to the merit of Esther Yocheved bat Raizel Brachah for a refuah shleimah bimehira.  Amen!

30 October 2019

Daniel: Part 2 - The Little Horn

1 Marsheshvan 5780
Rosh Chodesh Bet

(See Part 1.)

As you can see from the comments to Part 1, we're already seeing the various opinions brought from our Sages in the past who were speculating from a place of scholarship that none of us can even dream of attaining and yet they were working at a great disadvantage as well.  Daniel was commanded to "obscure" the words so their meaning would not be discernible by generations far removed from "the time of the end."  However, those living in those days may be able to figure it out, and it might not take a high level of Torah knowledge to do it either.
"As for you, Daniel, obscure the matters and seal the book until the time of the end; let many muse and knowledge increase." (Daniel 12:4)
Why would the words be recorded and passed down for thousands of years if there would not come a time when people could understand it?  If we are truly living at the End of Days, as all of the rabbis are saying, this must have been meant for "us."  So, on to Part 2...

The Artscroll Commentary on Sefer Daniel says the following:
According to R' Saadia Gaon [882-942], the Roman Empire is composed of ten governments of monarchies:
  1. the Roman emperor in Constantinople (ruler of the Byzantine Empire);
  2. the king of Armenia; 
  3. the king of Hungary;
  4. the king of Germany  (Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire);
  5. the king of Bulgaria;
  6. the king of Canaan (i.e., the western Slavic countries - Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia);
  7. the king of France; 
  8. the king of Spain;
  9. the king of Russia; and,
  10. the king of Yishmael (the Arabic empire) who is included among the rulers of the Roman Empire.
Malbim [1809 - 1879] advances the possibility that [malichin] in v. 24 are kingdoms; thus the Roman Empire would disintegrate and split into smaller units, of which ten countries would be considered the major powers.  He does not elaborate on this.
Since the exact meanings of Daniel's words have been purposely hidden from earlier generations, I think the time during which the commentator lived is important to his outlook.   Clearly R' Saadia Gaon was looking at events current to his time and noted how history was developing the record.  Malbim, living later in the exile, also had the benefit of historical hindsight to make his own observation, but he did not live long enough to recognize the "sprouting of the little horn."

If you Google European Monarchies in the Middle Ages, this is what you find...
The Early Middle Ages begin with a fragmentation of the former Western Roman Empire [as Malbim noted] into "barbarian kingdoms". In Western Europe, the kingdom of the Franks developed into the Carolingian Empire by the 8th century, and the kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England were unified into the kingdom of England by the 10th century. With the breakup of the Carolingian Empire in the 9th century, the system of feudalism places kings at the head of a pyramid of relationships between liege lords and vassals, dependent on the regional rule of barons, and the intermediate positions of counts (or earls) and dukes. The core of European feudal manorialism in the High Middle Ages were the territories of the kingdom of France, the Holy Roman Empire (centered on the nominal kingdoms of Germany and Italy) and the kingdoms of England and Scotland.  With the rise of nation-states and the Protestant Reformation, the theory of divine right justified the king's absolute authority in both political and spiritual matters.

(1) France,
(2) Portugal,
(3) Spain,
(4) Britain,
(5) Germany-Italy (still called the Holy Roman Empire),
(6) Russia,
(7) Poland/Lithuania,
(8) Sweden,
(9) Denmark-Norway,
(10) Austria. 
History, as well as current events, prove the fact that the Roman Empire did fragment and devolve, first into kingdoms and then into democratic nation-states, as they continue to exist today.  But, something phenomenal happened that the earlier commentators possibly could not have imagined.

Three of those kingdoms became empires in their own right, at different points in time, and went exploring.  In the process, they discovered the New World and began to colonize it.  
And the ten horns that sprout from that kingdom represent ten kings that will rise, and the last one will rise after them, and he will be different from the first, and he will humble three kings.
The discovery, exploration, development and colonization of the North American continent by Britain, France and Spain created a situation whereby a "new little horn" rose up from them, but actually came about 800 years after them.  It was different from them in that when it declared its independence, it was not a monarchy like all the rest, it had eyes and a mouth like a person because it was ruled by the people.  And these three kingdoms, who were in turn great empires in their own rights, would one day be humbled, replaced and dominated by the "little" horn that they had established, but whose "appearance" would become "greater than theirs" - the Final Iteration of the Roman Empire - The United States of America. 

I asked Google, "What country has the most military bases around the world?"  And the answer was...
The United States
The United States is the largest operator of military bases abroad, with 38 "named bases" having active duty, national guard, reserve or civilian personnel as of September 30, 2014. Its largest, in terms of personnel, was Ramstein AB in Germany, with almost 9,200 personnel.

I don't believe that any of our commentators, with the benefit of living in our times, would deny that America is the epitome of Rome in our days.  Further, if we truly are at the "end," then the only thing left is for the power to be handed over to Yisrael.  There is already an undeniable transition going on, evidenced by the State of Israel's (soon to become the Kingdom of Israel) rising stature in the world at the same time that the dominant world power, the US, evokes derision among many nations and is collapsing internally from debt, disaster and disease.

The fourth and final exile is finally coming to an end, and we can see it happening!

Proceed to Part 3 - "A Time, Times, and a Half".

May any learning from this blog post go to the merit of Rabbi Alon Yehudah Yosef ben Chanah Miriam for a refuah shleimah bimehira.  Amen!

29 October 2019

Daniel: Part 1 - The Fourth Empire

30 Tishrei 5780
Rosh Chodesh Alef

Thank you to the poll participants.  I think we can dive right in now.

I have been pondering the mysteries of the Book of Daniel for about 50 years.  Each time I read it, I learn something new.
"As for you, Daniel, obscure the matters and seal the book until the time of the end; let many muse and knowledge increase." (Daniel 12:4)
The implication is that when we actually arrive to the End of Days, the riddles will be able to be understood.  Very recently, I was re-reading it, along with a book of collected commentaries, hoping to get some additional insight.  After several days of going back and forth between several translations and my book of collected commentary, I felt like I was making some progress toward a better understanding when something suddenly clicked in my mind and an amazing possibility occurred to me.  It may be the solution to one of the most intriguing codes in the book - "ad idan, idanin uplag idan" - often translated from the Aramaic as "a time, times, and a half [of time]." 

I pondered throughout the holidays how, or even whether, to share my thoughts on this subject outside my own family.  As I've continued to pore over the sources, as well as seek Hashem's will, I am more and more convinced that I have a viable explanation.  In fact, just yesterday, I had an even deeper insight into this possibility which just reinforces that viability.  So, I posted the poll to test the waters, so to speak, and now, I have determined to go forward as far as Hashem will allow.  

It looks like this subject can be covered in three parts, so pay close attention over these next three days...

As a quick overview, Daniel has been carried away to Babylon at the time of the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem.  He is intent on understanding when the Babylonian exile will end.  In answer to his prayers, Daniel receives prophetic visions which span world history, describing each of four major exiles that the Jewish people will endure until the End of Days when Mashiach will come and power will be transferred to Yisrael.  The angel Gabriel acts as a guide and interpreter to help Daniel understand what he is seeing - all of which was still future for Daniel, but almost all of which is now past history for us.  That being the case, it is easier to identify the who and how of these once-future prophecies historically.  And our great commentators like Rashi (1040 - 1105)Ramban (1194 - 1270), Abarbanel (1437 - 1508), etc. did just that. 

However, they did not live to see what we have now seen, so it may also be possible to shed some light on further developments as we approach the very End of Days.  Seeing as how we are living at the end of the fourth empire - the empire of Rome/Edom - I was concentrating my efforts on a portion of the prophecy that concerns it.  Daniel, chapter 7...
...as I looked on in the night vision, there was a fourth beast - fearsome, dreadful, and very powerful, with great iron teeth - that devoured and crushed, and stamped the remains with its feet.  It was different from all the other beasts which had gone before it; and it had ten horns.  While I was gazing upon these horns, a new little horn sprouted up among them; three of the older horns were uprooted to make way for it. There were eyes in this horn like those of a man, and a mouth that spoke arrogantly....  
Then I wished to determine the truth of the fourth beast, which was different from all of them - excessively dreadful;....

And concerning the ten horns that were on its head, and the other one that came up and the three that fell before it, and the horn that had eyes and a mouth speaking arrogantly, and its appearance was greater than that of its companions.

I looked on as that horn waged war with the holy ones and overwhelmed them, until the Ancient of Days came and gave revenge to the high holy ones, and the time arrived that the holy ones inherited the kingdom.

[The angel explained] "The fourth beast represents a fourth kingdom that will be on the earth, which will be different from all the kingdoms, and it will devour the whole land and trample it and crush it.

And the ten horns that sprout from that kingdom represent ten kings that will rise, and the last one will rise after them, and he will be different from the first, and he will humble three kings.
Some insight from the commentators:
"The exile represented by the fourth beast would be equivalent to all three previous ones" [i.e., Babylon, Media/Persia, Greece]. (Rashi from Vayikra Rabba 13:5)
"...the fourth kingdom [or empire], represented here [Daniel 7:7] by a fearsome unspecified beast, different from all the other beasts, is that of the Roman empire with all its metamorphoses.  This is the view of almost all the commentators and clearly that of our Sages in the Talmud and numerous midrashim."  (Artscroll Tanach Series - Sefer Daniel)
Can the "horns" be identified?  I believe so, because in our time, as opposed to Daniel's, this has already happened.  All we have to do is match it to the historical record.  If I am right, it could give us all some much-needed chizuk.

All are welcome to share their thoughts in the comments.

Proceed to Part 2 - The Little Horn.

May any learning from this blog post go to the merit of Rabbi Alon Yehudah Yosef ben Chanah Miriam for a refuah shleimah bimehira.  Amen!

28 October 2019

What Do You Know?

30 Tishrei 5780
Rosh Chodesh Aleph

I have something special I'd like to share regarding the prophecies of the End of Days in the Book of Daniel.  But, before I do, I'd like to gauge the readers' current familiarity with the text.  So, if you would be so kind, please participate in the following poll:

Please complete the following sentence:
Regarding the Book of Daniel in Tanakh,....

I am very familiar with the text and its commentaries.
I've read it and am basically familiar with what it is about.
I know there is a book by that name, but I don't know much about it.
Daniel who?
Created with Survey Maker

And if you have anything you'd like to add or share about your knowledge of the Book of Daniel, write me at tdnjslm@gmail.com.  Many thanks!

"Laws of Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan"

29 Tishrei 5780
Yom Kippur Katan
Erev Rosh Chodesh 

Laws of Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan - Rav Yosef Khiyayev 5780

27 October 2019

NEWS: Confirmed and Unconfirmed

28 Tishrei 5780

The US President as Judge, Jury and Executioner: How Can That Be Right?

Most immediately on my mind is this leading headline on every website:  Confirmed - ISIS Terror Chief Baghdadi is Dead at the Hands of US Special Forces.

Has any government or world leader spoken out against the targeted assassinations being carried out around the world by the United States?

Who defines who is a terrorist and who decides who is guilty of terrorism and who determines that they should die and who gave them the right to do so???

What makes certain populations fair game?  Locality?  Religious beliefs?  Competing economic interests?

If you are a Torah Jew, you can't just pile on the congratulatory band-wagon, you have to ask yourself if this is even legal according to Torah law.  The nations are bound by Sheva Mitzvot to set up courts of justice.  And contrary to what they've been doing for the last 20 odd years, that justice must be extended even to those who do not live under the protections of the US Constitution!

Make no mistake.  Mashiach, and those who follow him, could potentially be labeled a terrorist, too, on the basis of whatever criteria they are using.  They've already done it with the "hilltop youth."  

Holding the Jewish State Hostage to an Anti-Torah Agenda

And on the homefront, there is an unconfirmed report that Gantz has made Netanyahu an offer: a unity government with Netanyahu on first rotation as PM on condition that chareidim are left out of the government coalition, along with full support for all anti-religious legislation introduced.  The chareidim may be let into the coalition at a later date, after such legislation has been passed, as long as they commit not to try to reverse any of it.

So, essentially, they intend to hold the entire public that wants a right-wing government with religious representation hostage to their anti-Torah agenda.  

26 October 2019

Just What Is Avigdor Lieberman Afraid Of?

28 Tishrei 5780

If I were a psychologist, I would diagnose Avigdor Lieberman as deophobic.  It's a Latin + Greek word for "fear of God," but not the righteous kind we call yira Shamayim.  This is the kind more in keeping with an irrational hatred and a desire to be rid of the object of hatred.  There are quite a number of people afflicted with this condition living in Israel today.  For their own good, I'd advise that they make a permanent change in location.  The situation as it is developing in Israel now is not conducive to their future mental health.
Israel military is becoming ‘army of God’ says Lieberman

...according to the country’s former Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman, ... Israel’s military has now become the “army of God”.  

...Lieberman, who made the comment in reaction to a booklet authored by senior rabbinical figures, which contained instructions for religious Jewish soldiers on how to avoid interactions with women forbidden by Jewish law, said that the Israeli army was becoming “Hashem’s army” (God’s army). He also criticised the interference of Rabbi saying: “This … booklet for religious soldiers on the halachic laws of modesty, written by military rabbis … with the support of senior rabbinical figures, is yet another proof of the growing radicalisation of religious Zionism that is being led by the ultra-Orthodox wing.”

Russian born Lieberman, who also served a short stint as foreign minister, explained that the radicalisation of the Israeli army was a reflection of wider society. “This attempt to turn the IDF into the ‘army of Hashem,’ with conduct resembling that of a haredi [ultra-Orthodox] kollel, is part of the same messianic worldview that has penetrated Israeli society and which seeks to damage the fabric of life and the status quo on religion and state issues,” he said.

Lieberman concluded the post with a call for the booklet to be banned and rabbis that endorsed it to be barred from the Israeli army. “The distribution of this booklet to IDF soldiers must be forbidden,” wrote Lieberman, and “the rabbis who sign it prevented from serving in reserves or lecturing to soldiers.”
If only it were so!!

25 October 2019

Return to Gan Eden

26 Tishrei 5780
Erev Shabbat Kodesh 
Parashat Bereishit - Mevorchim

Many people believe that history follows a straight line with its starting point being Genesis 1:1 and its ending point being the Final Redemption.

This picture illustrates how most people envision time.  

Time is a construct of the physical universe and does not exist on the spiritual plane.  Time is measured and counted according to the progression of the celestial bodies and our planet - all of which circle an orbit in space.  In fact, Judaism teaches that time is circular, not linear, as we also see from the yearly cycle of holidays.  
But, for time to be circular and able to draw on the light of each holiday at its appointed place in the cycle and yet not repeat the same moment in time, it must be a spiral.

But not just any spiral, it has to be a spiral with no beginning and no end.  Or rather, its beginning and its end are the same place.

What this means for us is that Bereishit, "in the beginning," we were in Gan Eden, and with God's help, in the "end," at the final redemption, we will once again find ourselves back where we started - in Gan Eden.  The difference being, we'll be back to stay.

All of history is about returning to Gan Eden.


23 October 2019

"The Chaos President"

24 Tishrei 5780

And the record of this president's administration has only proven the truth of Jeb Bush's amazing insight.

US Ambassador Tells Impeachment Panel Of Trump-Ukraine Quid Pro Quo

If Donald Trump Is Impeached, All Hell Will Break Loose In America

Hashem found the man most worthy to oversee the destruction and downfall of America and it was Donald J. Trump.

America's fall will signal Israel's rise - Mashiach is truly "at the door."

20 October 2019

"Simchah of the Hidden Torah"

21 Tishrei 5780
6th Day of Chol HaMo'ed Sukkot
Hoshanah Rabbah

Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

Simchah of the Hidden Torah - A wonderful True Story for Simchat Torah

~ A Very Happy Sh'mini Atzeret/Simchat Torah ~

"Hoshanah Rabbah 5780"

21 Tishrei 5780
6th Day of Chol HaMo'ed Sukkot
Hoshanah Rabbah

18 October 2019


19 Tishrei 5780
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
4th Day Chol HaMoed Sukkot
Moadim l'Simchah


This Parade Is An Annual Desecration of God's Name in His Own City

19 Tishrei 5780
4th Day Chol HaMoed Sukkot
Moadim l'Simchah

There were discussions on several Facebook pages over whether the parade in Jerusalem yesterday was an Israeli parade featuring Christian groups or a Christian parade open to everyone.  The historical reality is that it was a traditional Israeli Sukkot event - a secular alternative to religious observances - that a small group of Christians latched onto and now they claim it as their own.

It is actually sponsored by the Jerusalem Municipality, and as such, two rules were given to the Christian groups who wanted to march in it:
"Please don't pass out any candy from your nation, because many parents are concerned about their children having non-kosher candy."
"Finally, please understand that the handing out of any tracts has been prohibited."
It's my understanding that all the groups participating must sign something to this effect. But, when souls are in the balance what's a little fudging of the rules, right?

These pictures were posted to Facebook today by the Swedish group...

Like some sweet little Swedish cakes from nice Christian "lovers of Israel" kiddies?

Who needs a "tract" when you've got a ten-foot sign?


17 October 2019

Finally! Somebody Gets It!

18 Tishrei 5780
3rd Day of Chol HaMoed Sukkot
Moadim l'Simchah

This is a highly appropriate and timely subject to be discussed and educated about considering the (literally) tens of thousands of Christian worshipers flooding our Holy Land and Holy City during this Sukkot season...

Is Christanity Idolatry? with Rabbi Gutman Locks

16 October 2019

"DIN" Is In The Air - BD"E

18 Tishrei 5780
3rd Day of Chol HaMoed Sukkot
Moadim l'Simchah

I don't think anyone has ever seen a Sukkot quite like this one in 5780.  I fear the decree on Yom Kippur did not turn out well for us.  

Besides the damage from storms and fires (also here), we now must share the grief in the passing of a sweet-faced 14-year-old yeshivah bachur, son of a "senior Shas activist," who was out with his family on chol hamoed and was struck down by lightning, along with four others from the same family - BD"E.

Remember this? 

Is a Popular Musical Coming to Israel Designed to Missionize Jews?

Look what has happened to them...

Even with all of these totally extraordinary events happening all around us, I have to wonder if HASHEM has got our attention.  He certainly has mine!  What's coming next?

Their god Is Not Our GOD

17 Tishrei 5780
2nd Day Chol HaMoed Sukkot
Moadim l'Simchah

In a perfect world where Jews refuse to have anything to do with idolaters, it would not be necessary to expose Jewish neshamot to Christian nonsense, but to my great sorrow, we are very far from a perfect world.  Today's Jews have forgotten the centuries of murderous persecution in the name of oto ha'ish and now cozy up to Christians who spout "love" from morning to night.  Today, many Jews routinely refer to their "Christian friends."  We've even got rabbis saying they are "righteous gentiles!"

The worst part, however, is how they have bought into the worst lie - that we worship the same God.  NOT TRUE!  And for your edification, I'll explain why.  Besides the obvious three-in-one and physical incarnation, you've got the major problem of the New Testament's portrayal of God-the-Father as an adulterer.  I do not jest...

The Gospel of Matthew from the New Testament...
This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
NOTE:  As was common at that time, they had completed the betrothal [kiddushin], but not the wedding [nisuin].  Although the marriage had yet to be consummated, they were considered married and a divorce would be required to break that bond.  [See HERE.]
But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.  She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”

All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet:  “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).
NOTE:  And which any cursory reading of the original reference in context will prove has nothing whatever to do with the birth of the Messiah.  As well, the word famously mistranslated as "virgin" is purposefully misleading. [See HERE.]
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus.
Knowing that adultery is a sin by the Torah, one deserving of the death penalty, why would God then choose to impregnate a married woman instead of finding an unmarried one?  Their three-in-one god would clearly do such a thing and no one would consider it at all odd or criminal.

But this god is NOT Our Holy One, may He be blessed forever!

Also, be it known that when they say they worship the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob," they are actually talking about their J-man, God forbid!  NO!  No way!  NOT our God!!

15 October 2019

"Duped and Duplicitous"

17 Tishrei 5780
2nd Day Chol HaMoed Sukkot
Moadim l'Simchah

The following comes from the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ) website:

If you ever stopped one of these Christian invaders to our Holy City during the week of Sukkot while they are here grandstanding and parading around like the owners of the House, and asked them why they do it; why they spend the time and money to make this trip, some of them every single year, no doubt the answer would be short and to the point - to fulfill prophecy!

Their entire false religion is built upon "fulfillment of prophecy;" therefore, they are obsessed with it.  Their J-god's (supposed) past fulfillment of prophecy together with their own (supposed) current fulfillment of prophecy gives them the assurance that their future prophetic expectations will be fulfilled as well.  And they are depending on that!

The trouble (for them) is that there is NO fulfillment of prophecy in any case one might want to imagine it.  It's all a sham, a con, and they are living one big lie. 

Take, for just one pertinent example, the photo above which comes from the ICEJ's advertising for its "Feast of Tabernacles" week-long celebration where Christians come to Jerusalem from all over the world to be part of the fulfillment of Zechariah's prophecy as quoted.

In typical Christian style, some very important words have been left out, and I don't even see the use of ellipses to indicate that unfortunate fact.  Here is the proper rendering of Zechariah 14.16:
And it will come to pass that everyone left of the nations who came up against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to prostrate himself to the King, the Lord of Hosts, and to celebrate the festival of Tabernacles.
The red-letter words were purposely left out.  Anyone can see why.  The way it is worded in their advertisement, they can claim to be fulfilling this prophecy right here and now, but how dishonest and manipulative is that?  Yes, that is how false religions get started and how they survive for 2,000 years.

When read within the greater context and with the deleted words put back in, it is abundantly clear that this cannot have happened yet because it is talking about the righteous gentiles who have survived the war of Gog and Magog, and they are from those countries who came and waged war against Jerusalem.  How many of the Christians here this week would be willing to admit that their nation is currently waging a war against Jerusalem and is destined to be destroyed by God because of that?  Furthermore, it is NOT the King Messiah to whom they are to prostrate themselves, but to the King of kings, HKB"H!  

The ICEJ website tells us everything we need to know about why they come and do what they do. It's everything about their misunderstanding and misrepresentation of our Holy Writings and Prophets.
Zechariah foretold of a time when all nations will ascend to Jerusalem each year to "worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles” (14:16).
Thus we also keep Sukkot now because of this future prophetic purpose.
Throughout the Messianic Age, the entire world will celebrate this feast because it will mark the return of Jesus to the earth. But for now, Christians flocking to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles is a powerful statement of faith demonstrating that we believe the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus is coming.
For the past 39 years, Christians from all over the world have come to Jerusalem each fall to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles, sponsored by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. They come to take part in a dynamic worship experience and to taste of the joy of the Lord in the age to come.
Long-time missionary-in-residence Mike Evans wrote the following in a JPost article...
...Today, the Feast of Tabernacles’ celebrations in Jerusalem has become a magnet for tens of thousands of Evangelical Friends of Zion from every continent. These pilgrims travel great distances to express their love for, and solidarity with, the Jewish people. During their visit to the Holy Land, these devoted Christians come to pray for peace in Jerusalem and extend their blessings to the State and People of Israel. It is truly a beautiful sight to see so many people from China, Germany, Russia, South Africa, Austria, Brazil, the United States, and other countries gathering in unity and happiness.
True to his theological roots, he carries on the time-honored Christian tradition of twisting scripture and pulling it out of context in order to claim prophecies fulfilled by the J-god and/or his duped and duplicitous followers.  Zechariah gives the reason for the nations to come up to Jerusalem at Sukkot and it's not to express "love" or "solidarity" with the Jewish people, to" pray for Jerusalem" or to "bless" Israel.  They are actually commanded to appear and prostrate themselves before their Creator in acknowledgement of His sovereignty since they were part of nations who rebelled against God and tried to take Jerusalem from His children.  Furthermore, they are to celebrate Sukkot in thanks for their survival and in anticipation of the rains that God will provide for them in the year to come.  [See Rashi on that.]  This is why their failure to appear will result in the withholding of their rain.

No Jew who knows his Tanakh would ever be taken in by the false claims of Christianity, but unfortunately, very few Jews in this generation are very conversant in the Prophets and the Writings. Instead of relying on the very source and bedrock of truth, they rely instead on their gut feelings formed and shaped oftentimes by Western standards and values absorbed in the long exile.  Too many have been brainwashed to think these are one and the same with Torah values.  THEY ARE NOT.