18 March 2009

Pope's Visit and JP article

The JPost ran an article entitled Western Wall rabbi says pope should not wear cross at site. You would not believe some of the talkbacks which at this count number over 400 and has caused the article to be linked on the Drudgereport website. Here are some of the highlights:

14. No Crosses?
Seriously? It's hurts feelings? Well sometimes our feelings get hurt. Pretty sure Jesus didn't like getting nailed to a cross. Suck it up.

65. no support for israel
As an American and a Catholic I have always strongly supported Israel in the US. If this turns into an incident in which the Pope is not treated with respect -- when Pope John Paul did the same thing just a few years ago -- I will end my suport of Israel. No one asks an Orthodox Jewish man to remove his yarmulke in a church. This shold be a non issue, and ikely is just some guy trying to get some TV time.

82. And who told you that only Saudi Arabia is a racist country
Israel and the Jews are the ones who are racists. Now you know why there are so much anti-semitism going around in the world. One of the many reasons.

109. Jews are losing significant friends at their behaviour with the Pope
too bad, that you need friends now more than ever.

119. Cross vs. Crescent
Jews allow the Dome of the Rock with its half moon and stars on their holy soil but not the Cross, the symbol of Christianity? Remember, Jesus, a Jew Himself, was crucified on the Cross. sick of Jewish hatred towards Christians

149. Another Stupid Rabbi-
I thought our Rabbis were sages and scholars. Obviously the Rabbi of the wall is not. How offensive to ask the Pope not to wear his cross. Is the Wall afraid of the cross? Surely not? I think the Rabbi should go back and study some more.

154. The Pope and the Cross
Let's disregard all nonsense from fundamentalist (Christians and Jews, regretably they are everywhere, not only in the Muslim world). Gladly,there are many (most of us in fact), reasonable minds around. To try to deprive the Pope with its most important symbol, of our Christianity, would equal to deprive a true Jew to wear the Start of David at any time. The Pope should be welcome for who he is & what he intends: build strong bridges between our important faiths, Christianity and Judaism. Maria Teresa, a proud Catholic and true friend, supporter and admiror of Israel and its wonderful people.

163. Rabbi - please zip your lip. SHEKED!!! He has every right to wear whatever he wants where ever he wants. Tolerance please!!!
Rabbi, he is not disrupting your prayers, so don't interrupt a respectful visit!

176. Scary relirious fanactics are the true criminals
Can't believe that such rigiadicity and close mindedness still exists in this day and age. Reading some of these posts with their rabbinical splitting of hairs and crazy "rules" is disheartening. This man comes in peace...in the present... from what I can ascertain, Jews don't want peace....with anyone, and feel they alone deserve respect. Such a thin skinned, silly group.

177. More of the same.
I see that some religious authorities still are defending their exclusive franchise on communication with God. I guess they didn't get the memo about that covenant being change a couple thousand years ago. The Jewish religious establishment had their chance and most of them blew it.

183. The Muddle of Rabbi Rabinovitch
Jews do not wear tefillin and tallises as part of their normal daily, hour-to-hour attire. There is no comparison to the pope wearing a cross at the Western Wall, and our rabbi is reacting in an intellectual incoherent muddle. Kudos to the adherents of Judaism here who reject the thoughtless of the rabbi. And for those who want to drone on incessantly about their 'suffering' from Christians, let's not forget where the conflict started: with Judaic authorities persecuting, hounding, and killing Jewish adherents of Christ and his Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Deo Gratias.
Rob Barnett - Jewish Catholic - USA

197. So much Jews hatred
amazing! from these hypocrite jews, if they don't hate the muslims, they hate the catholics, they hate those who are doesn't agree with them, disgusted

208. This is a good time for Jews to repent for their sins
Repent your sins for the massacre of more than 20 millions of Christians slaughtered during the Judaic-Bolshevik revolution in Russia in which the Jews were behind it.

211. Pope crucifix
As far as I'm concerned, if the Pope chooses to wear a tutu at the western wall, it's none of this close minded Rabbi's business.

212. The Jews made the cross a symbol.
Jewish people don't care very much how uncomfortable the Holocaust museums make the Germans.

214. Pope's cross at Western Wall
Who are the Jews trying to kid? Israel is a secular nation full of hypocrites who completely ignore the fact that man cannot save himself with phony practices. One day the Jews will accept Jesus as their messiah. Those who haven't and won't will spend eternity in the lake of fire. The silliness that goes on at the Western Wall with Jews rocking back and forth, with junk strapped to their heads and wrapped around their arms will NEVER save them from the judgement! Repent and turn to the Savior, Jesus Christ, before it's too late!

226. Jerusalem for Christians
If the Rabbi of the Wall does not want the Pope to wear the cross because he finds it offensive so be it. If you are Christian and this offends you do not support Israel. Maybe it's time for Israel to stand on their own feet without the help of the Christian world since we are so offensive to them. After they have been nuked a few times by their neighbors the Christians can re-claim Jerusalem for our own again.

232. not to wear his cross?
Remember that Christians were heavily involved in the gathering of Israel back in the mid 20th century and Christian nations aid it in staying there financially, militarily and politically. That is the outward sign of his faith. It is a part of his vestment and priesthood. What a ridiculous comment by a rabbi.

237. Without Christians, Jews woundn't exist today
I find it outrageous that so many Jews defile Christianity on this site. The Jewish state would have been destroyed by the Muslims more than 40 yrs ago if not for Christian support. Maybe the Muslims are right that the modern Jew is the cause of all the problems in the Middle East Perhaps it is time for the 80% Christian US to remove our support for Israel. What an ungrateful bunch of people!!!!

240. Oh, and By The Way, Rabbi...
It's OUR Western Wall, too! We may have parted ways after the death of Jesus but the entire history of the Judaic branch is SHARED by the followers of Jesus as well. Moses and David are MY patriarchs TOO. This is absolutely ridiculous, but even worse is the anti-Catholic BIGOTRY that has been posted here. In case you forgot, Christains have come to the defense of Jews more times than you can count; you have this weird persecution complex that makes you think that any non-Jew is a frigging potential Nazi. In my country we would HANG anyone preventing a Jew from wearing Star, which is JUST.

243. Unbelievable
I wish the Pope had a pair and told you all to go screw yourselves. Is there no end to your arrogance and stupidity?

244. Thats It!
I was once supported Isreal and now with this ,I think is a slap in the face of my Christian Religion. I think we shoud not offer any more help!

266. Nirvana has a song with the lyrics, "Come, as you are, as you please"
Not the warmest way to invite someone over to your house. "Hey come on over and check out this sweet retaining wall I built for the creator of the universe. By the way could you leave your brain at home. It's not that I'm offended but the Creator of all existance might have a problem with it. You know his son dying for you and all." Dumb, very dumb.

270. Chutzpah
You think it's a virtue, and laugh amongst yourselves at how easily you can deceive the goyim, preaching one set of values for them but living yourselves by another. Yet you mistake kindness for stupidity; generosity for gullibility; compassion for weakness. You have become the wolf, rather than the shepherd. In your heart you know this. And you must know also that the kindness, generosity and compassion of the goyim can and will end, and then truly you will be in G-d's hands alone.

297. Jews are playing a dangerous game.
I have read many posts saying the pope does not belong in Jerusalem. This is the most holy site of all christianity and you are wanting to deny the pope access?? Have you lost your minds?????? Who are you to say who comes and who doesn't? Many wars have been fought just for this reason.

298. Bad Move Rabbi
This is the type of behavior which will only hurt the any relationship between Israel and the Rome. Do we really need to anger over 1.1 billion Catholics. The Pope is viewed as God representative on earth. Treating him like this will be counter productive. Israel needs friends at this time.

313. Some times I wonder why we Christians waste our time and money
Some times I wonder why we Christians waste our time and money supporting this disgusting nation of back stabbers.

317. I have been a supporter of jews/Isreal for many years.
I may have to reconsider my support after reading how much hate jews have towards my religion.

318. Removing the cross
You must be absolutely kidding me. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Just try asking a Jew to remove his yarmulke. You will start the next world war!!

323. Some Jews are very good people
Some are really very arrogant.

325. The cross symbolizes WHO WE ARE...
If you find that offensive, then you find US offensive. If this is so, you should just say so - call us your enemy and stop accepting billions made possible by the goodwill of tens of millions of Christians. How would you feel if we pronounced the star of david a source of insult to us. Didn't Jews persecute Christians first??? DECIDE.

327. Western Wall Atrocity
If this rabbi is allowed to be the voice of the Jewish people then Israel should be ashamed. He is the Archie Bunker of Israel. He is prejudiced against anything or anyone not related to the Jewish religion. If someone here expressed a similar view against Jews or anyone else it would not be tolerated. If this rabbi is remotely successful in his bizzare actions, people worldwide will view him and the state of Israel as a bigoted lot who cannot tolerate or accept other religions. Pope or private citizen-cross,star,moon it shouldn't matter. US soldiers wearing crosses died freeing Jews in WW2

331. This Rabbi Is Giving Israel A Very Bad Name - Shame On Orthodox Community
Rabbis wear a yarmaka in Christian Churches. It is common in Europe/Canada/United States etc. Christians have supported Israel & saved many Jewish Lives. The WALL is for the People of GOD which includes Christians for they understand only too well the importance of Israel. The Orthodox Community has no right to do this. It goes against the techings of GOD. The Orthodox Community continue to put a Shame of Israel. GOD will judge Israel harshly for this. Orthodox Jews who also deny Jews of the world to practice Judaism in the way GOD has written. Shame on the Orthodox Community.

340. #287 It was not god who came to your rescue from the Nazi.
It was a Christian american army.

341. Cross at Wall
Yeah, Jews don't seem to realize that their best friends and closest allies are Christians (supporters of the state of Israel). Regardless of what this Rabbi thinks, a careful, "picking of battles", should be considered in today's world. This makes about as much sense as a Liberal Jew does; Not much at all.

348. What do you expect???
What do you expect from a totalitarian, supremecist society that kills all dissenters??? They just shot an American in the face yesterday with a "legal" tear gas canister. He had to have part of his frontal lobe removed. You Israelis better start show some respect! You would not exist without your Christian brothers, you ingrates! If it were up to me, we (USA) would have dropped all support and money to you a long time ago. You have proven yourselves to be completely undeserving, backstabbing, parasites!

359. religious accoutrements
There have been hundreds of thousands, if not millions of humans wearing visible or (clothing) covered 'articles of faith that have visited the Western Wall. To think or request removal of such items is intol-erant, especially from one deemed so holy as the pope. C'mon, Israel! 'Do unto others'!! Neither Israel nor the Jews are allowed to be intolerant. Does one wish to start a 'progrom'?

374. western wall rabbi
This Rabbi is offended by past atrocities under the cross against Jews. I hope he dosen't forget that under the Cross Jews were saved from extinction in World War 2. Without the support of Christians in the US Israel would not have enough support in Congress to get access to arms and military support. Lest we forget Rabbi

378. Western Wall Rabbi V/S the Pope
I am not a Catholic, but I am a Christian. I wonder why a country who depends so much on Christian dollars to survive would be so crass as to dictate to the visiting Christian dignatary what he can wear? Evangelical Christians are Israel's greatest supporters. Don't act like selfish school children and bash your greatest benefactors.

384. The Pope's cross
I'm sure the Rabbi would be up in arms, no matter what he says, if someone where to tell him he could not represent himself as a Jew. This is rediculous and I'm sure most Jews do not agree with him. What a shame. This does not help relations between religions. Grow up Rabbi, you've lost your way. This is not a battle that should be fought. Not in this day and age. Respect for every religion is what is needed now.

389. Outcry
Can you IMAGINE the "holocaust" outcry if a rabbi were requested to remove a religious article prior to entering a building or place!

394. Twit Of A Rabbi
The Holy Father is about to visit the wailing wall and some twit of a rabbi is asking for his 'cross' to be banned because he feels it would offend Judaism. Sounds suspiciously fascist to me. I don't think the Pope has been circumcised....is that OK? No? Oh, bugger!

396. too much noise
I appreciate Jewish ppl and their religion, and I am sympathetic to their past suffering, but I think they are asking too much from world.... and I agree with 297 - Mike... They dont want to antogonize the only ppl who are the most sympathetic to them...

397. Tolerance
The Jewish rabbis really need to stop being so touchy. It just inflames people when they do things like this. Let go of the past already! Jesus died for you too

403. Are you serious?
I don't know a single Catholic in my parish who doesn't respect and love Israel. Those same Catholics would support a decision to unilateraly defend Israel in the event that it was attacked by ANYONE. With that said, what a foolish thing for this Rabbi to offend us Catholics. Granted, there is dirt to be flung at Catholics for the past, but this is a time to seek allies and not offend those Christian who have defended Israel. Dangerous and foolish!

420. Rabinovitch's intolerance will weaken Catholic support for Isreal
As a Catholic, I find Rabinovitch's statements extremely offensive. I wear a cross medal around my neck every day, just as many Jewish people proudly wear a Star of David. The Holy Father would never tell Jewish visitors to St. Peter's Basilica to remove their Star of David medals, instead he welcomes them with open arms. The Rabbi's request is like a slap in the face to Christians everywhere, and it will weaken Catholic support for the Israeli state. Israel is already surrounded by enemies, why allow fools like Rabinovitch to make even more?

Well, you get the idea.