23 November 2024

"...And With Outpoured Wrath"

19 Tamuz 5775
23 Marcheshvan 5785
Shavua Tov!

The message is still relevant...

People like to moan and say, "We have no prophets today!  If only we had a prophet to tell us what to do."  Why do you think we have the written words of the prophets of old?  Why do they speak of a time much future to their own - our time?  These are our prophets for all time.  But, are we prepared to heed their words any more than the people of their own time did?  To my great sorrow, I think not.

Do yourself a favor and read chapter 20 of the Prophet Yechezkel.  It's an unbelievable thing.

It's the Tenth of Av after the destruction of the Temple by Nebuchadnezzar.  The Jews are in Babylon and they come to Prophet Yechezkel for a consultation.  The Stone Edition Tanakh commentary says the following:
The elders were in shock that God had apparently spurned Israel, and they asked whether they still owed Him allegiance.  If they were no longer His Chosen People, why couldn't they be like all the other nations?  Yechezkel responded that they were wrong.  Even their exile and oppression were functions of their chosenness; Israel was being punished because it had fallen short of its mission.  But, as Yechezkel says in verses 32-33, Israel is not free to join the nations.
...God instructed Yechezkel to tell the protesting elders of the national shortcomings over the course of history, in Egypt, the Wilderness, and in Eretz Yisrael.
Imagine!  Hashem prizes Eretz Yisrael so highly that He feels the ultimate punishment is expulsion from the Land.   And yet, the elders of the Jewish people seem almost relieved at the thought that they may be free of its burden. 

Hear the words of Hashem as recorded by the prophet.  Hear how proudly and lovingly He speaks of His Divine gift of Eretz Yisrael...
"...I raised My hand for them, [swearing] to take them out from the land of Egypt to the Land that I had sought out for them - [a land that] flows with milk and honey, a splendor for all the lands."
Hashem knew that this perverse attitude would not be restricted to Yechezkel's time period, but would remain an issue for all time; therefore, Hashem said...
"...I will rule over you with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath.  I will take you out from the nations and gather you from the lands to which you were scattered, with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath; and I will bring you to the Wilderness of the Nations and I will contend with you there, face to face.  Just as I contended with your forefathers in the Wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I contend with you - the word of the Lord Hashem/Elokim.  I will make you pass under the rod and bring you into the bond of the covenant.  I will separate from among you those who rebel and those who transgress against MeI will take them out of the land of their sojourning, but they will not come to the soil of Israel; then you will know that I am Hashem."
We've seen this "strong hand and outstretched arm" (b'yad chazakah uvizero'a netuyah) imagery before - in the references to the first redemption (Shemot 6.6, Devarim 4.34, Devarim 5.15, etc).  But, something new has been added here to the description of the process of the final ingathering of the complete redemption - "with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath" (b'yad chazakah uvizeroa netuyah uv'chemah shefukhah).  Why with "outpoured wrath"?  Why is Hashem so angry?  What's different this time?  The context provides the clue.

First of all, this is addressed to those whom Hashem has come to take out from among the nations, so they are obviously not yet in Eretz Yisrael.  And it takes place within the context of Diaspora leadership asking the Prophet whether they have any further responsibility to G-d or to His Land now that they have been cast out.  They express that they would be happy to become like the rest of the nations living outside of Eretz Yisrael, (i.e. they've discovered that life is easier and materially richer outside the Land). 
"...I will take you out from the nations and gather you from the lands to which you were scattered, with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath...."
The logical connection is that the vast majority of those who choose to remain in the Diaspora at the End of Days do so out of a reticence to commit themselves to the higher spiritual (lower material) standard required of those who live in the Holy Land.  I have actually heard a rabbi say that it's better for Jews not to make aliyah because their sins are judged more harshly in Eretz Yisrael!

Regardless of the government, which is only a disguise after all, the Land of Israel has never been more open and more welcoming of its children since the fall of the Second Temple!!  Do you think this is not Yad Hashem?  When Hashem has answered our prayers after two-thousand years and made us such a gift and we reject it, of course He is angry!  Instead of running home to Him with open arms, you make Him come and get you!
"...I will make you pass under the rod and bring you into the bond of the covenant. I will separate from among you those who rebel and those who transgress against Me...."
It appears from the text that all those who remained behind will be judged on their motives and those who are found to have acted out of rebellion or as a result of sin will suffer the full wrath of Hashem
"...I will take them out of the land of their sojourning, but they will not come to the soil of Israel; then you will know that I am Hashem."
Notice that Hashem distinguishes between "you" and "them".  To "you" Hashem has said "I will make you pass under the rod and bring you into the bond of the covenant."  As the Gemara (Ketubot 110b) relates: "...one who lives in Israel is as if he has a God and one who lives outside is as if he has no God."

So, those among the Jewish people who rebelled and sinned against Hashem will be forced to leave the Diaspora, but they won't be allowed to enter Eretz Yisrael.  I leave their final destination to your imagination.  As to the "you" group spoken of here, those who are being removed from the Diaspora but who have been judged not to be rebelling or sinning against Hashem, this will be their end...
"...on My holy mountain, on the mountain on the height of Israel - the word of the Lord Hashem/Elokim - there the entire House of Israel, all of it, will serve me in the land; there I will accept them favorably,....  Then you will know that I am Hashem, when I bring you to the soil of Israel, to the land about which I raised My hand [in oath] to give to your forefathers."
There were survivors from the Holocaust, too, but do you really want to try to live through something like that when you don't have to?   

In the Amida prayer, we say, "...raise the banner to gather the exiles and gather us together from the four corners of the earth." This "banner" was raised on 11 September 2001! The whole world saw it!! Not one Jew alive did not know about it!!! 

There has been a fourteen 23-years grace period.  All the excuses of children in their teens and parents too old to come, etc. have all resolved in that time and an entire new generation has been born and grown to adulthood with no concept of returning home to Israel.

Nefesh b'Nefesh also got started at that time and the whole aliyah process became so much easier than ever before.  The lack of response to Hashem's efforts to bring us home is an insult.  He won't allow it to pass without a mida k'neged mida answer from Him - "and with outpoured wrath."  Hashem yerachem!!

~ ~ ~

Missionary Dean Bye:
"These Jews Shouldn't Be Here In Montreal! ...They Need To Be In Israel"

Once people have become used to the idea of "rounding up and deporting" illegal migrants in the newly-minted United Christian States, it will make it easier to make the case for rounding up the Jews and sending them all to Israel.  It's going to get harder and harder to remain Jewish there in any case.
Texas is poised to adopt a public school curriculum that refers to Jesus as “the Messiah,” asks kindergartners to study the Sermon on the Mount and presents the Crusades in a positive light.

Sell now and get out while you can still bring everything with you. This could be like the expulsion from Spain all over again.  Hashem yerachem!

22 November 2024

Avraham Avinu's Final Test

21 Marcheshvan 5785
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Chayei Sarah

Sarah's Last Moments - A Deadly Trick
by Rabbi Eliyahu Hoffmann

...Rashi points out the proximity of Sarah’s death to the Akeidah. Quoting a Midrash, he explains that Sarah’s death was a result of the Akeidah. According to this Midrash, the Satan (Angel of Death) was exceedingly perturbed that Avraham was willing to go through with the sacrifice of his son, an act which stands as a merit for his decedents to this day. After repeated attempts at discouraging Avraham failed, the Satan took a different tack. If he couldn’t deter Avraham, at least he could scare Sarah – as they say – to death; literally. He appeared to Sarah and showed her how in the distance, her beloved and only son Yitzchak lay bound upon the Altar. The hand of her husband Avraham, clenching a sharp knife, stretched towards his neck to perform the ritual slaughter. In the moment just before the sacrifice (Avraham was halted at the very last moment), Sarah was overwhelmed by the vision of her son’s slaughter, and in a state of intense shock her soul departed.

It seems like the ultimate irony. Avraham returns home having navigated the most profound test of his life, to find his life-long partner has passed away; he has been left alone. Not only that, but her death was a direct result of his having obeyed Hashem’s command to sacrifice Yitzchak.

One of the other nine tests is that after leaving his homeland and arriving in Cana’an at Hashem’s behest, Avraham encounters a famine, and is forced to abandon Cana’an for Egypt, where food was more plentiful (the famine was restricted to Cana’an). The test was not to question Hashem – that even after having done what he had been told, things didn’t work out the way he might have wished or expected.

Compared to what transpires here, that test seems like child’s play. In Cana’an, the famine was “coincidental” to Avraham’s coming; here Sarah’s death is a direct result of the Akeidah. There, Avraham suffers the temporary inconvenience of prolonged exile; here he loses his spouse forever. Putting oneself in Avraham shoes, were it possible, it is almost unimaginable to not feel even the slightest touch of doubt or misgivings. “How could it be? Where have I sinned, in doing what You told me, that I should lose Sarah as a result?” If there were any test that could top the Akeidah, this was it.

What was the truth? Sarah’s time had come. In a Divine irony, Hashem arranged things so that the (aborted) Akeidah take place at the precise moment that Sarah was meant to pass away. Satan knew this, and grabbed a hold of the opportunity. In a ruse second to none, he played things just-so in order that it should seem to the observer that Sarah’s death was an outcome of the Akeidah, when in truth things were occurring according to the Heavenly plan. Each person is given a certain number of years upon the Earth; Sarah’s were up. No force, not even the Angel of Death, could take from her even the smallest moment of life. Rashi says that the reason the verse repeats, “… these were the years of Sarah,” at the beginning of the sidrah is because her years were perfect and complete – there was nothing missing.

The only thing that could nullify and revoke the merit of the Akeidah, even after it had been performed, would be if Avraham would, G-d forbid, regret have done it. This is what the Angel of Death, in bringing about Avraham’s final test, and his own last hurrah, hoped to accomplish.

Avraham, inimitably, took the incident completely in stride. His calmness as he patiently deals with Efron and the B’nei Cheis over Sarah’s burial plot is obvious. “And Avraham came to eulogize Sarah, and to cry over her (23:2).” The letter kaf in “ve-livkosa – and to cry over her,” is diminutive, to note that although he cried, he did not obsess over her death as one might under such circumstances, inconsolably sobbing over the irony of the loss and his possible role in it. He cried as one must, and he went on in complete faith that such was the Heavenly decree. He pointed no fingers and voiced no concerns. He saw the Satan’s ruse for what it was; a distortion of the truth accomplished by “slight-of-hand” and advanced knowledge of what the future holds. (see Nesivos Shalom and others)


21 November 2024

The World Is Set to Self-Destruct...

 20 Marcheshvan 5785

...While Mashiach Waits in the Wings.

Testing the Nuke Delivery System

~ ~ ~
ISRAEL REALTIME - Connecting to Israel in Realtime

INT. CRIMINAL COURT ISSUES WARRANTS FOR PM NETANYAHU AND FORMER DEF. MIN. GALLANT.. "The warrants were issued for crimes against humanity and war crimes.”  Impact: Netanyahu will not be able to go to more than a hundred countries for fear of being arrested.

~ ~ ~

ISRAEL’S PRESIDENT TO THE NATION: "I would like to address some of the events of the hour that worry me the most. We are in the middle of a war. We paid the price of thousands of murdered and wounded. We lost over 800 beloved heroic soldiers. Our sisters and brothers are still kidnapped in Gaza. Thousands of citizens are displaced from their homes.

And what is happening in the meantime? - Disparaging and humiliating treatment towards families of hostages. Accusing of the head of the Shin Bet and the Chief of Staff of treason and an attempted coups, the accusation of the Attorney General being an enemy of the state, and threats of impeachment from morning to evening. Shooting flares at the Prime Minister's house, and repeatedly accusing him of treason.

What the hell is happening to us?! Does this make sense?! Haven't we suffered enough?! Don’t we understand that this harms the security of the state?! Don’t we understand that this is how you break up a country?!

I warn you: you are destroying the country. This madness must be stopped now.”

18 November 2024

In Memory of Rabbi Kahane: The Legacy of Kach

18 Marcheshvan 5785 
34th Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Meir David HaKohen Kahane, ztz"l, Hy"d,
Murdered, Assassinated for Telling the Truth


Kach (Hebrew: כך, lit. 'Thus') was a radical Orthodox Jewish, religious Zionist political party in Israel, existing from 1971 to 1994.  Founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane in 1971 based on his Jewish-Orthodox-nationalist ideology* (subsequently dubbed Kahanism), the party won a single seat in the Knesset in the 1984 elections, after several electoral failures.  However, it was barred from participating in the next elections in 1988 under the revised Knesset Elections Law banning parties that incited racism.
[*Which just so happens is simply Torah.]

Founded in 1971 Kach ("This is the Way") was an extreme right-wing anti-Arab party with outright racist characteristics.*  The party was founded in the early 1970s by Rabbi Meir Kahane and the Jewish Defense League, an organization that he had established in the United States a number of years earlier.  Kach's platform called for legislation to transfer the Arab population from Israel before it became a majority and put an end to the Jewish state.  The party also championed the imposition of Israeli sovereignty over all parts of the Land of Israel west of the River Jordan (including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip), a transition to a state governed by Jewish law, and a radical change in the educational system that would emphasize Torah study and religious revivalism.**
[*By whose definition?  Not the Torah's.  **The bias is evident here.  What could be a more "radical" education program for a "Jewish" State than Torah and teshuvah?]

Oct. 6, 1988

The Central Election Commission today* banned Rabbi Meir Kahane's party from parliamentary elections next month on the grounds that it is racist and undemocratic.
[*Less than one month before the election!]

The commission ruling, on a vote of 28 to 5, was made under a law written three years ago specifically to disqualify Rabbi Kahane's Kach party from elections. Rabbi Kahane, an American emigre, advocates forcible* expulsion of all 2.2 million Arabs from Israel and its occupied territories.
[Rabbi Kahane always said he would first offer financial incentives and a request for the Arabs to leave.  Expulsion would only be a final alternative.  But it suits the bias and the defamation campaign to leave these details out.]

Rabbi Kahane said he would appeal the ban to the Supreme Court.  If the court upholds the commission's ban, the disqualification would be a major boon to the right-wing Likud party of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and could perhaps give the party the edge it needs to form a coalition to control Israel's government for the next four years.
[Netanyahu became the leader of the Likud only five years later.]

...the 10-month-old Palestinian uprising has driven thousands of right-wing voters* farther right, and surveys now show that Kach would get at least 3 seats in the next Parliament.
[All these voters' democratic rights were disenfranchised by the decision to ban Kach.  Some unbiased sources at the time estimated even higher numbers - 10 to 14?]

Mr. Smith said of Likud last week that ''without Kahane, they won't be able to get a majority'' unless present trends change.

...The Election Commission banned Kach from running in the last election, too.  But the Supreme Court overturned that ban, saying there was no law to support it.  So the present Parliament approved the law banning parties that are ''racist' or ''undemocratic,'' specifically so the commission would have a legal foundation for banning Kach this time.

~ ~ ~



The Quasi-Jewish State, attached to Edom, has been performing the role of Mashiach ben Yosef as regards the ingathering of the exiles and fighting the wars of God, providing the physical infrastructure in which the Kingdom of Israel has been developing. 

In my opinion, the linkage of "Make America Great Again" and "Make Israel Great Again" is a clear sign of the attachment spoken of by the Maharal (see link above) and will guarantee that as America goes, so goes Israel - that is, the State as it is today, which has become a mortal threat to the Jewish future.  


It's possible that this inevitable "fall" will be the event which is described in Zechariah 12:10-14 which causes mourning throughout the Land.  

...they shall look to Me because of those who have been thrust through.

All of the sacrifice of the soldiers and the victims of terror and the physical destruction across the land will all be seen as having been for naught as the State appears to stagger and fall in battle.

...and they shall mourn over it.

National mourning over a nationwide loss is described.  When they launched their war against the Torah, the ruling regime lost all rights of leadership; however, they will never willingly abdicate.  HKB"H will wrest it from them and give it to Mashiach.

Imagine.  Had Rabbi Kahane succeeded and been able to employ his "transition" plan, there never would have been an Oslo, or a Second Intifada, or 30 years of terror in the streets, or an expulsion from Gush Katif, or rockets on Israel, or an October 7, 2023.  There would be no hostages underground in Gaza today!!!!  No soldiers' funerals!!!!!!!   



~ ~ ~

PS: To anyone who wants to say Otzma Yehudit's inclusion in the current coalition is a sign things have improved since then, I insist it's really much worse off as a result. I'm still waiting for someone to answer a question I posed on this blog before. How is it that Baruch Marzel, Dr. Michael Ben Ari and Ben Tzion Gopshtein can be disqualified from the party by the Court, but it is allowed to run with Itamar Ben Gvir at the head?  (See more here.)

Decree for World Destruction

 17 Marcheshvan 5785

(See updates in the comments...)

Today is the anniversary of the beginning of the Great Flood which came to renew the world and cleanse it of evil in the days of Noah.  HKB"H promised never again to destroy the entire world with water, but He didn't rule out other ways.  Some sources indicate a future mass destruction event that will come through fire.  

In light of that, today's news takes on an ominous quality...

Excerpt from Israel Realtime Updates:

❗MAJOR WORLD NEWS.. the US, France and UK have released Ukraine to use their weapons deep in Russia.  Russia has previously stated that doing so would implicitly mean those countries are directly joining the war against Russia, and Russia would respond appropriately.  Putin in a past interview: "It will significantly change the very nature of the conflict. This means that NATO countries, the USA, European countries, are at war with Russia.”

Today might go down in history as the actual beginning of WW3!! 
Hashem yerachem!!
~ ~ ~

UPDATE: More from Israel Realtime Updates wrt Lebanon ceasefire...

One condition of the ceasefire calls for:  "...the establishment of an American-French-British international committee with an Arab country (it is not clear at the moment which country this is) whose role it is to directly monitor the implementation of Resolution 1701 by both sides."

The same ones who up above are to be targeted by Russia, very likely with nukes.  Perhaps Russia will take on NATO in Europe and leave the US for China or Iran.

~ ~ ~

The Plan in detail from Israel Realtime Updates...
- ceasefire
- Implementation of Resolution 1701
- Hezbollah's retreat beyond the Litani River
- withdrawal of Israeli forces from the villages they occupied
- the return of the displaced Lebanese
- The return of the Israelis to the north

The draft includes the strengthening of the Lebanese military forces and UNIFIL and the establishment of an American-French-British international committee with an Arab country (it is not clear at the moment which country this is) whose role it is to directly monitor the implementation of Resolution 1701 by both sides.

This includes granting the right to self-defense to both sides, while granting Israel extensive freedom in the interpretation of "right" to the point of military intervention to deal with any violation of the resolution by Hezbollah south of Litani that may also extend to Lebanese territory, in addition to the activation of UNIFIL forces and the Lebanese army to prevent Hezbollah from re-arming .


.. Tomorrow US envoy Amos Hochstein lands in Beirut and meets with Lebanese speaker Navia Berry and Prime Minister Mikati.

.. Wednesday Arrival of Amos Hochstein in Israel with the draft signed by the Lebanese (but NOT by Hezbollah or Iran).

.. Thursday Amos Hochstein arrives in Paris, meets with President Macron, holds a press conference and announces a ceasefire.
2 generals are supposed to monitor the implementation.

The expansion of the clause that allows Israel to "attack in Lebanon" if it detects an incident related to the Hezbollah organization that requires a response IS that this will not happen immediately.  

That is, Israel will not be able to attack immediately however it discovers a violation of the agreement, but Israel will have to transfer to those generals that there is a violation of the agreement and they will have to examine it, each violation individually, only after they declare it a violation will Israel have the right to respond.


.. A lot of capability remains in the hands of Hezbollah.

.. With these terms it will be impossible to stop Hezbollah from re-arming.

.. As soon as the agreement is signed, Hezbollah forces will return right up to the border.  The Israeli residents of the north are not clear if they will return as we return to pretend peace in preparation for the next round.

.. While the IDF has demolished much of the Shiite villages near or overlooking the border that were being used as attack or launch platforms, Iran has already offered to fund their rebuilding - returning to the current situation.  


The Lebanese Al-Akhbar newspaper (affiliated with Hezbollah) reports that Hezbollah has decided to follow the strategy of "positive ambiguity" in everything related to the agreement.

That is, positive to move towards an agreement and in the next step details - opposition to Israeli freedom of action, determining the mandate of the supervisory committee, opposition to the role of Britain and Germany, in addition not only to opposition to Israeli freedom of action but also to active action of international bodies (aka UNIFIL or others).
I predict that there won't be a ceasefire agreement or if there is, it will signal the end of the Erev Rav regime.  

17 November 2024

Who Are the "Un-Humans"?

17 Marcheshvan 5785

In his latest “weird” endorsement, Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, blurbed a book that claims people on the left are subhuman and engaged in an “Irregular Communist Revolution” against the United States.

Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them),” co-written by right-wing conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec and professional ghostwriter Joshua Lisec, is an attack on the left posing as a history of revolutionary “abuses.”

The book argues that throughout history there has always been a group of people on the left who “hate and kill.” A better name for those people? “Unhumans.”

...The book was also endorsed by right-wing political commentator Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr.

...Throughout the book, Posobiec and Lisec argue that democracy “has never worked to protect innocents from the unhumans." They praise dictators such as Francisco Franco, who overthrew the Spanish Republic in the 1930s, and Augusto Pinochet, who led a coup in Chile in 1973 and "disappeared" thousands of his opponents, The New York Times reported.

Can there really be among my readers a person who never heard of the Untermenschen?

Despite this, Jews actually voted for Hitler and they did so primarily in response to the perceived threat of communism.  (See Assoc of German National Jews.)  

Don't you see?  The entire program of  "The Left," including the choice of Kamala Harris as the "Democratic" candidate was planned far in advance and implemented in order to scare the population into running to the other extreme - dictatorial powers for the president.  

This Chr*stian vision began to be implemented at least as early as 1980 because that is when I encountered it and participated in it until its true nature became apparent to me and I moved on in my search for ultimate truth.


Quick ending note - "Miraculously" surviving an assassination attempt is not a sign of righteousness or unrighteousness.  Hitler, y"sh "miraculously" survived 42 plots and 6 actual attempts to take his life.  There is no question that he was chosen to be a tool in HKB"H's hand, but recall that when Heaven finds the need to release "evil" on the world, a person bent on evil is chosen to fulfill that task.

"All of Our Ancient Enemies Return at the End of Days"

16 Marcheshvan 5785
Shavua Tov!

In case I failed to communicate my main message in my recent blogposts, let me make it more succinct.  Any American promise of annexing Yehudah v'Shomron is a trap for Jews expecting it to be a coup for religious Jews in Israel.  

The people behind it are not interested in a Jewish Israel, but a Chr*st-conquered Israel made up of "Messianic" (Chr*stian) Jews and Chr*stian Arabs with imported Western Chr*stians like the Wallers, etc.  The settler leaders who are big fans of Trump and his crew have been lulled into believing they are friends and allies.  They are gonna do what they are gonna do, but we should at least be honest and truthful about the agenda behind it.  It's not meant for our benefit.  The readers should be properly prepared for what is coming.

Here is the nominee for US Ambassador to Israel, again, on the peace plan which he advocates...

Mike Huckabee:  "The best thing to happen for Israel would be that the gospel would take hold in both Israelis and in Arabs and that the common ground to bring peace to the Middle East would not be something that diplomats would have a clue about.  It would be something that would happen not at a peace table but rather, at the foot of the cross."

In other words, all the residents of the Middle East should be converted to Chr*stianity and that will bring peace.

While laying a ceremonial brick at new construction in a Judean community, Huckabee said: “I’m building because I one day might want to purchase a holiday home here in Efrat,”....

~ ~ ~

Here is the nominee for US Secretary of Defense with similar ideas for conquering the Middle East for Chr*st...

Pete Hegseth:  Prominent Tattoo of a Templar Cross (among other questionable things like Yeshu's name in Hebrew).

"While the Jerusalem cross is a symbol dating back to the 13th century and the Kingdom of Jerusalem during the Crusades, it has since been viewed as controversial in modern times due to its links to Christian nationalism."

~ ~ ~

Hegseth also has a cross and sword tattooed on his arm, which he says represents a New Testament verse. The verse, Matthew 10:34, reads, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

He later added “Yeshua,” or Jesus in Hebrew, under the sword. ...He told Media Ink that he got the tattoo while in Bethlehem, Jesus’ birthplace, which is located in the present-day West Bank, where he was reporting for Fox Nation.

“Israel, Christianity and my faith are things I care deeply about,” Hegseth told Media Ink.

...Hegseth opposes the two-state solution and supports exclusive Israeli sovereignty in the Holy Land. He has also said the idea of rebuilding the biblical Temple on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount is a “miracle” that could happen in our lifetimes. Doing so would require the razing of the Dome of Rock, a mosque located on one of Islam’s holiest sites.

...there’s no reason why the miracle of the reestablishment of the Temple on the Temple Mount is not possible. (Source)

The man is really enamored with Crusader imagery

For those who need a short refresher course on Medieval history: 

Jews got entangled in the Christian quest to recapture the Holy Land from Muslims.
by Joshua Levy 

 ...In 1097, the crusaders left Constantinople and marched towards Jerusalem, which fell in 1099. The goal of the Crusade had been achieved. In celebration, the crusaders ruthlessly slaughtered all of the Muslim inhabitants of the city. The Jewish community in Palestine was forced to surrender to the new rulers, or face execution.

...Urban II’s call for the Crusade did more than arouse interest in the armies that went to Jerusalem. Two other groups formed, both of which harmed the Jews: itinerant preachers and bands of German peasants. For the most part, the itinerant preachers were only interested in exploiting the Jews financially, demanding money for provisions. The peasant groups were much more dangerous. These bands coalesced around a charismatic leader and engaged in spontaneous violence against Jews.

In the early stages of the Crusade, these latter groups destroyed the Jewish communities in Speyer, Worms, and Mainz. There are accounts of these peasants ruthlessly slaughtering defenseless people, attacking Jews while in synagogue, and storming royal buildings to massacre the Jews.

...These anti-Jewish attacks reveal an interesting trend in medieval Jewry: the willingness of the Jews to die for their faith. This act, known as kiddush ha-shem (sanctification of the Divine Name), was quite common, according to the three extant Hebrew chronicles of the First Crusade. These chronicles report Jewish parents killing their children in a manner similar to Abraham’s near sacrifice of Isaac and Jews examining knives to ensure that the killing of their brethren was done according to the laws of kashrut. In some instances, Jewish martyrs insulted their Christian attackers before being killed as a way of displaying their ultimate faith in God.

The United States is literally moving in here.  They have bases and troops and materiel and their leadership wants to take control of the land for themselves.  Any Jew who is willing to assimilate into the Judeo-Chr*stian "One New Man" will be allowed to stay, the others not so much, as they say all will bow before their King Messiah (meaning accept Chr*stian rule), the rest will perish.  They are also intent on conquering the Temple Mount and building a Church-Temple (House of Prayer for all Nations) on it.

What I've shown you is a bare tip of the iceberg.  Just enough to prove the threat is real.  Just enough to ensure that you begin to view this "friendship" in its proper perspective, so you won't be fooled or surprised.  We are a lowly and weak generation.  

God, help us remain faithful and loyal to You and Your Torah!

15 November 2024

Events Have Ramped Up to Red-Hot Levels

14 Marcheshvan 5785 
Erev Shabbat Kodesh
Parashat Vayera

(Reposted from 5782)

As our world tumbles down into the abyss reached by others before us -  the generation of the Great Flood, the generation of the Tower of Bavel; the generation of Sodom and Amorrah - there is a lot of discussion going on about who is righteous and who will survive and who deserves to be rescued by HKB"H and how.  It is no coincidence that since the mention of Gog uMagog at Sukkot, we have been reading the parashiot that deal davka with these events.  If it is of real concern to us, we cannot do better than let the words of the parashah and its commentaries impress their truths upon our souls.

Taken from the Stone Edition Chumash Commentary:

...So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, and the betrothed of his daughters, and he said, "Get up and leave this place; for Hashem is about to destroy the city!"  But he seemed like a jester in the eyes of his sons-in-law.

...By their impudence, Lot's sons-in-law had lost their chance to be saved, so the angels insisted that Lot hurry and take his wife and single daughters, for if he delayed, the lethal downpour would begin and it would be too late for him.

This illustrates a common principle of God's conduct, one that is often encountered in history: Someone who is totally righteous - an Abraham, for example - may be saved by miracles even when everything around him is crashing down. Less righteous people may be granted an opportunity to save themselves from impending doom, but once the destruction begins, they will be caught up in the general carnage. Thus, Lot deserved to leave Sodom, whether in his own merit or Abraham's.... However, he could be saved only before the upheaval began, but not from its midst. Furthermore, neither he nor the others in his entourage were entitled to witness the fate of the other Sodomites and still remain unscathed. Thus, when Lot's wife turned around to see the horrors that her fellows were suffering, she, too, died.

We know already from last week's parashah that Lot went to Sodom in the first place because he chose materialism over spirituality, and that is why, despite being Avraham's nephew, his righteousness was considered lacking.


13 November 2024

A Deadly Trap Is About to Be Sprung

13 Marcheshvan 5785

The across-the-board euphoria over a second Trump presidency amid the steady flow of announcements of pro-Israel cabinet picks, is awe-inspiring, but not in a good way.

Here is one example from Yeshiva World News...

...Huckabee is a staunch defender of Israel and his intended nomination comes as Trump has promised to align U.S. foreign policy more closely with Israel’s interests as it wages wars against the Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah.

“Mike has been a great public servant, Governor, and Leader in Faith for many years,” Trump said in a statement. “He loves Israel, and the people of Israel, and likewise, the people of Israel love him. Mike will work tirelessly to bring about Peace in the Middle East!”
What a warped view of reality!!

This is Eisav coming with his 400 men on the eve of redemption to finish the job he intended to do on the road back from Padan-Aram.  This is Eisav coming on the eve of his own ultimate destruction to ensure that Ya'aqov never rises to the level of Yisrael.  

They are coming with promises of annexation and integration - a One State Solution with peace and prosperity.  The "Jewish" State becomes a state of all its citizens.  Jews, Chr*stians and Muslims - the Three Abrahamic Faiths - will have equal standing in the land with the rights of idolaters to practice their avodah zarah and entice Jews to convert protected by anti-Torah laws.  Oh, that's right, we're already there.  

Even more missionaries will flood the country to fulfill the American vision of Peace in the Middle East, most prominently the US Ambassador...

The new US Ambassador to Israel is not alone with this idea.  Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Chr*stians the world over would agree...

Introducing ONE FOR ISRAEL...
Established in 1990, ONE FOR ISRAEL began as a Bible college and has since expanded to a multi-faceted ministry with the express goal of reaching Israelis with the Good News of Yeshu*, training and equipping the Body of Messiah in Israel, and blessing our community with Yeshu*’s love.

The story and ministry of ONE FOR ISRAEL is part of something much larger – the miraculous restoration of the Jewish people and the miraculous unity between Jewish and Arab believers in J*sus.

We are seeing not only the physical restoration of Israel after a 2000-year exile, but a spiritual revolution is taking place right in front of our eyes. Jewish people are returning to their God and accepting the Messiah in numbers not seen since the early church! Not only that, but many Arab people are coming to the Lord and many Arab believers are finding a deep unity with their Jewish brothers and sisters.
ONE FOR ISRAEL exists to do ministry within this miracle.

We are Jews and Arabs, together serving Messiah J*sus, sharing the Gospel with Israel and the world, making disciples, training leaders, and blessing our communities in the name of Yeshu*.

These are the "Jews" - apostates and mesits - that these Chr*stian characters love and the Israel that they support due to "shared values."  

Right now, they are giving the benefit of the doubt to those who haven't "yet" converted, because they have been strongly led to believe, through the "relationships" they have formed here, particularly with "Orthodox" Jews, that a great potential exists for this massive conversion they are expecting.  This is something that in itself is a chillul Hashem which I don't know how the Chr*stian-loving Jews will ever be able to atone for.

It goes bigger and wider than just Huckabee.  Consider Jay Sekulow...

This joining of Arabs, Jews and Chr*stians is the primary goal of this organization which was established to be the path to peace in the Middle East.  It's the New Testament vision of the ONE NEW MAN which we've covered in this space over and over again. As it says on the ONE FOR ISRAEL "Arab Ministry page"...

This has been the Roman plan for controlling and ruling the world since Constantine capitalized on the errors of a Jewish sect following a false messiah which was then hijacked by a renegade "rabbi" calling himself Paul the Apostle.

There are more misguided Jews who, while not quite ready to have all the Jews convert, do sincerely believe that everyone would be better off if the Arabs became Jew-Loving, Israel-supporting Chr*stians.  
The solution for peace in Gaza is Jesus
We need a Christian Gaza for Middle East peace
by Jonathan Feldstein of Genesis123
Do they really need to be reminded of the 2000 years of Chr*stian atrocities against Jews?  This animal does not change its spots, only its tactics.  What they propose is still a shmad just by other means, that's all.

And people who would love to do us the favor of allowing us to join their One World Religion, thereby saving our souls in the process, are still our mortal enemies.  It's up to us to say so and warn our real Jewish brothers and sisters about the danger.

Of course, our enemies will not succeed with the klal, but there are already too many individual casualties of this 2000-year-old war.  How much more so when Jews stop recognizing the threat and the danger and perceive it as love and blessing, welcoming the enemy inside the gates.  God forbid!

For further interest: Thousands of Gazans will become Christian, Palestinian Evangelical predicts
...In Saada’s vision, the solution is a two-state solution in which the Palestinians continue to live in Gaza, but Israel gains oversight and authority over the West Bank. He told Rosenberg that the Palestinians would first undergo a period of integration and ultimately become citizens of the State of Israel.

“We can plant a seed in the hearts of the younger generation,” he said, “putting hope in the hearts of the Israelis and Palestinians to see that there is a way; there is an idea that we can live together in one state: Israel, with the West Bank.”

This is what the promise of "annexation" is meant to bring us to, ever further afield from our Torah mandate.  Don't fall into this trap by buying into their philosophies.  Hold fast to the Torah miSinai.   And don't lose hope.

12 November 2024

Like a Fox Inside the Chicken House (Part 5 - Conclusion)

12 Marcheshvan 5785

(Part 1Part 2Part 3, Part 4)

My Inspiration and Goal

I had no plan to write about Friedman's book.  I don't think it has any chance of success.  In fact, I will be surprised to see him in Trump's new administration.  He will likely go the way of Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeo.  

What finally inspired me to put this series together was a podcast I listened to during which I was a bit shocked and a lot disappointed to hear someone I greatly respect express hope for David Friedman's return to the political scene, as well as some positive comments regarding the Abraham Accords.  How???

I really don't get how otherwise intelligent, informed people can still be fooled by these posers. Why does this blind spot exist?  Why is there this trust in Jews who have risen to power by investing their own lives into the welfare and success of a foreign nation which is our enemy - the inheritor of Rome?  It must just be that the facts have not been in evidence.

Therefore, my goal here is very simple: to hopefully eliminate the blind spot through the establishment of the truth as demonstrated by the facts.  A fox does not belong in the chicken house.  He certainly should not be welcomed and invited inside.  A fox won't view the safety and security needs of the chickens the same way the chickens do.

Like a Fox Inside the Chicken House (Part 4)

11 Marcheshvan 5785

(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Let's re-read a portion of a quote that posted yesterday in Part 3...

The fundamental motivation of the United States and Saudi Arabia in this context has not changed. The United States wants to forge a new regional order, which it will lead, to make it easier for itself and for Middle Eastern nations to deal with Iran—and also to indicate that it is not abandoning the region. Saudi Arabia, for its part, wants to cement its regional standing and bolster its status and security, particularly vis-à-vis Iran, by strengthening its ties with Washington.

...Saudi Arabia—Riyadh is primarily concerned about the benefits it will receive from the United States.

Clearly, the Abraham Accords is not primarily about "peace," despite the advertising.  Peace is merely the means to an end - money, power and global rule.  And the peace only lasts as long as the benefits accrue.  If Israel must be the sacrificial lamb, well, what else is new?

It's instructive to read the official text that the nations signed on to...

Text of the Abraham Accords Declaration
We, the undersigned, recognize the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace in the Middle East and around the world based on mutual understanding and coexistence, as well as respect for human dignity and freedom, including religious freedom.

We encourage efforts to promote interfaith and intercultural dialogue to advance a culture of peace among the three Abrahamic religions and all humanity.

We believe that the best way to address challenges is through cooperation and dialogue and that developing friendly relations among States advances the interests of lasting peace in the Middle East and around the world.

We seek tolerance and respect for every person in order to make this world a place where all can enjoy a life of dignity and hope, no matter their race, faith or ethnicity.

We support science, art, medicine, and commerce to inspire humankind, maximize human potential and bring nations closer together.

We seek to end radicalization and conflict to provide all children a better future.

We pursue a vision of peace, security, and prosperity in the Middle East and around the world.

In this spirit, we warmly welcome and are encouraged by the progress already made in establishing diplomatic relations between Israel and its neighbors in the region under the principles of the Abraham Accords. We are encouraged by the ongoing efforts to consolidate and expand such friendly relations based on shared interests and a shared commitment to a better future. (Source)
You can read between the lines and understand the upshot of this is still to deny the unique status of Israel and its Torah-mandated destiny, as the typically Chr*stian America (Western Civilization) continues their 2000-year effort to usurp that role.

In fact, we are caught in the middle of a power struggle for the future of the world.  Some people firmly believe that "as goes America, so goes the world" and it really goes down to Eisav and Yishmael.  The West has had some great success in modernizing and moderating Islam in many areas, but Iran is a notable hold-out and currently the only remaining credible threat to American hegemony in the Middle East.



11 November 2024

Like a Fox Inside the Chicken House (Part 3)

10 Marcheshvan 5785

According to his book review on Amazon, David Friedman is "one of the leading architects of the historic Abraham Accords."  Aside from this push to annex Judea and Samaria (for reasons that actually appear to be nefarious), this association with the Abraham Accords has earned Friedman the highest praise and respect among Torah Jews, undeservedly so in my opinion.

Let's look back at the vaunted Abraham Accords - what it was and what it isn't and whether it was ever good for Israel or just another step towards eventual annihilation by assimilation and integration.

Abraham Accords, series of agreements to normalize relations between Israel and several Arab states. The accords, all of which were signed in the latter half of 2020, consist of a general declaration alongside bilateral agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Morocco. The name of the accords was given in reference to the supposed common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs, the biblical Abraham, and as an expression of brotherhood.

...Israel and several Arab states had already established and maintained clandestine relations to some degree.

[Another example of Trump et al. getting credit for facts already on the ground same as with a United Jerusalem and possession of the Golan Heights etc.]

The Abraham Accords brought Israel’s relations with Arab countries out into the open and shifted the paradigm of the Arab-Israeli conflict. On the pretext of stopping Israel’s plan to annex parts of the West Bank in July 2020, the United Arab Emirates engaged in negotiations to normalize relations. Sweetened with an offer from the United States to sell 50 F-35 combat jets to the United Arab Emirates, a deal was announced in August. The United Arab Emirates indicated that normalization would provide it with increased leverage to intervene on behalf of the Palestinians, but observers speculated that the deal would encourage the Arab states to set aside the Palestinian cause when it suited those states’ interests.

Another Gulf Arab state quickly followed suit. Just days before Israel and the United Arab Emirates were due to sign their agreement, a deal was announced between Israel and Bahrain to normalize relations, and the small island country joined representatives of the United Arab Emirates, Israel, and the United States on the White House lawn days later. (Source

Ironically, although it was uncertainty about American commitment that paved the path to the Abraham Accords, in the end it was American leverage that led to their consummation. (Source)

Typical American wheeling and dealing, promises (at Israel's expense), bribes and threats, forcing everyone else to bend to their will.  But, one thing you can count on is this - whatever good was to be gained from it was taken for themselves!

The big prize of adding Saudi Arabia to the list has already been brought front and center by the new incoming Trump Administration.  Let's go back for a minute and review the Saudi demands up to now.

As I wrote in a post dated 24 September 2024, a mere six weeks ago...

In order to make this "deal," Saudi Arabia wants the US to provide them with a nuclear umbrella (against the day Iran gets nukes) and they want the control of Har Habayit taken out of Jordan's hands and transferred over to them. (Riyadh seeks to reboot Temple Mount status quo with peace deal)

Notwithstanding the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, and perhaps even because of it, diplomatic contacts aimed at advancing a normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia have continued. The US administration has worked hard to move this process forward after Hamas’s attack on October 7, which was intended to thwart the move, and after Iran, through its various proxies, joined the conflict. However, after six months of combat, it is possible to make the following cautious assessment: The fundamental motivation of the United States and Saudi Arabia in this context has not changed. The United States wants to forge a new regional order, which it will lead, to make it easier for itself and for Middle Eastern nations to deal with Iran—and also to indicate that it is not abandoning the region. Saudi Arabia, for its part, wants to cement its regional standing and bolster its status and security, particularly vis-à-vis Iran, by strengthening its ties with Washington.

...Saudi Arabia—Riyadh is primarily concerned about the benefits it will receive from the United States. These include a defense pact to ensure the kingdom’s security against Iran; the provision of advanced American arms and ammunition, including F-35 fighter jets; and American assistance in establishing a civilian nuclear infrastructure, including operating a nuclear fuel cycle within Saudi Arabia. In addition, the Saudis have several demands of Israel. The main one is that Jerusalem agrees to advance the two-state solution and recognize the “renewed” Palestinian Authority as the responsible entity for the Palestinian arena. Previously, the Saudis had wanted Israel to express implied support for the two-state solution, while maintaining diplomatic flexibility; however, since October 7, they have been demanding practical steps from Israel, such as transferring the administration of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority, in order to stabilize the Palestinian arena. It appears that Riyadh has accepted that the resumption of the normalization process with Israel will be linked to greater Saudi involvement in Gaza and planning for “the day after Hamas.” Of course, all of this depends on the Americans accepting the Saudis’ demands and on Israel’s agreeing to certain aspects of the demands that it may find problematic, such as allowing Saudi Arabia to acquire nuclear capability and the erosion of Israel’s relative military advantage.

United States—Washington is demanding domestic reforms from Saudi Arabia, as well as a stable oil supply and a reduction in Saudi ties with China in various areas, including technological, military, and nuclear cooperation. In return, the Biden administration is seeking Saudi agreement to normalize relations with Israel as part of a regional integration process aimed at countering Iranian influence. Additionally, the United States expects Saudi Arabia to play a role in the new regional order by assisting with the Palestinian arena, particularly in stabilizing, administering, and rebuilding the Gaza Strip, as well as helping the Palestinian Authority reform itself and become an effective governing body.

...The Biden administration recognizes that the Israeli government is facing challenges in making significant strategic decisions due to domestic political considerations. Therefore, they are working to advance certain actions without the agreement of the Israeli government and are willing to impose measures that Israel may find difficult to accept. In this context, they are expanding humanitarian aid to Gaza, establishing a temporary port on the Gaza coast, supporting reforms in the Palestinian Authority, working toward the establishment of a new technocratic government, and preparing for the formation of a Palestinian force to maintain public order in the Gaza Strip, with the involvement of Jordan and Egypt. (Source)

(Part 4)