"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

14 September 2020


 26 Elul 5780

Whenever you see something like this...

And something like this is going on at the same time...

You can bet that with so many Americans being driven from their homes, this "accord" means there is either a plan to drive Jews from their homes or they are planning to trade Hashem's home for some economic and political benefit.  The only question is which one is it?  (Probably both!)

Every signatory to this "accord" has stated firmly that their participation is entirely contingent upon the establishment of a Palestinian State on the West Bank of the Jordan River.

Settlers warn of de-facto building freeze following annexation back-track

On the other hand, Saudi Arabia is holding out for a bigger prize... 

Can the Temple Mount be a trading card to entice the Saudis?

But, when you see this...

Raise your head and shout...



  1. Shalom Devash, I want to wish you and yours a Happy Shana Tova.

    May Hashem bless you and yours and all of Am Israel.. amen.

    Personally, i want to thank you also for your blog and the time and effort you have taken and take, in opening the eyes and minds of many.

    Thank you again. May we see soon a peaceful world with Mashiach here soon. amen.


  2. Very encouraging - thank you. our Father Melech Malchey haMlachim! and we are going to show Him this time that our Father is our Melech and we are His nation and we are ready completely to obey Him בע"ה!!!!!!

    כתיבה וחתימה טובה


  3. 700 to attend White House ‘peace treaty’ signing...

    some 700 people are reportedly set to attend Tuesday’s ceremony at the White House where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the foreign ministers of the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain will establish diplomatic relations.

    ...among the guests would be former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, billionaire Ron Lauder and former British premier Tony Blair.

    "...the details will not be released beforehand,...."

    Responding to criticism that the Knesset is not being made privy to the details of the normalization deal with the UAE before it is signed, the official said, “This is standard procedure. First we sign, and then it is brought before the cabinet for approval, followed by the Knesset. That is how it was in the past as well.”

    ...In the meantime, the wording of the agreement and the details included within it have yet to be officially published, leading to questions about what Jerusalem has agreed to.

    "...these agreements, which will be signed in Washington tomorrow, have been explicitly conditioned on an Israeli commitment to prevent operations in the territories that would harm the chances of reaching a two-state solution,”....

    They intend to make a big show of it. No doubt, tomorrow's news will be focused entirely on this.

  4. Amen, Nonee. And you and yours should be blessed as well with a sweet and happy new year in 5781! Shanah tovah!

  5. Apocalyptic Instagram Filter: Wildfires Show Irreversible Damage Of Climate Crisis

    West Coast Wildfires Kill 33, With Dozens Missing

    REPORT:In the aftermath of Hurricane Laura - losses counted in the hundreds - "Swarms of mosquitoes have killed cows, deer, horses and other livestock in Louisiana after rain from Hurricane Laura led to an explosion in the pests' population. Thousands of mosquitoes have attacked animals as large as bulls, draining their blood and driving the massive creatures to pace in summer heat until they were exhausted,...."

    Monday 1 pm Hurricane Sally update: Winds up to 90 mph, Mississippi landfall still predicted

  6. Absolutely right about connecting the dots, not only the measure for measure part where the US gets the hurricanes, fires and all kinds of devastation for pushing something which goes against every grain of Torah Law. But, the Erev Rav are at the helm and selling out Israel, bit by bit. Anyone who reads should know this. We must not forget there is the plan to create a one world religion, c'v (the impure sitra achra side) and believe that both the xtian & muslims are in this together with, of course, the Erev Rav. Remember when the vulture 'gave' away kever Dovid and denied it and then the truth came out; that's exactly what he did. So, why should it be different now. They are trying to stop Moshiach from coming because that has been the plan from the very start when we left Mitzrayim. All part of the geulah process. But, H' is laughing, so they can plan and plan, but it will not help one bit. H' is in total control!

  7. Terrific, on the spot.
    Yes, the latest turn of Sally into Ala and Ga, cover spray 1/4 of the US with water. Not to mention the earlier floods in the farm country, it’s just disaster after disaster. But America is big and it could bounce back. There are definitely evil dew forces at work, along with pyromaniacs, but all midda kneged midda.

    DEVASH, what a year this has been! Could anyone NOT see that we are in the GEULA.

    Shana Tova and Metukah Meod!

  8. https://www.wnd.com/2020/09/surviving-covid-poorer-nations-lower-death-rates/ "It is quite simply this: Other countries use early outpatient treatment with widely available antiviral medicines, begun at the first signs of symptoms, usually without waiting extra days for test results to confirm the physician's clinical diagnosis".

  9. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-lied-to-dramatically-about-masks?utm_source=theblaze-

  10. https://www.theepochtimes.com/hurricane-sally-rapidly-intensifies-trump-approves-disaster-declarations_3499668.html

  11. There is a key difference between now and 2005. When Gush Katif was destroyed, they got hit with Katrina after the fact. Now, they are getting hit double just for thinking about doing it again.

