09 May 2021

R. Richter: The State of Israel: G-D's Hand or Satan's? Finally, a Guide for the Perplexed - Part 2

27 Iyyar 5781
42 Days of the Omer

The State of Israel: G-D's Hand or Satan's? Finally, a Guide for the Perplexed - Part 2


Don't overlook the comments section on the previous blog post.


  1. The stand-off in the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood of Jerusalem got a kick-start with this event just as Iyyar was coming in.

    And over the course of the month, the spark has grown into a conflagration.

    Will The Third Messianic War start where the Second one left off???

  2. Assurances from this non-government that all religions will be protected by the State of Israel has destroyed any hope of Divine protection in the coming firestorm. As with all the enemies of God, they bring about their own downfall.

    I very much look forward to the day when not one cross, nor one crescent will be visible on the Jerusalem skyline.

  3. בס"ד

    "I very much look forward to the day when not one cross, nor one crescent will be visible on the Jerusalem skyline." ......or indeed anywhere in EY.

    From the river to the sea, not one crescent shall be seen! And the notzri can carry their crosses with them to Rome.


  4. Great comments!

  5. According to an article in the Jewish Press: "Arab riots and terror attacks in Jerusalem and surrounds began more than three weeks ago – since the start of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan (i.e. Iyyar) – and have escalated since that point."
