"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

26 April 2020

Return of the Builders of the Tower of Bavel and Their Ultimate End

2 Iyyar 5780
Day 17 of the Omer

Three words are often used to describe the Creator of All:
  • Omnipotent - all powerful
  • Omniscient - all knowing
  • Omnipresent - present everywhere
Through profane technology, the current incarnation of the builders of the Tower of Bavel are about to realize their long-sought dream of replacing the Creator by duplicating His power - or so they think - using a different kind of tower this time.

5G Cell Tower
"Initial 5G services commenced in many countries in 2019 and widespread availability of 5G is expected by 2025. ...5G will enable instantaneous connectivity to billions of devices, the Internet of Things (IoT) and a truly connected world. ...Massive machine to machine communications – also called the Internet of Things (IoT) that involves connecting billions of devices without human intervention at a scale not seen before. ...5G will enable the connection of billions of devices for our smart cities, smart schools and smart homes, smart and safer vehicles, enhance health care and education, and provide a safer and more efficient place to live. ...New and Emerging technologies such as virtual and augmented reality will be accessible by everyone. Virtual reality provides connected experiences that were not possible before. With 5G and VR you will be able to travel to your favourite city, watch a live football match with the feeling of being at the ground, or even be able to inspect real estate and walk through a new home all from the comfort of your couch."  (Source)

From The Stone Edition Chumash Commentary:

All the ingredients for greatness were there: The nations were united, they were in a central location, they spoke the Holy Tongue, and - if they desired guidance in achieving holiness - they had Noah, Shem and Abraham among them. Instead, as happens so often in human history, they chose to ignore their spiritual advantages and turn to their opportunities for self-aggrandizement and power. It seems ludicrous that people who had first-hand evidence of the Flood could have found grounds to rationalize a way of bypassing God's control of events, but such is man's capacity for self-deception that he can negate reality and build substance around a vacuum.

According to the Sages, Nimrod was the primary force behind this rebellion.  He planned to build a tower ascending to Heaven and from it, wage war against God.  But though the Midrashim perceive sinister and idolatrous motives in this plan, the verses do not reveal the evil motives of the conspirators....  
Because they are so deluded by their own egos, they fail to appreciate the true extent of the Creator's power.  Ever hear anyone say they'd move Heaven and Earth to accomplish some goal?  Of course, that's a bit of hyperbole on our part.  But, HKB"H can and will move Heaven and Earth - literally - to stop the evildoers in their tracks, just as He did 3,784 years ago.

Torah sources reveal that in addition to dividing the world population of that time through a confusion of languages, there was only a single land mass that in a matter of days was split apart and separated into seven continents.  

There is good reason to believe that at the end of days, this ancient process will be reversed and the world's divergent land masses will return to a single mass of land surrounded by the ocean as at the beginning.  The central stable point on the globe is the foundation stone on the Temple Mount from which the rest of the world was created.  The most unstable part of the globe is the point at which the continents ceased the spread out, but which will destabilize tremendously when the reunification begins.

I think that if we push those land masses away from each other in opposite directions and compress them into one land mass, we might find Eretz Yisrael to be right at the center of it all.  During this process of reversal might be fulfilled the prophecy that one-third of the world will be destroyed; one-third will be damaged; and one-third will be untouched.  And at the end of the day, the whole world will be Eretz Yisrael.  My guess would be that the further the land is from the "center," i.e., that which borders the Ring of Fire, will be most vulnerable to utter destruction.

So, then what sets it off?  In short and without going into a lot of detail here, some triggering event will likely stir up solar activity which will spark the pole shift, which is already in progress, resulting in crustal displacement allowing the continents to shift positions.  This will bring on all of the awesome predictions foretold by our prophets.  (See Tanach on Earth Changes)

Summarized in this video in the first 2:40 minutes...

As a bonus benefit, it only stands to reason that just as HKB"H confused the languages, He will also once again return us to the pure holy language as the prophet foretells:
"For then I will convert the peoples to a pure language that all of them call in the name of the Lord, to worship Him of one accord."  (Zephaniah 3:9)
In any case, these reshaim will only have nine months (starting from when they "locked down" the world) to pull off their big coup.  The final 45 days will be the hardest part and likely the point at which they try to force their will on the unwilling. But HKB"H will most certainly have the final word.

The last 45 days of Chevlei Moshiach will be more difficult than the first days.  The troubles of those final days will move the community of Israel to do complete teshuva, and, thereby, they will be privileged to merit the geula.

Rav Avrohom Azulai wrote (Chessed leAvrohom, Maayan 5, Nahar 35): "The troubles shall increase as they never did before....   These are the 45 days in the future when Israel will go out of Jerusalem to be in the desert of the nations of the world, just as Lot was displaced during the upheaval of Sedom, when he was not able to save even a small piece of bread, and he was rushed out into the desert.  Actually, the troubles of Israel will be in a very similar manner.  Bnei Yisroel will be dispersed throughout the desert, and all the troubles that Israel ever experienced will not be like these troubles....  There, Israel shall count 45 days...  they will eat only salty roots that they will find in the desert, and then they will all repent there.  Those who cannot stand it will go to the nations of the world, and be destroyed with them.  The rest will have their share of suffering, each according to the measure of his sin.  The tzaddikim will be grateful for the salty roots in their stomachs, as if it were mon, and they will become stronger in their belief and trust in HaShem; the mediocre ones will do teshuva; the evil ones will turn away, or will repent and be remorseful."

...These are the words of the prophet (Daniel 12:1): "And at that time... it shall be a time of trouble like never before, from the time you became a nation until the present, and, in this time, Your nation shall escape...."

...The Chessed LeAvrohom describes the great and tumultuous events that will occur at the time of the redemption (Maayan 5, Nahar 35): "And, immediately, the dying ones in the desert will rise up, and the salvation will sprout. The Shechina will arise out of her dust... and, immediately, the redeemed ones will come to the rebuilt Jerusalem and the rebuilt Beis HaMikdash, and the Shechina will come with them and dwell in the Beis HaMikdash. The Holy One Blessed Be He will grab the corners of the world and shake out the evil ones from it, and, thereby, there will be no joy except in HaShem, as it is written, 'This is the day that HaShem took action, we shall celebrate and rejoice in it!' Amen, thus shall be HaShem's will." 
(Source: Redemption Unfolding by Alexander Aryeh Mandelbaum, published by Feldheim)
One thing the reshaim have got right is what they've been telling us for weeks now:  "The world is never going back to the way it was before."


  1. Anonymous, thank you for the link, but it doesn't add anything to what is already here.

  2. May H' have mercy on each and every Yiddishe neshamah! This is a fantastic and fascinating post, Thank you! What is almost unreal is how these people who are behind it all can be so foolish as to think they can go to war against He Who Created them. Don't they understand that He gave them life and He is the One who takes it back. Nimrod and his evil cohorts are back again! Who is the new version of Nimrod? There isn't even a novel that can beat this storyline. Hold on tight, Bnai Yisrael - we're almost there!

  3. Just want to add that the rest of the remaining world will be called Eretz Yisrael, but then all of our Eretz Yisrael will be called Yerushalayim!

    1. Exactly. Everything goes up a level in kedushah. The world rises to the level of kedushah that Eretz Yisrael has today. EY rises to the level of Yerushalayim and Yerushalayim rises to the level of the Temple Mount. The righteous gentiles will rise to the level that a Jew has today and the Jews will all be Cohanim.

  4. Correction to the author of Redemption Unfolding: It's not Nahar 35 but Nahar 37:
    Here is the Chesed LeAvraham in its original Hebrew: 
    אמנם צרה זו שתהיה להם אז היא כוללת כל הצרות יחד עד שאין שום נחת משום בחינה... והיינו מ"ה ימים שעתידין ישראל לצאת מירושלים להיות במדבר העמים, כעין שהיה לוט בהפיכת סדום שלא הציל בידו אפילו פיסת בר ויצא אל המדבר, ממש דומה בדומה כך יהיו צרתן של ישראל, וכולם נפוצים על פני המדבר, שכל צרות שעברו ישראל מעולם לא היה כצער הזה... ושם ימנו ישראל מ"ה ימים כנגד מדת משה רבינו כנגד שם מ"ה, ולא יאכלו שם אלא מה שימצאו במדבר שרשים מלוחים, אז ישובו שם כולם בתשובה... ומי שלא יסבול ויאמר נתנה ראש, ילך אל האומות ויכלה עמהם, והשאר יצטרפו בצער ההוא כל א' כפי שיעור עוונו, והצדיק יתברך השורש המלוח במעיו כמן, ויחזק באלהיו, והבינוני ישוב, והרשע נדחה או ישוב ויצטער, the troubles shall increase as they never did before... These are the 45 days in the future when Israel will go out of Jerusalem to be in the desert of the nations of the world, just as Lot was displaced during the upheaval of Sedom, when he was not able to save even a small piece of bread, and he was rushed out into the desert. Actually, the troubles of Israel will be in a very similar manner. Bnei Yisroel will be dispersed throughout the desert, and all the troubles that Israel ever experienced will not be like these troubles... There, Israel shall count 45 days... they will eat only salty roots that they will find in the desert, and then they will all repent there. Those who cannot stand it will go to the nations of the world, and be destroyed with them. The rest will have their share of suffering, each according to the measure of his sin. The tzaddikim will be grateful for the salty roots in their stomachs, as if it were mon, and they will become stronger in their belief and trust in HaShem; the mediocre ones will do teshuva; the evil ones will turn away, or will repent and be remorseful.

    ומיד יקומו מתי מדבר, ותצמח גאולה, ותקום שכינה מעפרה... ומיד יבואו גאולים לירושלים הבנויה ובית המקדש הבנוי, ותבא עמהם שכינה ותשרה במקדש... ואז יאחז הקדוש ברוך הוא בכנפות הארץ וינערו רשעים ממנה... ועכ"ז אין להם ,שמחה אלא בי"י, כדכתיב זה היום עשה י"י נגילה ונשמחה בו, אכי"ר and, immediately, the dying ones in the desert will rise up, and the salvation will sprout. The Shechina will arise out of her dust... and, immediately, the redeemed ones will come to the rebuilt Jerusalem and the rebuilt Beis HaMikdash, and the Shechina will come with them and dwell in the Beis HaMikdash. The Holy One Blessed Be He will grab the corners of the world and shake out the evil ones from it, and, thereby, there will be no joy except in HaShem, as it is written, 'This is the day that HaShem took action, we shall celebrate and rejoice in it!' Amen, thus shall be HaShem's will.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks for posting.

      We are definitely living in a time where the Gemaros in Sotah and Sanhedrin is coming to life: אמת תהא נעדרת, the truth will be absent.

  6. Unfortunately, unable to read, much less share, because FB! Is it anywhere else?

  7. https://matzav.com/watch-nyc-nurse-says-our-new-york-hospitals-are-killing-their-patients/#comments
