"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

25 April 2020


2 Iyyar 5780
Day 17 of the Omer
Shavua tov!

NOTE:  Accepting these ideas does not take anything away from the fact that HKB"H runs this world.  These are the gilgulim of the Dor Haflagah just repeating their earlier mistakes and HKB"H will stop them the same way He did in the past.  Get ready for it!

[If you can't see the whole thing, at least look at 32:20 - 36:50...]

VERY STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: CORONA WORLD ORDER (Again, if you can't see the whole thing, at least look at 18:40 - 20:35)


  1. Some say that: "The fact is that this ‘mageifeh’ is a bio-weapon and not an accidental outbreak, especially targeting the religious communities. The Kedoshim who died/murdered by those who spread this coronaviru"...

    BUT They've got it all wrong no Yidden were murdered!!!
    It's all in Hashems hands!!!
    Hashem will NEVER allow any Yid to leave this world before their Tafkit is complete. All of the Kedoshim who have left us (that we miss dearly) have already for-field their full obligation in this world. Now it's time for their Neshomos to receive the tremendous reward waiting for them in the world to come.

    Hashem in in the driver’s seat and He knows exactly what He is doing! Hashem has no reason to avenge their blood. If you want to do something to help elevate their Neshomos you can give Charity in their memory and/or learn Torah in their memory etc.

    May we all be Zocha to many Simchos BeKorov.

    1. So, according to you there is no such thing as murder because no one dies unless it is so decreed in Shamayim?

  2. Guess, his thinking makes the above anonymous sleep easier at night. Such thinking is really beyond simplistic and dangerous. Why have laws and courts, etc.?

  3. Either way I heard and believe these deaths are very temporary as evidenced by the lack of real levayas. Tekias hamadim is around the corner and these kefoshim will have quite a story to tell us.....

  4. What none of the above posters consider, is that G-d was allowing the PLANners to execute their plans, in order to enable many tzadikim and temimim to =ESCAPE= from the upcoming chevlei moshiach. Many rabbonim have been lecturing that this plague is direct from Hashem (probably meaning that Hashem has been allowing it).

    1. 1. It's not a plague, and
      2. It did not develop from nature.

      I find this idea to be a very problematic. So, what of the widows and orphans left behind?

    2. Devash, i agree that it's problematic, but I actually paid a condolence phone call to one such widow, whose husband was a big tzadik, constantly learning, giving shiurim, distributing tzedakah to the needy. And she herself told me something to that effect (i.e. that Hashem has been taking the tzadikei hador as korbonos, and also allowing them to avoid suffering Chevlei Moshiach. As for #1 i've just been quoting the term "plague" from published articles i've read here and there, as well as radio hosts.
