12 March 2020

The Strangness of the Times

17 Adar 5780

What a difference a month makes... 

 And now, a tropical cyclone is bearing down on Israel...

Israeli rain radar left; Egyptian radar right.
Well, at least the kids don't have to go to school in it. 


  1. A storm is coming, perhaps a perfect storm, meaning many storms, one after the other or all at once. ואין לנו על מי להשעין אלה על אבינו שבשמיים.

  2. The old world has to die before the new one can be born. All of the idols must be smashed and disappear. This includes the idol of money.

    We shouldn't fear the collapse of the old world, we should welcome it.

    The empire of Edom must die for the new world of Moshiach to emerge.
