"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

18 February 2020

The Real Threat From The Coronavirus

23 Shevat 5780

When I wrote my first blog post on the coronavirus three weeks ago, I indicated that my initial assessment was that it was being over-hyped to create a massive climate of fear globally.  Furthermore, I mentioned that one reason for this could be to bring about a "controlled collapse" of the world economy.  Well, that initial assessment has not changed.

In spite of all the "videos" alleging that people without even having any signs of illness were dropping dead in China's streets from this virus and bodies were being burned in numbers so massive it could be seen from space, I don't believe it and now we have the proof.

All of this nonsense was made possible because the Chinese government is notorious for concealing their true situation - whatever it may be - from foreign observation and lying to their own people in order to maintain strict control over the population.  That may very well be one of the reasons China was chosen as the place for this to start. (Yes, I do think it was engineered.)

The "proof" that the coronavirus is not as deadly as someone wants us to believe is on the Japanese cruise ship Diamond Princess.  Out of the 454 people reportedly infected over the past two weeks, there has not been one death recorded.  They couldn't make anything up about the passengers on the cruise ship because it's too small and self-contained.  Too many witnesses.

At the same time, the economic fall-out is beginning to trickle down...
Asia stocks fall as economic impact of coronavirus weighs on markets

Coronavirus: How it impacts your money


Coronavirus could impact 5 million companies worldwide, new research shows
  • A special briefing issued by global business research firm Dun & Bradstreet analyzed the Chinese provinces most impacted by the virus, and found they are intricately linked to the global business network.
  • Almost half (49%) of the companies with subsidiaries in impacted regions are headquartered in Hong Kong, while the U.S. accounts for 19%, Japan 12% and Germany 5%.
  • Dun & Bradstreet researchers found that at least 51,000 companies worldwide, 163 of which are in the Fortune 1000, have one or more direct or “tier 1” suppliers in the impacted region.
Again, somebody knew what they were doing when they chose this area for the release of a virus which has now been shown to be very mild in children and deadly to the elderly.  What's more, the control they've been wielding over people's freedom of movement is practice and preparation for when people discover the real truth about their future.

This is the real story and the real threat for the greatest number of people in the world. This economic impact has already gone viral in a pandemic kind of way.


  1. My concern is for all the Jews in exile, who think that they will just be able to jump on a plane to their insurance policy, Israel, whenever they feel like it. Don't they realise that when the economic/social/antisemitism situation is so serious that they finally feel compelled to make the move the flights may not be available, for a whole host of reasons.

    The only certainty the future holds is uncertainty.

    1. The only "certainty" is HKB"H Who never changes and Who never fails and Who never lies.

  2. China prefer economic collapse? I do not understand. lena

    1. Someone in the West likely did this TO China in order to accomlpish several things..

      1) Control people with fear.

      2) Strip people of their freedom of movement through mass quarantines/ Discourage travel.

      3) Kill off the elderly while leaving the upcoming servant generations intact.

      4) Cripple China as a competitor and cull its 1 billion member population.

      5) Control the global economic collapse to ensure the survival of the Elites and their wealth.

      You might be able to think of other "benefits."

    2. If I had to guess who was culpable, I'd guess the bad twins - Romulus and Remus - US and UK.

      A former Marine and CIA agent is already boasting in the Tehran Times that Israel is behind it (of course). Israel has too much invested in its relationship with China (which I do not approve! but there it is) to be responsible for something like this. (See HERE.)

  3. I get an email from the Orthomolecular News Service; I got this last week:

    "(OMNS February 13, 2020) Breaking news: China is conducting a clinical trial of 24,000 mg/day of intravenous vitamin C to treat patients with coronavirus and severe respiratory complications. Participants will receive IV vitamin C for 7 days straight at Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University. Honor and thanks are due to Zhiyong Peng, MD, for making this happen. He is chief physician and professor at the hospital, which is close to ground zero for coronavirus. This important study was filed and announced yesterday and details may be confirmed at https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04264533"

    I leave it to Devash and readers to ponder.

    1. And what does Vitamin C do? It boosts your natural immune system - the very thing God gave us to protect against fight off bad germs.

    2. Excess "C" doesn't strengthen my immune system, rather overstimulates my nerves. I best tolerate it in berry-form. French-toast, eggs, yogurt (lysine) & organic honey do the trick most for me, along with healthy veggies, yams & berries. Also burnt toast or burnt corn-cakes are a type of "detox" sorta like "tzelee aish". Note that raw garlic & raw onion actually cause all H to break loose - they must be well cooked or sauteed or i'm in trouble.

      P.S. I once read of someone who went to a kineseologist who kept on steadily adding more Vitamin C onto his client's palm, until suddenly, the patient's arm weakened. Which indicated that the guy's threshhold tolerance for "C" had been reached - and any more than that would overwhelm him.

  4. I think they know something has to happened in our solar system that we do not know! lena

    1. That, too! I mean, they are not chem-trailing constantly for no reason.

  5. Never saw the movie, but in a trailer from a recent remake of the "Ten Commandments", there's a confrontation between Moses and Pharoah. Pharaoh cries out in terror to Moses about the Plagues,"Why is this happening?!" Moses answers, "It's G-d!"

    Don't mean to make light of a very serious situation, but we have been warned, if I am not mistaken.

  6. "This Is The Wake Up Call" – Apple Virus Shock To Hit Semiconductor Suppliers

    ..."Maybe this is the wake-up call. I would be astonished if Apple is the only one," he said. "Every electronic supply chain runs through China in a big way."

  7. YAU (Yes As Usual) HOWEVER the mass deaths in China for which crematoria have been set up in Wuhan are REAL and are NOT caused by the Corona Virus. There is ANOTHER more deadly bio-weapon that Satan's Scientists have cooked up and are releasing on Our Fallen World ...

  8. This will destory Esav. "Everything" is made in China not only the finished items but also all the parts and also all the drugs that Esav wants.

    1. Like in Egypt - each plague was related to the downfall of one of their gods.
