"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

24 December 2017

A Last Look Back At Hanukah

6 Tevet 5778
Shavua tov!

From Trump's statements on Jerusalem on the eve of Hanukah to Sholom Rubashkin's release from prison on Zot Hanukah, during a week that is set aside to thank and praise HKB"H, the Jews who should know better were thanking and praising US President Donald J. Trump!

Some have gone so far as to question the Jewishness of anyone who refuses to give thanks to Trump.

Do we read anywhere in Parashat Mikeitz, the parashah of Hanukah week, that Yosef HaTzadik (lehavdil) thanked Paro for his own release from prison and for being elevated to second-in-command of all Egypt? My goodness! Where was his hakarat hatov?

Did we stop to give thanks to Paro when he finally set us free to leave Egypt and follow Moshe Rabeinu into the wilderness? Well, where was our famous hakarat hatov

In both instances, the Paro of the time was correcting an injustice perpetrated within their own nation and acting out of self-interest. They didn't do us any favors.

All this noise and public adoration is not only a chillul Hashem, it is engendering even more antisemitism at a time when it is already sky-rocketing. Stop asking where is the hakarat hatov and ask instead where is the sechel!


  1. As is seen in the case of Trump's first two wives, and all the people who have already been dismissed in the first year of this administration, everyone but everyone serves only at the pleasure of Donald Trump. The moment you become more of a liability than an asset to him, you are out. Here today, gone tomorrow.

    1. So how does shalom rubashkins release from prison benefit the trump? And why was this blog temporarily down?

    2. 1. It's all part of Making the Deal.

      2. I was trying to close the Nibiru blog and got the wrong one by accident. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  2. The Nibiru issue isn't gone. The "planet" is in fact the Abadon אבדון generating שאול on earth. Then the Mash'chit will do the ravaging. It's coming soon, unexpected. Note the mem, alef, shin, then the chet, that is nr eight, then the taf that is devastation. שם

  3. I was very gratified to see that none of the chardali rabbis had signed this letter of thanks to Trump:

    ."רבנים במכתב תמיכה לטראמפ: "חזק ואמץ

  4. If you listen to Rabbi Kessin's latest shiur Trump Jerusalem and Rubashkin- Hidden Meaning - I know you disagree with Rabbi Kessin but he makes perfect sense to me - Trump has done teshuva and freeing Rubashkin was part of that.

    1. You bring me one Torah source that says Eisav was the fourth of the Avot and I'll listen to it.

  5. H' has to always be thanked first because, of course, He controls everything and it is because of His Kindness alone. But, there should be some kind of hakorat hatov to those who do a good deed. Sholom Rubashkin would still be languishing in jail for a 'non-crime'. We all saw from the start how this was a miscarriage of justice, and if Trump would not have won, he would probably still be languishing in jail. But, we know that, B'H, H' wanted him out, so there would have been other ways. Those who fall over themselves and seem to think that the president is 'moshiach' are the ones who really have no emunah. The president was just the shaliach and all Jews should rejoice at the pidyon shvuyim of a fellow Jew.
