"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

29 August 2017

Mashiach by Rosh Hashanah?

7 Elul 5777

The first week of Elul is already gone. Only three more weeks to Rosh Hashanah 5778!

From Yehudit's "prophecy"...
* The severe strikes on the U.S. will come thru wars and even more, thru powerful weather disasters.* The quick escalation of Moshiach ben Yosef will contribute to antisemitism.* Antisemitism will rise to unimaginable heights.* Jews of the United States will be forced to flee like fugitives, because those who survived the weather disasters will not be able to survive the tremendeous waves of hatred against them.* The survivors will arrive in Israel with only the clothes on their backs and Moshiach ben Yosef will reach out to help them.
Things are moving very quickly now. N Korea has crossed a red line by firing a missile through Japanese air space. The West will be forced to respond forcefully. 

I am not making any predictions, but I am truly expecting Mashiach any and every day. I expect him no later than Rosh Hashanah 5778 - motzai shvi'it!


  1. There seems to be a complete LULL in American Jews' collective consciousness - nothing is be said or talked about in terms of TSHTF and it's time to leave - NOTHING. They don't see it, they don't feel it - nothing. It's just another day in paradise as far as they're concerned.

  2. B"H I am en route back to HaAretz after my first visit to the US (and first trip abroad) in nearly 13 years and I can concur with Noise Blockers. Even in the community I spent my time in, there is total denial of the conflict that is coming and nearly everyone was quite rooted in place. Most of my peers children also resided in the US too. Only a small number of people I saw had even one child who had ascended. They also seemed the most aloof to the trappings of America. Speaking of which, even the material abundance I grew up with (I'm 50) seems far more illusory today.

  3. My husband and I are making Aliyah with the help of G-d 26 Elul! It's all set.


  4. Anyone reading this in the States - especially in the South - you need to leave - you need to leave NOW.

  5. It can not be new years or day of atonement because these days decide the fate of the Jewish people and a chance to correct even more. Moshiach might possibly be announced on sukkot or after. We should wait and see what Daniel has to say about moshiach's arrival but there is no doubt it is almost over.

  6. The Gemara says that on Rosh Hashanah servitude was removed from our forefathers in Egypt (Rosh Hashanah 11a).

    May Hashem remove our servitude from America, by bring this country down to its knees, for all the Jewish souls that it has destroyed!

  7. I am stuck in NY because I cannot convince my family to leave. I cannot jump ship and abandon elderly and ailing parents, dear husband, young children, married children, a grandchild, and siblings on both sides who are off the derech. The only thing I can do is trust Hashem, that my frum and Torah loving immediate family has found favor in His eyes and that when the time comes He will find a way to get us out of here, even if it means that He wants us to be cleansed in Gehinnom first, chas ve'shalom. We watched our 18-year-old sweet tzaddekes daughter die a painful death due to cancer 2 years ago, and hope that will be the bulk of our atonement, but whatever Hashem says goes. My point in writing this is not for sympathy, but to explain to those who sit on their high horses in Eretz Yisroel telling everyone how stupid they are for not dropping everything and coming join them right this minute, that many of us want desperately to come, but if Hashem doesn't open those doors for us for whatever reason, even by softening the hearts and opening the eyes of our families, then all we can do is wait and pray.

    1. Dear Rachel,
      What you write is heartbreaking. Of course Hashem is watching over you. Be"D geula shleima berachamim and me"rachamim for all of am yisrael, because who among us can say that we deserve it.

    2. Thank you, my daughter's 2nd yahrzeit is 22 Elul and I scream to Hashem every day that I just can't take it anymore! I long to make aliya and then I hear a story like Lena's below and wonder if Hashem thinks it will be easier for us to just die here. Rav Menachem Robinson insists it will get so bad that my family will at some point give no resistance when we have to run with just the shirts on our backs. I'm so tired. I sometimes wish He would just take me in my sleep already so that I don't have to deal with the constant pain and worry. When my daughter was still fighting for her life I asked a good friend of mine, a kiruv Rav on Facebook and the father of my daughter's best friend, whether it's better to be alive when Moshiach comes or not. He gave me a long contradictory answer and a month later he was taken in a tragic car crash. I'm just numb from the past few years.

  8. Toda raba for sharing this post. To echo what Rachel said, many of us in the U.S. do want to go, but have families who refuse to. So for example, kavod av v'em, or shalom bayit, respect for the elderly, etc. are extremely important mitzvot in the Torah. Are we to just abandon families, leave them behind and go to Eretz Yisroel alone? I don't think that's appropriate at all. Many families who do want to go also don't have the money to do so.

    One thing we know for sure is everything happens for a reason. Maybe this is part of a worldwide tikun / galut that so many Jews live in chutz l'aretz. Not always is it by choice that we want to stay in the U.S. But it is not as easy as many of you are making it sound to be. We just have to put our faith in HKBH that He will bring all of Am Yisroel back home speedily, and peacefully in our days.

  9. Dear Tomer Devorah, My own Personal Feeling, and it is ONLY a Feeling, is that Mashiach Ben David is already here, as in HERE, in Israel, now, and working "behind the scenes". When the RIGHT TIME comes, then The Creator will go "public". I don't feel (and it is ONLY a feeling) that either Jews or Gentiles are ready for that right now. On the other hand, I don't "feel" we have to wait "Forever" either. Meanwhile, as Churchill said in one of his early speeches, "If each of us braces himself to his duties". At least let each of us do THAT! Now. Shalom from the Hill of the Priests, Givat Chananiya/Abu Tor, Jerusalem, ISRAEL, Aryeh Yosef Ben Meir

  10. AMEN AMEN AMEN... may all those who are not able to go, and want desperately TO GO, have the doors opened up to us to go and that our lives would lift up The Name of HaShem to everyone in our world.... amen amen amen...

  11. This is a response to Rachel and Dovid…

    We are baaley teshuva, frum people from Brooklyn who made aliyah almost 4 years ago and it has been very very hard for us. We are living in an Israeli community that is so foreign to us, charedi frum is very very different from chutznik frum. My husband has not found a shul that he really likes, has not found a place to learn that he loves. In Brooklyn, he had good chavrusas, a yeshiva where he always davened and loved going there…. My little son started kindergarten in a good yeshiva right before we left. We were basically ok financially because we are not into fancy anyway, and have one child so the finances were manageable. We had a few good friends and were literate, functional adults in our community. The idea of community is foreign where we live…

    I wanted so badly to come here, I cried about it every day. Hshem made it really easy to come after I talked my husband into it (which was not easy). The documents, the lift, the arrangements… everything we had to do…we had miraculous help. It was “clear” that Hshem wanted us here. My husband even got one of the major poskim in America to more or less approve our aliyah, encourage us… which was unprecedented. Everything was easy or looked easy…

    However, since we have been here we have had major problems with chedarim for our son and major problems with our son finding friends and us feeling a part of any community. We have no friends, no rav, no shul… that we connect with and see no future amongst any “categories” that exist here. It is not like America here, you must choose sides.

    Yes, we have grown spiritually and grown tremendously because of the difficulties. We have seen unbelievable situations and have met people who are also unbelievable, from different end of the spectrum… We have become different, deeper people and now we understand the matzav of the Jewish people …and have some clarity about why we are in golus, much more than we did when we lived in Brooklyn.

    However, the golus here is deep and it is absolutely not simple to manage for us. It hurts more from your own. It hurts more in the holy land, the holy city. I cry almost every day though I can still say that I am happy here. It is possible because my neshama feels at home…

    From a practical standpoint, I am inadequate, illiterate, speak Ivrit like a kindergartner (and this is my second immigration so it is really tough and brings up painful memories…)

    Yes, we live a half hour from the kotel and 10 minutes from kever Shmuel Hanavi and Kever Rachel, …BUT ultimately what is it at the end of the day… when my child as of now has no cheder???? The system here is ridiculous, the divisions, the demands… all ridiculous. What are the kedusha and the clarity, and the hashgacha (definitely all here) to me, when erev rav is in charge of dispensing our greatest needs, at whim?

    We also have aging parents in America who are lonely without us

    Was aliyah right for us? I am no longer on the high horse at all about aliyah to Eretz Yisroel. The land is amazing, but we are living in modern israel which is not simple at all. I want to be in the real Yerushalaim when Mashiach comes, but now I live in the land that is under the dominion of the erev rav imho. I did not feel that in the states and yearned for the holy land and it was a dream that I held in my heart...

    Only here I understood that you can’t escape golus …not until Hshem decides to bring Mashiach in the time He deems right.

    Dear Rachel and Dovid I don’t believe for a moment that Hshem will leave yidden in chu’l. Chas v’shalom! Yes, take care of your families and your parents and yearn, cry for Mashiach. We are all in golus. Coming to Eretz Yisrael does not mean escaping golus…Just yearn to return to E”Y and don’t partake of the narishkeit in the states. However, I do NOT believe anymore that we all have to be here now. It can’t be. I am sure that I will be attacked for what I say, but I wish someone would have told me the painful truth.

    1. Hashem wants you to live in Beit Shemesh where he made it much easier for Anglos regarding all the challenges that you mentioned. Hatzlacha!

  12. P.S. I just wanted to add that I love many things here and do NOT want to leave... I daven all the time that we will be able to stay, but I fear for my son's future and yiddishkeit, and if we can't find a suitable place we will have to leave.

    1. Lena, do you want help? here's my e-mail
      My husband many years lived in Jerusalem. I think he can help you.Leah

  13. I need to just say that I am so grateful for people caring and reaching out. It gives me tremendous chizuk... you can't imagine how much. Truly to see people who are real and love other Jews brings tears to my eyes and also in this statement you can understand the dreadful things I have seen... Mind you we came here so spoiled... we have a wonderful Rav in America who is ALWAYS there to answer shilas, to care, a talmid chacham who does things lsheim Shamaim, no ego, kovod, like a father... We used to take all these things for granted like they were NORMAL.. There is so much to say.. On another level we have been able to do good things in E"Y too and I personally feel that Hshem must have really wanted us here because He brought us here.. I would have NEVER come had I known the nisyonos in store for my child!!! I would not have thought about it even for a minute! I taught my child to love every Jew, that it does not matter black kipa or kipa sruga or invisible kipa. He is such a ziskeit k'ah and I let him out into the wolf's den!! I have not seen such hatred and division -- the shock of it for us was too much... there is too much to say online, but I do not know if it is only here or in America too! My child was too small and I did not see that much division on this level in Brooklyn... a little but NOT to the extent I have seen here. I can't sacrifice my child for aliyah. I want to raise him to be a good Toradhik jew, and I see no future here at all if it continues in the same way.. I can't live within chareidi culture here !! I can't go thru protektsia thru this level of incompetence, thru well its' just kaha here.. NO kaha! Lo beseder! I hope Mashiach comes very very soon, but I DO NOT know when He will. Meanwhile, I have to provide my child with a school and a more or less normal chevra.... Neither chardal nor dati nor anything that smells of Znsm is not for us. If I put him in anything but a standard chareidi cheder I will have problems in yeshiva katana, later too and so on and so on.. I realize that there are different options and different communities... but for WHAT?? should we change our values and "adjust". Is there a mitzva for us to be here and chas v'shalom put our child in a situation where he will be rejected ... is interesting to us. We are just simple Jews who came here to learn and be close to H but it is not the E'Y we expected. If it is just my husband and me, no problem.. But we have a small child to raise and we owe him a normal life.. Funny thing is that despite NOT having a school and going thru so much bullying and "hafganot" ( Havganna Havganna we don't want Moshe(not his real name) by medina...) my amazing child (k'ah) says mommie do you know that each step we take here is a mitzvah...??? I am not setting my foot out of Eretz Yisroel... He loves it here in a way that I don't even understand. It is his land... and he feels it completely..

    And, RBS would be more or less ok... but when our son was 6 months he started to get bouts (that lasted for months on and off) of an allergic, bronchial/asthmatic cough. This was in Brooklyn. When we came to Yerushalaim, we forgot about it... but when we lived in RBS for a little bit to try things out he started his cough again (maybe it is also the construction...)!!! We don't know what triggers it and in NY the doctors did not know either. So unfortunately, RBS does not seem like an option..I feel that it is not right to hijack this thread/blog post... so my email is leahinisrael@yahoo.com. I may sound really frantic in my post but we are ok... Hshem is still in charge and if He wants us here then He will show us the way.... If he wants us back in the States well then so be it... I will continue to daven and cry to return each day to the rebuilt Yerushalaim and Hshem knows what is in our hearts. If we return it will be only because of our son....Leah

  14. The Spanish word for Yosef or Yossi is Jose... Just pointing this out for those who are awake.

    Also Hoshana Rabbah and Shmini Atzereth 5778 are precisely the 270th and the 271st days of "pregnancy" from the the French Pieces Conference of the precisely 70 nations on the 17th of Tevet 5777 (January 15th, 2017) in Paris if we count the Arab League as one nation. So yes, there were precisely 70 nations at the conference whose sole purpose was to divide Yerushalayim. The Gemorrah in Niddah says that the precise length of pregnancy is 9 Hebrew months + 5 days = 271 days because 271 is the Gematriah of HeRayon (pregnancy). I guess everyone who is reading this blog is awake...
