"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

27 July 2017

Binyamin's Message (Tamuz)

4 Av 5777

Facilitated Communication with Binyamin
Jerusalem, 12 Tamuz 5777

There Aren't A Lot Like These

I'm very excited, very, very excited. Because I feel that the end is approaching in giant steps! I'm fearful, and I'm happy, but it's scary to think what could be in the very near future. All of us see already that there are wars in our world, very difficult wars, the most violent, murderous wars. Of death in a horrible manner, of lacking love for humanity, of murder of women and children... Oy! What can I tell you, something horrible and awful, and no one can stop it. And those who cry out against it - they also are murdered... from both sides...

And we Jews living in Eretz Yisrael, and here in Eretz Yisrael - a huge danger. Millions upon millions of enemies surrounding us, but the time has come for a still larger, still scarier war which will affect the whole world. And not only that, it will collapse the economy, too. I don't know at all how the world economy is still standing, because in all the Western countries the evildoers have stolen most of the money in the banks. It all operates on "thin air", on "make-believe", there's almost no money at all in the banks. It's all numbers moving from computer to computer. And it has to collapse. How can it be that there is actually some economic progress in America?! What has Trump done until today to repair the damage that Obama did? Destruction that another two hundred years can't fix, just to destroy and rebuild anew. Here and there he does something, but it's not enough. It will take a hundred years just to repay the debts of America the Great and Powerful.

And Europe - same story. And Australia - same story, and China - same story, and all of them, Russia, for sure same story, and we 'idiots' who believe in the evildoers, who believe in the doctors, who believe in the lawyers, and judges who sit in the courts of the goyim, and even in Israel which is pretend courts of Jews. We believe that they will help us, the mechanic will help us, the technician will help us, they are all helping us, we depend on them, but they are liars, and they can't save us. No one can save us, not 'Social Security', not Bituach Leumi, and no government office, no one, just HKB"H.

Nothing will help us, only those who have very great trust in HKB"H will get through the near future relatively easily, only with absolute trust. The world we have now is so evil, since Hashem has returned to the world all the wicked who ever lived, with all the terrible things they do, with all their idolatry, they're all here right now. And we see a world full of evil that is impossible to describe. We see a huge lack of holiness, you could vomit from the lack of holiness that exists in our world today, and especially also among the Jews, and even Jews like Chareidim.

The whole world is disgusting, wanting to go against nature, with everything. They are trying to make new creations to make another nature. They're taking the human body and trying to turn it into something else. They even have a plan to connect human beings to parts of machines, which will be half human and half machine. They've made a lot of films about it, so that people will get used to this whole idea, it's sick, it's sick, it's going against the nature that G-d created, woman - woman, man - man. Everyone has a role, woman - it's mother, it's wife of her husband, she makes the home, the husband - he works and he learns Torah, and he comes close to Hashem together with his family, and they make a home of modesty, of holiness, of Torah and mitzvot, and etc., holidays and etc. That's our role in Olam Hazeh, and never go out to make all kinds of careers, in stupid things, no! The world is becoming something anti-HKB"H, Hashem yishmor.

But, don't worry, Hashem will finish them. All the evildoers will completely disappear. And those faithful ones who trust in Hashem will remain. Don't be afraid, don't be afraid! Whoever is with Hashem - Hashem will be with him. Whoever loves HKB"H - Hashem will be with him. Don't be afraid. But, it's not enough to not be afraid, we have to believe, we have to make a connection with HKB"H and start now if we have not started yet. Begin now to come closer and closer to Hashem, until we find Hashem, until we feel how Hashem caresses us and loves us and sends us only good. This is what we need to do in order to prepare for the near future. Because without this kind of preparation, we will suffer very, very much. I pity the Jews abroad because there it will be so much worse, But every Jew who understands that we need to come close to Hashem, and will begin now, this moment, to do it - every Jew who believes with all his strength that whatever HKB"H does is for our good, every Jew like this will be saved. And every gentile who believes in HKB"H, not oto ha'ish [JC], but in the name of Hashem alone - he also will be saved. There aren't very many gentiles like this, and there aren't very many Jews like this. Questions?

Q. What do you say about everything that's going on now between North Korea, South Korea, and the US...

A. It's all preparing us for war, if you're thinking there won't be a war - I'm sorry to tell you there will be a war. I don't know how long it will be - because the star will also arrive. And we are already entering into a difficult situation, everyone needs to hold tight, so to speak, to HKB"H, strongly, very strongly.

Q. What about the prayers rabbis and tzadikim are doing in all kinds of places?...

A. They feel and know that we are in very great danger, I only hope that a lot of people will go with them, because it is most important, ah, what would have happened before WWII, if only the Jews had prayed, if they had run to the kivrei tzadikim, and Europe was full-full, until today it's full of tzadikim, the graves of tzadikim. If only they had done this, if only they had made large assemblies, and returned in repentance, it wouldn't have been, the Nazis would not have had the power to do what they did to the Jews, but each one was more interested in his "business as usual." Therefore, no one prayed especially, and did not fear especially until the bombs began to fall. Then suddenly they were scared. And then they started to run. But, in Hungary, they sat quietly after everyone knew more or less what was happening, and did not flee, they simply continued like nothing - until they arrived, until the Nazis came. If only they had gone in large groups and cried and done teshuvah together - the whole Shoah would have vanished!


  1. Binyamin is now inconsistent with his prior messages. He used to say those living in chutz la'aretz are the ones in danger and have to move to EY. Now he admits that those who live within EY are the ones in danger. I no longer can trust his messages. I do feel that there has been someone manipulating the messages to fit an agenda. Sorry, but that's what I have been feeling all along.

    1. There are evil people all over the world now both inside israel and outside all over the world. 2/3rds of the worlds population is really wicked and there are enough look-alike evil really not jews in israel and zionism ruling but israel will be safer than most places and will not be destroyed in the end only the wicked people. There will be miracles like this all over the world but israel will be the easiest and safest.

  2. The Gemara tells us that the power of prophecy was given to deranged people..." (see Bava Basra 12b). Rebbe Shimon bar Yochai said, "...Before disaster and destruction happens to a nation, Heaven announces this throughout the whole world... and sometimes this is transmitted to fools who lack intelligence" (Zohar volume 2, page 6a 'רבי חייא אמר')

    Binyamin said, "I'm sorry to tell you there will be a war."

    Rabbi Eliyahu Lopian said, “While in London I heard from the holy Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman, quoting the Chofetz Chaim, that Chazal say the War of Gog and Magog will be threefold. After the First World War, the Chofetz Chayim said that it was the first battle of Gog and Magog and that in about 25 years there would be a second world war, which would make the first one seem insignificant. Then there would be the third war...” (Lev Eliyahu, Shemos, page 172 ‘וכעת בעיקבתא דמשיחא’. See also Rav Schwab on Chumash by Rabbi Myer Schwab, pages 240 – 241 (Israel Bookshop Publications).

    Yet, the only dispute that there is is whether World War III will be before the revelation of the Moshiach or after (see אוצרות אחרית הימים, פרק ה׳, מלחמת גוג ומגוג - http://bit.ly/2nM19w7).

  3. He only says what he is allowed to say. I dont see any difference, only that it's worse in the world than before. I also believe that the only way is to destroy and rebuild. But we dedicated to HaShem, the Awesome One, must strengthen in Emuna and Bitachon. I feel the rectification is escalating rapidly now.

  4. My only question is why we haven't heard a message like this as clearly and eloquently stated by our rabbis. Seems everyone else is afraid to offend and if he's being fed I'd like to listen to whoever that might be too.

  5. Why would Binyamin be looking at youtube videos? It's obvious that this message has been orchestrated by someone other than Binyanin and used him to further his causes.

    1. I added the videos to my translation. If you follow the link to the original you'll see that no youtube videos are there.

  6. I don't see anything prophetical in "this message" at all. Everyone, that learns our sources and looks into todays world with unprejudiced eyes can come to such conclusions. It's pshat, that everything gets tighter by the minute, that war speech is rampant, that the torah and Hashem are disgraced more than ever, that all the evil is promoted with unseen chutzpa and gaavah, that the leaders behave like a bunch of clowns, that evil seems to have an uprising..... so to suspect, that the time for Mashiachs arrival is close is not far fetched and to proclaim that teshuvah is needed is in itself natural. My conclusion is not to listen to "these messages" but to the recommendation of our sages, namely to learn torah and practice it and to do gemilut chasadim. My chiuv is not to listen to "those messages" but to live the halachic chiuv till the last moment. That's it.

    1. I don't post it as "prophetic" and Binyamin never claimed to be giving "prophecy". He has as much a right to comment on current events as anyone else. And anyone reading his comments, like anyone else's comments, can take or leave any or all od it.

      What makes his perspective unique is that he calls it as he sees it and does not have any motivation to seek favor from those he speaks to. He is very connected to the world of truth and holds nothing back.

  7. If the message does not "speak" to you, it will to someone else. Everyone has his own way.

    1. I prefer to listen to the Torah. I am not aware of a chiuv go listen to such jumble of words. Maybe it's even an issur to listen to such texts. Why listening to sth that has no chazakah for being truth and pushing away to listen to real truth, namely Torah. I have the guts feeling, that this all became a fake and that there are people behind it, that push it for whatever interests they may have. It's always the same jumble if subjects and always after the fact... sth happens in the news and than they speak about it... in my opinion it's a shame if a jew listens to such texts instead of the holy torah. It's a sign for the jeridah.

    2. Does it look like these people as we know here have any advertisement solicitation? Look at the whole world today and compare it to a fantasy crafted world and tell me how different it is from what they are saying right here. The world events connect us to the torah and all these morbid things are happening because of our sins and the sins of all good people and if we and all the good gentiles would repent and be good and clean human beings, g-d would end this nightmare and bring us to the next stage of creation and a cleaner, happier existence and refreshing reality with no wicked people and no wicked influence but the main problem is we are not listening and continue with all our total garbage and it is causing such a delay; "but let them mark my words, this insanity of a world will not continue any longer one way or another.

    3. Inon, this blog is not Torah, why are you wasting your time reading it? Maybe it's even forbidden to read it.

  8. Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi says consistently every week that there will not be a 3rd World War. This is conflicting with what Binyamin says.

    1. After Moshiach comes, a major war will be instigated against Israel, as mentioned in the Holy Zohar (Shemos 7b), and in Parashas Vayaira (119a) and Toldos (139). This is the War of Gog and Magog spoken about in Yechezkel (38, 39), and Zechariah (14), as well as in Midrash Tehillim (Mizmor 118:9). There it says: Three times in the future Gog and Magog will come against Israel and go up against Jerusalem, and assemble and anger the nations with him to go up to Jerusalem … (Sha’arei Leshem, p. 491)

      Hence, there are meant to be three separate wars of Gog and Magog, and according to the following, two have already occurred:

      “While in London I heard from the holy Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman, quoting the Chofetz Chaim, that Chazal say the War of Gog and Magog will be threefold. After the First World War, the Chofetz Chaim said that it was the first battle of Gog and Magog, and that in about 25 years there would be a second world war, which would make the first one seem insignificant. Then there would be a third battle …” (Leiv Eliyahu, Shemos, p. 172)
