"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

08 June 2016

"Said the Spider to the Fly"

2 Sivan 5776
Day 46 of the Omer

"Won't you come into my parlor said the spider to the fly..."

The Spider and the Fly is a poem by Mary Howitt (1799–1888), published in 1829. The first line of the poem is "'Will you walk into my parlour?' said the Spider to the Fly." The story tells of a cunning Spider who ensnares a naive Fly through the use of seduction and flattery. The poem is a cautionary tale against those who use flattery and charm to disguise their true evil intentions. (Source)

Netanyahu Meets Russia’s Putin, Visits Israeli Technology Exhibit in Moscow

“We certainly feel at home,” Netanyahu said. “Israel’s doors are open to Russia and Russia’s doors are open to Israel.


  1. I think Netanyahu is pitting Russia against the US in their relationship to Israel, plus Russia is involved with the Israel - Turkey “reunion”, plus actions vs Syria. Netanyahu is very clever.

    1. Netanyahu is on an ego-trip and playing a very dangerous game.

    2. Btw, Neshama, I don't know if it's the same with you, but when I go to Shirat Devorah, my blog posts have not been updated in over 24 hrs. I told you it happens to me also. It's blogger and I don't have a clue how to force it to update in a more timely manner.

  2. Devash: on your blog’s “Post Page” where you see all your posts and when they are posted, at the very bottom right corner should be a little box that says ‘complain’. This is where you make your complaint. it will ask you to highlight any information to be sent to them; so, here just highlight the one post with its time, and say ok for it to be sent with your complaint. My thought is that Google is doing something with “timing” vis-a-vis US, Israel, and maybe other countries. They may be holding all posts until a set time so they reach the other country during their daytime hours. I haven’t totally figured this out, but it is very annoying, especially which we all communicate with each other via our blogs. stay tuned!

    1. Thanks for the advice. As far as time goes, Shirat Devorah is based in Australia so they are ahead of Eretz Yisrael in time. And even if we were talking about the US, it's only 7-10 hrs difference, not like 36!

    2. I have noticed that as well, it seems it only happens with some blogs and not others. Don't understand these technical issues. I think that everyone gets a different view of the Blog Roll updates, depending on their server. I have seen people clicking onto old posts of mine, which are still listed as current on other peoples'blog rolls, and at the same time other people are receiving the new updates and clicking on them. Makes no sense to me, but like I said, I am not clued up on this stuff.

    3. Me either. This came up because Neshama emailed me a couple of times that my blog was not updating her posts. I had noticed that about mine before but not for so long a period of time as this one. Just wanted her to see that it does it to me also.

  3. I guess my complaints are being heard. My early morning post is now showing on Devash. Haven’t checked the other blogs I am linked to. I stressed in my complaint, that if one posts in Israel these posts should be seen on other Israeli blogs immediately. Another thing, if you have blogs constantly listed along your Safari or Chrome heading, and you click on it, unless you go to the blogspot address above, it doesn’t update. It is necessary to go to this address above to update all blogs. And I think it works both ways. If I do it to my own blog, it may have a link to other blogs. Not sure you’ll understand this, but I found it works. IOW we need up update our own blogs often.
