"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

28 March 2016

Mazal Tov to Meir Ettinger!

18 Adar II 5776

And may the Great and Final Judge Above grant his request and set him free to return to his home and his family!!

Meir Ettinger is a father

Published: 03.28.16, 14:17 / Israel News
The Shin Bet's most wanted man, Meir Ettinger, is now a father.

He was arrested and put into administrative detention under suspicion of setting a Palestinian family's home on fire.

He has requested to be let out in order to attend the Brith Milah of his son.


  1. Mazel Tov! May he be freed very soon, and may all the Reshaim take his place for a long, long time (under the earth is fine too).

    Meir, you are in my prayers.

    1. You could not imagine what all the wicked of the world have brought on themselves. And as far as the request goes, the answer is clear. He would be lucky to see the ceremony in live footage but that is unlikely.

  2. Mazel Tov for the new baby boy! Meir is in my prayers for him to be free from the pit so he and his wife can raise their son and he can live out his life as he wishes for Hashem. He has suffered enough as he lost 3 close family members to terrorists as have many Israelies. He suffers from injustice. May G-d hear all the prayers for his release and justice be honored.

    נולד בן זכר נתרפאה כל המשפחה - משפחת אטינגר-כהנא וכל כלל ישראל When a baby boy is born it's a healing for the entire family - family Ettinger-Kahana and the entire Klal Yisrael. Mazal Tov am Yisrael.

    Please forward this message to Meir and tell him I'm praying for him for the past few MONTHS that he should be released healthy (not like Rabbi Uzi Meshulah may he have a refuah shelemah) and the reshaim should not have a shlitah over him. I'm praying for "Meir Ettinger" but would love to pray the proper way - with his mother's name. I'd appreciate if you can please post his mother's name.

    Mazal tov, Meir, and may you merit to be at the brit and raise your son with lots of yiddish nachat.


  4. ...and in the zechuth of the newborn baby may Meir come home so that the child will recognize his father!

  5. This cries out to the Heavens; I would almost say it deserves a Taanit all on its own. That our so-called Jewish government would deny a most basic right to this innocent man, who even under their draconian Esavian rules has not been charged with ANY crime... doesn't this deserve a special public prayer??

  6. AMEN to all the brachot for Meir David Chai ben Tovah! MAZAL TOV TO HIM AND HIS FAMILY. May H' bless that he will soon rejoin his family and derive much nachas and happiness from his newborn son - ken yirbu! We should all say Tehilim for his release; this whole situation is surreal as if we are in a dream (or nightmare). H' y'rachem and send Moshiach Tzdkeinu immediately b'rachamim l'chol Bnei Yisrael! nili
