"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

14 November 2015

This Is What Divine Judgment Looks Like

3 Kislev 5776
Shavua Tov!


  1. Because you have the clock on your blog telling us the exact hour that Yehonatan leaves jail, this is for you.

    I am beginning to wonder seriously if this exploding midah keneged midah against France is somehow setting the stage for Mashiach ben Ephraim's release from prison after spending 30 years as a POW in an American Federal Prison. It is well known amongst Chazal that based on the Covenant between the Parts, Mashiach ben Yosef (aka Mashiach ben Ephraim) and Mashiach ben David b'itah will be revealed at the same time while only ben David will rule as Melekh (if it is b'itah). Achishena it was possible for Mashiach ben Ephraim to have a separate Malkhut for a few years, but we kind of blew that opportunity for the year 5766 because of the Expulsion from Gush Katif in 5765, along with the various reasons why some people joined Sharon's Govt. to bring that about. We see that at the end of the last exile, Avraham in the Covenant between the Parts symbolically releases both a Tor (turtledove) and a Gozel(a ben Yonah or a dove). He releases them both together that is simultaneously, meaning that b'itah they are both released upon the world together. The Tor of course is Mashiach ben Ephraim who according to the Yalkut Shimoni (in that same page about Persia going forth to take over the world) is finally released from prison while the Ben Yonah who is Mashiach ben David also begins to affect the world at large in a big way by announcing his presence from "the roof of the Beit HaMikdash". Obviously without a Beit HaMikdash this announcement will have to come in an equally spectacular manner surrounding events on the Temple Mount.

    Good night

    1. God willing, he'll be out before the clock runs out. We know the day but not the hour, so I set it til 11pm on Nov 20th. Since they are supposed to let him out Fri instead of Sat the 21st which was the original date - the 30 year completion according to the Gregorian date - he should be out in plenty of time to make it to a destination before Shabbat comes in there.

      Interestingly, by moving the day up, it comes out 30 years to the date on the Hebrew calendar - 8 Kislev.

      I was thinking the other day how this situation so clearly pictures the redemption process - like how there were so many 'off-ramps' along the way when he might have gotten out early, but in the end, the time just ran down to the 'automatic' pre-set date of release. "B'ita", like you said.

    2. I've changed the countdown to end at noon on Fri rather than 11pm. I'm figuring they have to give him time to get someplace before Shabbat. Anyway, it will be close at that point, barring any last minute complication.

  2. Unfortunately, I watched this while I was having my Melave Malkah meal. This video made me sick!!! I knew that France had turned into a muslim country but had no idea how much the rest of Europe was being affected. These refuges are pure animals, drones, zombies, whatever they are....they are not human. SP

    1. It should make you stand up and cheer! Hashem dealing restribution to His enemies! It's a sight to see! The GERMANS, no less!! And they came out with welcome signs and flowers and balloons to greet their conquerors and rapists!! Divine judgment and Divine justice!

  3. Kind of sad knowing that even if one did explain the concept of Erev Rav to them that (except for possibly a small receptive minority) it would likely make little difference and even be used against us, certainly does not help that there is currently no way of excommunicating the Erev Rav from among us.

  4. Jesterhead45, Hashem is going to take care of them at the appropriate time.

  5. The statements of that woman are already being seized upon by Jew-haters despite push back by some saying the people responsible for the mess are the traitorous non-Jewish political establishments of the Western World, essentially the nations of the world appear to have their non-Jewish equivalents of the Erev Rav.

  6. When I started reading the reports after Shabbat, I half-jokingly said to a family-member, I wonder how long until they find a way to blame it on us. Within an hour, they had already made a connection between the concert hall where most of the murders occurred with the fact that it is (was) owned by Jews and had been "warned" for hosting pro-Israel events.

  7. Devash

    While the concept of the Erev Rav has been covered in-depth here and elsewhere in the past, have been contemplating the real-world motivations of the lady in the video who appear to love themselves too much to be driven by simple self-hatred.

    A nigh impossible task, yet the following seem to make the most sense.

    1- They seek to establish a united brotherhood of man (together with the non-Jewish elites responsible), where they can finally assimilate without they or their children's children being reminded of their Jewish origins.

    2- They genuinely believe that Jews had it good under Yishmaelite rule and so seek to bring back that particularly "golden age".

    3- They want to give Jews as a whole a bad name by being visibly supportive of policies they know will spark Jew-hatred, some have even been exposed in the past as non-Jews pretending to be Jews.

  8. I think # 1 is the most likely.

  9. This was written 10/15/15


    France's War Against The Jews

  10. Rabbi Pinchas Winston

    The Most Fearful Enemy Today


    1. Devash, what am I doing wrong when I'm attempting to post links?


    2. I have no idea. I can't see anything. Did you follow the instructions below?

  11. If you are talking about Barbara Lerner Specter in the video --she isn't driven by self-hatred only an inflated sense of self importance. She is delusional about her importance in the world and her organization is just as meaningless but that doesn't mean that haters won't hold her up as an example of a Jewish conspiracy. Pity her as being a victim of her own stupidity & delusions--dangerous as they are to others.

    Also--how can two hundred victims in the Paris attack (although quite tragic) be compared to the nearly 100,000 French Jews murdered in WWII? I don't understand any Rabbi who says it was retribution. It's barely a dent in the French psyche of denial & rabid anti-semitism.--- Diaspora RO

    1. When the news reported that this was the worst attack on French soil since WW2, THEY connected the dots. This was just the down payment on the payback - a token of what's coming to them.

  12. Furthermore, while you are "waiting for more than a token payback", your Father is waiting for YOU to get out of the way so He can let His wrath fall on them. But, He won't wait forever.

  13. Devash,

    How easy it is for you to ask American Jews to come just like that. People have financial, health, emotional, family and other issues to contend with. I myself have tried in vain to get jobs here and in Israel before making any move but without any luck. I don't speak Hebrew and I am not a millenial-- so no one cares? Hashem knows what I and others go through on a daily basis and he is my judge and protector--not you. Diaspora RO

    1. Come "just like that"??? 9/11 was your wake-up call. You've had 14 years to get your act together! What you're saying is that Hashem can provide your needs in chu"l but NOT in the Land He gave your forefathers.

      Of course, no one will give you a job in Israel BEFORE you make the move. Who's to say you'll go through with it? How long are they supposed to hold it for you? Had you even opened a tik or been approved before you tried to arrange a job? How realistic is that? It's very rare for anyone to have a job waiting for them, but I don't know anyone who ever did not find a job once they were here. Very few immigrants know Hebrew before they arrive. There are a million excuses.

      I'll share just one story I know of how unexpectedly things can work out. I knew an immigrant who came with only a high school education and a few years experience managing a fast food chain restaurant. No Hebrew on arrival. Went to ulpan. Got hired working the counter in an American-style bagel shop which went bust (the owners absconded back to America with all the employees' national insurance contributions) and he got hired at another new bagel shop. He moved into the kitchen and found he liked cooking. The new store expanded into a chain and they moved him to a factory to do the cooking for the all the stores and it worked out so well, they actually trained him as a chef. He's been steadily employed for nearly 18 years and seems very happy with his job.

      You couldn't plan for such a thing in advance, but Hashem has a plan for everyone.

      I'm an RN and I sat for the licensing exam in English and received my nursing license here and yet never worked as a nurse. A neighbor told me about a job in hi-tech through a friend of hers and I got a really great job that I never could have qualified for in the States. And every job I've had for 20 years has been in English.

      You just have to be open to whatever Hashem brings. But, if you put your faith and trust in Him do you really think he will let you down?

      Personally, I don't care what you do. But, don't talk like HKB"H asks you to do something impossible or harmful to you.

      You are the one who said you were hoping for retribution. I'd like to know how you plan to avoid being caught in it when it hits, that's all.

    2. And what makes you think that the Yidden in Eretz Yisrael will have it so easy? Give me sources from Navi, not opinion.

      Yisroel Tzion

    3. Show me where I ever said such a thing, Yisroel. It's not easy and it never has been easy. If it were, all the American Jews would already be here.

  14. < href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ljecyqhun_0">Intense, extreme weather October 2015


  15. Again, I have to trust Hashem while I do my very best. I've known others who emigrated to Israel to only to come back because they tried and couldn't make it. You were very lucky but the exception---not the norm. And, I don't judge those who came back or who can't go for whatever reasons..

    I know that Hashem will bring us back when he is ready and not a moment sooner. Everyone has a different Tikkun and perhaps mine entails staying put no matter how hard I try to leave. There are reasons for a falling leaf according to the Baal Shem Tov, so then there are reasons why impediments block us as well. When the time comes, Hashem will reveal all.

    Finally, I can't avoid anything dangerous here just as you can't walking down the streets in Israel. There is a Yiddish saying my Mother taught me--"the feet carrying you where your head must lie." --Diaspora Ro

  16. "Hashem leads a person in the direction that the person wants to go" (Makkos 10a -- (for right or for wrong.)

