"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

15 November 2015

The Final Redemption

4 Kislev 5776

See more from Yuval Ovadia...

Amazing new film - live miracles

Also - Yuval Ovadia's life story

Mitzvoth affecting the AURA -- Amazing revelations

GOG-U-MAGOG - the final war

SPIRITUAL TURBULENCE - the truth about Judaism & Christianity

Séances In The Army - facing the DEVIL -- סיאנסים בצבא !!!

DIVINE INFORMATION -- The Original Movie -- אינפורמציה אלוקית

Amazing Prophecy KOREA & GOG-U-MAGOG !! 


  1. It's understandable to want to be like others. But we should remember our purpose to be holy and keep true to our mission of Torah, so we can spread light and connect to Hashem and fellow Yidden

  2. Hashem is waiting for us to be ready. Lets make ourself ready and improve ourselves how we can whether improving our kavanah in prayers and No talking in shul, or good middos, or Shabbos, and other.

  3. I agree with all the above...

    ...and in addition to that, we need to follow haShem where he says to (at least be willing to) drive those we find in the land out of the inheritance He has given us! It is certainly as much "going against nature" as giving tzedaka, or other mitzvoth we find difficult. (As Devash has said before - and many others as well - the actual kicking out has to be done as a collective, with leadership - may that come now!)

  4. Replies
    1. All thanks belong to Yuval Ovadia and HKB"H.
