"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

06 September 2015

Unification vs Separation

22 Elul 5775

Xianity believes that their "gospel" must be taught to all the nations of the world in order to redeem all of mankind and then their messiah will come and reign as king over all the earth. They believe, as the "New Israel", or the "True Israel", that they inherited this job from the Jews who they claim failed at it.

Unfortunately, many of the non-Jews who have left Xianity in recent years still have this false idea firmly implanted in their minds and have transferred it back to the real Israel. Only now, as they see it, we have failed to spread the "gospel" of the good news of the Noahide Code to the gentiles and failed to provide them with a proper Noahide 'religion' to replace what they lost when they left Xianity.

Somehow this idea has taken hold among Jews who have had too much contact with the non-Jews. They've come to believe this nonsense to the extent that they are buying into the idea that until now we've failed our mission to be "a light to the nations" and are now preaching to their fellow Jews how Hashem raised us up as a people in order to serve humanity. And some go so far as to say that our unification with the non-Jews is what will bring the redemption of the whole world.

For one example of this, see these excerpts from a recent newsletter from the Temple Institute...

...What was it about the forefathers that caused G-d to choose their offspring to be His eternal people and to make them "supreme, above all the nations?" Quite simply, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov put G-d's name on the map. They brought knowledge of His sovereignty to all the nations. They paved the way for G-d's presence to one day dwell on earth, among His people and among the nations, in the place that He will choose - Jerusalem.

...G-d is, in effect, telling Israel that its relationship to the other nations is one of Kohen Gadol - High Priest - tender to G-d's earthly abode and "brother" to all the nations who acknowledge G-d's presence and ascend His holy mountain. G-d had earlier told Israel that they will be a nation of priests, and this is the true nature of that designation: Israel will enable and guard the interface between man and Creator, between G-d and His subjects.

...today, Israel is closer than ever to living up to G-d's intended role for her: To be a brother to the nations and to make His name known among them.

It makes one want to weep for the distortion of Torah truth. As we only recently reviewed here in the teachings of the Ramchal, and which is eloquently explained by Rabbi Mendel Kessin in his most recent video, Israel serves HASHEM Yitbarach through the performance of mitzvot and when all of the kedushah has been reclaimed from the side of evil and brought back to the side of good - through the performance of MITZVOT - then redemption will come to the world and all of humanity and all of creation will benefit enormously from it.

Hashem speaks to each person and guides each soul's life and draws every honest truth-seeker to Himself. There is no need for missionaries to roam the world in search of people to "save". This is a case where the yetzer hara has latched onto a seemingly noble cause which appeals to certain people's egos and is using it as a major distraction from the real job at hand.

What's even worse though are those who don't even need the excuse of missionizing the goyim out of false beliefs. They are satisfied to put a kosher stamp on Yeshu and declare any xian who relates positively to the State of Israel as "righteous among the nations". They see salvation sprouting from a unification between Jews and non-Jews as "brothers"... 

Rabbi Yitzchak Goldstein of the Diaspora Yeshiva on Mt Zion recently told a group of visiting xians there:

“...Mt. Zion is the only place in the world that accepts all three religions – Jews, Muslims and Christians,” said Rabbi Goldstein. “On this one hill, there’s a synagogue, a church and a mosque. Everyone is welcome.”

...The seminar was the first session of a program which Rabbi Weisz is working to establish called “Yeshiva of the Nations.” Working with Christian activists and organizations like Eagles’ Wings, the Yeshiva of the Nations will offer opportunities in Israel for Christians who want to learn more about their religion and how it connects to the Holy Land. 

And we wonder why we're losing Kever David HaMelech?

Rabbi Yehuda Glick speaking about the Temple Mount from two months ago:

...We need to unite to get the Temple Mount opened to all people and all forms of prayer. Everyone needs to express a zero tolerance for violence on the holiest place on earth. The more people visit the Mount, the more we will strengthen its importance for all people. We need to push public opinion that the Temple Mount needs to be accessible to all. The Temple Mount Heritage Foundation uses its donations towards this goal. People should write letters to their government representatives and demand that Israel allow prayer on the Temple Mount from all religions. The Israeli government is very sensitive to world opinion and this will have an affect. Arabs will eventually learn to understand that we are united for the good.

And we wonder why Jews are attacked when they ascend the Temple Mount?

We must resist these calls to unification for all we are worth and follow the instructions of the sages from our past - before the Erev Rav took over every leadership position...

Excerpted from the book The End of Days by Shmuel Raber:

"During the First World War many came to the Chafetz Chaim and asked him is this is the 'End of Days' and the war of Gog and Magog. The Chafetz Chaim answered: 'After this war there will be a pause and then there will be another war and then another pause. Then there will be another war and with that war the Mashiach will come...the last war will be the beginning of the redemption, and a Torah-true Jew who is completely separated from the non-Jews will not be subjugated, as we find that in Egypt when two people drank from the same cup, one (an Egyptian) drank blood and the other (an Israelite) drank water. This shows that in fact there is no rule whatsoever over a Jew who is separated entirely from the non-Jews." (Rabbi Aharon Kotler, in the name of the Chafetz Chaim, Leket Reshimot Channukah by Rabbi Noson Wachtfogel, p.40)

"I have a tradition passed down from one to another in the name of Maran HaGaon Rabbi Yehoshua Lieb Diskin, z"l, that in the final war before the arrival of the Mashiach all of the righteous Jews will be saved. Who are the 'righteous Jews'? Those who are separated from the non-Jews! It does not mean that they must be one of the 36 righteous individuals, rather they must be separated from the ways of the non-Jews and have no contact with their culture! Not with their newspapers, their music and books; to be entirely separated from them. Then Hashem will say: You are Mine and you are under a different authority so no one else will rule over you" (Ibid., p. 41)

As the Torah tells us... "For the Lord, your God, is testing you, to know whether you really love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul." (Devarim 13:4)

Hashem admonishes us "Be holy!"  Holiness denotes separation, just as the six mundane working days are separate from the holy Shabbat which is elevated above them. Nothing from those six mundane days is to brought into the holiness of Shabbat, not even mundane thoughts or speech!


  1. Shavua tov ushana tovah!

    It's all well and good for the nations to criticize us for not having spread the Noahide code. But they forget the essential thing: They repudiated us, mocked us, kept us small through murder and thievery, did everything they could to keep us well tamped down under their feet. Eizo hutzpah lahem! They got a lotta nerve!

    Soon enough, HaShem will straighten 'em out, after this darkest-before-the-dawn part is over.


    Weep indeed. Rabbi Yehuda Glick won the Moskovitz Prize for that. And then we wonder why Hashem allows Muslims to control Har Habayit. At least there is no avoda zara under the Muslims. B"D when we have Beit Hamidash it will be for all the nations, not all the religions. How is it that a rabbi doesn't understand that? By his account, all the religions can bring all their avoda zara to the holiest place on earth.

    Everyone has a yetzer hara, and as one ages it is less for lust and money, and more for kavod, and the desire to "leave a mark" on the world. Maybe this is why it's better to be a simple Jew. One may not be so great, but then one does a lot less damage.

    Very upsetting indeed. At the same time an excellent post.


    1. "One may not be so great, but then one does a lot less damage."

      Wonderful insight, Elisheva. Thank you!

  3. Well said! As usual, I agree. Ever so boring! :)

  4. So true and srenghtening as usual, Devash. In his introduction to Massekhet Eruvin I remember that rav Sabbato said that the base of Keddusha is separation, the definition of limited domains for everything and the strict respect of those limits. Even a goy that is able to fix limits of his own and cares to respect them sits in a higher level of Keddusha than others.
    My personal question is the Internet. When I grew in Paris my dream was to be a film director! I knew everything in this domain and when I realized that realizing this dream was to make the highest level of lie my profession I flew to Israel and engaged in the army against the will of my beloved family. Thanks G-od they all come after me five years later. Now, many years later in Israel, years of fighting my wrong ideas and tendencies inherited from France tumah, Baruch Hashem I live in Jerusalem in an orthodox quarter and enjoy the influence for me and my family. I do not have more movies (I erased all my classics), all my favorite books, goyish music etc... It was hard but now I don't miss it at all, just feel regrets for the years wasted under those influences. The last bastion is Internet. In my surrounding they blame for many good reasons people like me that are still connected. On the other hand, I feel the basic need to be instantly connected with the important news of this time, to be able to be connected with the G-od of history, to know what happens and be able to feel and recognize his mighty hand not only in daily life . And yes I need of course to be connected with geula blogs, especially yours of course. I recognize that being connected to Internet could be still seen like playing with fire, but it's a spiritual need for me, with all its dangers. So I hope I will like many others not be considered as a non separated Jew when in the next days the Geula will surprise us berahamim.
    Thanks for everything and all the best.
    Itzhak. Yerushalaim.

    1. That describes me, too, and probably most of those who read here. And we all hope the same thing.

    2. Does anyone besides me feel that things have gone too quiet? Maybe it's just my imagination.

      I messaged Gil Nachman and asked him if the danger had passed - no response. I emailed Moishele's people since we haven't heard from him since April - no response. Keep checking the Daniel site - nothing new. Dov's back, but hardly any new comments...

    3. You're right, it's always very quiet before something happens. Remember we are going into the aura of crowning HaShem our G-D. We are being given this time to really think, reflect and prepare for that awesome day.

    4. Itzhak, you don't 'need' to connect with the geula blogs. I feel that it becomes sort of an addiction of some sort. And that's when I'm envious of those living in oblivion. When Hashem needs to let us know something, He sure will, through other means. Although I've far from stopped completely, I've pulled back a bit, and I feel a huge sense of relief. More at peace with myself, Hashem, and what He wants of me..... and I feel that I still have way to go.

      In addition, there truly is NO excuse to be surfing the web and looking through so many sites that are full of Tumah, even though we are just looking for news. We gotta be blind not to see the filth on their sidelines and everything that the goyishe culture puts forth. Thus, the beautiful article above.
      I'll emphasize: "They must be separated from the ways of the non-Jews and have no contact with their culture! Not with their newspapers, their music and books; to be entirely separated from them." The internet (which was non existent at that time) encompasses all of the above!
      A non filtered inet connection is the worst a yid can have. Tuma is all over the place, and even though we're trying to watch what we see, it's inevitable. Every piece of immorality that we face, even with closed eyes, affects our G-Dliness, our Tzelem Elokim. And if we feel that we are so immune to all of this and it won't affect us negatively, then that in itself is THE problem.

      Separation is key. Each on our own level, with our own nisyonos.

      Maybe it's so quiet now, so that we can be taken by storm when Moshiach finally arrives!
      If we know everything in advance, what'll be with the words, ''It'll be like in a dream"?

      Sarah G K

    5. Please see my comments over at shiratdevorah (shmitah trending now), and this

      "Why Refugees From Old Wars Are Only Rushing To Europe Now"

      The planned Muslim invasion of Europe is in full force at the behest of the Teutonic masters (in contravention of European Law). All very ironic.


  5. Define *things*.
    tptb have their own timing and as not to cause panic they allow for these intermediate times to give a false sense of security. Behind the headlines they're preparing for war on all fronts. This is the quiet before the storm.

  6. Yes, in a way it is quiet we are before the High Holy days and we should reflect and pray for more emuna because it won't stay that way ( I hope HaShem lets us feel this way even when their is turmoil and keeps us sheltered). So we all should enjoy it and do a lot of good with it... I like to visualize Moshiach coming with rachamim... Like the Lubavitsher Rebbe used to say, Lachshov Tov v Heyeh Tov...

  7. Shavua Tov Everyone!
    IY"H I'm going to go and say a few chapters of Tehillim for all of us and take advantage of the quiet time.
    There is reason for everything.
    What a waste it would be if we didn't utilize this quiet time.
    After all - it is a gift.
    Besuros Tovos!

  8. Here is the real reason the 'refugees' are flowing: Hijrah
