"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

08 September 2015

"The Main Thing - Not To Fear At All..."

24 Elul 5775

I'm sorry, but there is simply no way I am going to have the time to translate the full message and all questions and answers. Therefore, there are only a few excerpts this time. My apologies.


Communication with Binyamin
Jerusalem,18 Elul 5775

"The Main Thing - Not To Fear At All..."

...there's a huge threat from all directions. The bad guys are removing all kinds of information that's a complete lie, but it's very scary because it's coming from a source that's supposedly 'official', various pictures and evidence, etc.,... But, don't be afraid, it's all a lie! We have only one thing that we need to fear from this, it's that, God forbid, it doesn't distance us, God forbid, from HKB"H. This is the greatest fear. ...This is the choice that we must prepare ourselves for. Not to fear! Hashem won't abandon us. It's not like the time of the Shoah when most of the people were killed. No, it's not like the Shoah. The Jews who are returning to HKB"H - will live, all the time that they are truly with Him, but if it's a lie - then they will disappear.

...And now, the big war will be between Edom and Yishmael, and one will "bomb" the other, even though it's one group that does it, it's not country against country. But, here they will have a surprise, I don't know what the surprise is, but I know that here they will have a harsh surprise. And it will throw them down. Hashem will throw them down. They will see that Hashem is doing it, they have to see clearly that it's Hashem Who is doing it, ....

Q.  What's with the expected visit of the Pope at the UN?...

A. Oh, the visit of the Pope at the UN? It will be a big thing! It will direct the whole future of what they want to do. He will say clearly, he will also give the feeling that in fact he is "the head of the UN", that he's the ruler, that he and his religion - are the directors. And he has already spoken openly about 'one religion for the whole world' and about 'one government for the whole world', and he still hasn't arrived at the UN! Who knows what more he wants to say....

Q. The nuclear agreement with Iran, isn't it meant to serve as a stage, part of the plan, the agenda of 'the new world order'?...

A. It doesn't make an impression on me. It's all nonsense, and it's all a reason for a big war. Most of the things we hear in the world - it's 'made up', a show. Not everything, but quite a lot of it. And also there's the threat that they're saying a 'meteor' will arrive here. Once they spoke about 'Nibiru', now they're not talking about 'Nibiru', they're talking about the meteor, a meteor that is likely to come and create a tsunami that is capable of simply submerging a serious part of the United States that would be under water. It will be flooded by a tidal wave 100 meters high! People won't even have time to run from it. So, it's all to confuse people. Every day there's something new....

Q. How will Rosh Hashanah be this year, will it be different?

It will be different this year, because the people will feel a threat. There's a threat all over the world. Also here it will be - the threat....


  1. Doesn't sound like Moshiach is coming next week from those words. I thought these guys were all in communication with each other.

    1. Well, the thing about autism, as I understand it, is that they have difficulty communicating at all. They are all supposedly getting their information from a common source - "Shamayim".

  2. Moshiach is a process. I read somewhere that it's going to come slowly. Hashem is giving us time to prepare ourselves. But we need to prepare now.

    1. Yeah, slowly, like over another 200 years. I don't mind the reality. Whatever Hashem wants. But false expectations I don't like so much. One of the autistics said we'd be walking blissfully into the Beis HaMikdash motzei shiviit.

    2. Agreed, I think the earliest estimate of the start of the geulah process is when the GR"A's students first came to settle Eretz Yisrael in the 1800s, but if you even say from the foundation of the state - that's 67 years! It is not an endless process!

      I agree with you, Yisrael K. I'm beginning to have some serious doubts about all these "messages" - Rav Vaknin, R' Ben Artzi, the FC messages, etc. There's really no way to confirm if they are trustworthy - only if they come true or not. And most are vague enough to keep us guessing. I don't know. Sometimes, I'm afraid I'm just contributing to the confusion. :-(

      Please, Hashem, help us! ...save us!! ...redeem us!!! ...deliver us!!!!

  3. Thought you might like to see this

  4. Dvash - we never give up hope. Firstly, we know this is all a process and our Sages tell us that when we least expect Moshiach's arrival, is just when he will appear. H' does not want us to know the exact timing; but he allows us to know when we are in the general time and we are there NOW. Things are going on, as you already know, under the radar. The bad guys are extremely devious and clever; but still it is really all being orchestrated from On High. We are living in the strangest and most frightening of times and as humans, we can easily lose hope and dispair. We must not! May the Geulah come immediately and with great Rachamim. nili

    1. Thanks for the pep-talk, Nili. I needed that . :-)

  5. Dear Devash!

    We are all together in this uncertainty and even if Mashiach does not come after Sukkot or whatever, we will wait for him EVERY DAY until he comes! Yes, it hurts and it is difficult, but everything is for our ultimate benefit! The autistics are verbalizing my feelings that I can't express and I do not look on my calendar for when Mashiach will arrive after reading their messages. It is a spiritual time not physical time! I have access to the messages BECAUSE of your translations and they give me tremendous chizuk! Everything is shaking and anyone that has an awake Jewish neshama feels it. You are doing an incredible job and thank you for giving me an opportunity to give you chizuk as well because you were honest about your doubts, which ARE perfectly normal. I think that I speak for everyone who comments here that this blog is tremendous and always done with irat shamaim and emet! Please everyone hold on because it is VERY possible that we ARE the generation b'chessed u'vrachamim please Hshem.... that will be zoiche to live in a world where Hshem Ehad Ushmo Ehad! Leah R

    1. You humble me, Leah. "Mi k'amcha Yisrael?!" B"H! Thank you.

  6. I don't know how much credence to lend to the "autistim," but I do find one thing interesting. Given all the wailing and gnashing of teeth on the issue of Iran by what seems to be a huge majority of Jews, to call it a distraction is an unexpected response, and one that I happen to agree with.

    1. I don't even read the articles about it. In a perverse kind of way, we want Iran to succeed because we know it has to in order to bring the geulah. And anyway, I do believe those rabbis, etc. who have said they already havea a nuclear weapon and I do believe they will use it. Can you imagine how all the "supporters" of the Iran deal will look then? Just another way to bring justice for Am Yisrael.

  7. R Shimon Schwab has an article on Moshiach. He talks about all the times over the century that people were sure Moshaich was coming - WWI, WWII, etc. He remembered each time well. Be Moshaich didn't come. R; Schwab said, Moshiach's arrival on any day is a 50/50 proposition. He might come. He might not come.

  8. One thing we can be sure of is, we are witnessing is the death of the West. The duplicitous antisemitic EU, UN and USA and all Scandinavian countries are being over run by the kinds of people they want Israel to make 'peace' with. The Trojan horse they urged Israel to accept. This is Divine Retribution. They support our enemies and BDS Filled with arrogance and self-righteousness, they talk to us about peace while driving a knife into our back.. Could this be the 'war' our prophets and sages talked about, between Islam and Christianity? A war not fought with tanks and planes, a war brought to their own shores? It sure looks like it. Surely our Redemption can't be too far behind.




    1. You're absolutely right, Emunah. Thank you so much for reminding us!

  9. It's been said that as we get closer to the end, there will a rope strewn across a river, which will be shaken hard and very often. Our job is to continue to hold on.
    As per any skepticism from autism, rabbanim,, or any other predictions etc., no one knows when the end will be. Say what you want or believe what you want, but the fact remains; Yaakov avinu wanted to divulge the end hashem didn't allow it. Daniel wanted, hashem didn't allow it.
    There has to remain in place a firm balance between desiring moshiach to come now, and continuing your job in bringing him.
    The Truth

    1. That's very wise.

      And wouldn't you know, the first question that was asked of Binyamin is "When will it be?" and he continued to give his same answer as every time he's been asked: "It's forbiden for us to give a date." He'll only say "Soon."

  10. See here: http://yeranenyaakov.blogspot.co.il/2015/09/worlds-largest-sub-from-russia-crosses.html

    And here: http://allnewspipeline.com/Intel_Source_War_Imminent.php

    Maybe this is the threat he's talking about.

    - a voice in the wilderness

  11. Devash and everyone else,
    Never ever give up!!!
    We don't know the calculations of Hashem. When He reveals it all to us - we will be ecstatic and proudly praise Him for all that He has done and exclaim that it was the absolute best! And yes - we are being tested. How much do we hold on and anticipate and yearn and beg for the Geula B'rachamim, even though not everything is panning out exactly the way we have understood. There are tremendous calculations that are way beyond. And everything makes perfect sense by Hashem.
    Also, let us not make the same mistake as Am Yisroel did with the Chet Egel. When Moshe Rabbeinu ascended to Hashem and they calculated when his return should be - and it didn't happen. They then went and sinned. Their calculation was off. I am a humble human being just like all of you who wishes and desires and yearns for the darkness to be eradicated and the ultimate light of Moshiach to be revealed. Yet, at the same time, I am constantly trying to say to myself that if what the Rabbanim, FC, words come to fruition just the way I think it will - does not take away the legitimacy. Hashem allows some things to be revealed and others not. He can change and edit anything at any given time. In the end - we will understand with perfect clarity.
    Hoping is a way of coping. Without this blog - lots of things would be much harder to deal with. Everything that happens - whether it is hopeful or hopeless is only to bring us to the highest and greatest place that we can possibly get to!
    Dear brothers & sisters, please hold tightly, please hold strongly. Please don't give up!
    Please keep on davening harder and stronger, with more heart and meaning than ever. We will IY"H make it to the finish line and will be proud of our accomplishments!
    Hashem is with us! He will never ever abandon us. He is waiting for us and desires us more than we can imagine and even more than we want Him. Everyday that we are around is a tremendous gift to utilize and prepare ourselves for the most exciting, blissful and peaceful time that will be!
    Am Yisroel Chai V'Kayum!!!!
    K'siva V'chasima Tova!
