"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

27 April 2015

Erev Rav Review

8 Iyyar 5775
Day 23 of the Omer

In his introduction to Mesilat Yesharim, the holy Ramchal says that he is not about to teach something new, but things we already know, but need to be reminded about. Furthermore, he suggests that his book should be read over and over again, In other words, we need constant reminding in order to stay on track - on the true path.

This is also true of the subject of the Erev Rav who rule over us at the End of Days. Especially where it concerns the Erev Rav, if you are not part of the solution, you are definitely part of the problem. Hence, this review.
(Excerpts from Part 4 of The War at the End of Days)
...Those original Erev Rav souls became intermingled with the authentic Jewish souls. We still have the Erev Rav with us, but today, they can be born into the best families, have the highest pedigree, and be the most (externally) pious and 'frum' people you'd ever care to meet.
...the Erev Rav are brazen, which means that they won't accept any suggestion that they are doing anything wrong (Ex.), and they will justify their evil deeds with any amount of lies, evasion, intimidation and other manipulative behaviours.
..If we don't actively fight against their evil influence and ideas, then we end up helping them, and the Vilna Gaon tells us it would then have been better for us if we hadn't been born in the first place.
...Rabbi Simcha Issaschar Ber Halberstam, the Divre Simcha, explains that even the 'good' that the Erev Rav do has to be rejected.
Rav Halberstam is teaching us that prior to Moshiach coming, one of our main jobs will be to split off from, and reject, the Erev Rav, even if they are apparently doing 'good' things.
In particular, the Erev Rav are obsessed with 'making peace' at any price, and will bully others mercilessly to get them to acquiesce to their plans.
And "making peace" does not just refer to deals to trade land for 'peace' with the Arabs, but even more perniciously to make 'peace' with Christianity (Shlomo Riskin and his students) and Islam (like the late Menachem Froman).

See the best resource on this subject: The Modern Erev Rav


  1. Wow. this is relevant to many topics.

  2. …"The tree of the knowledge of good and evil" shall be thrust from them and shall
    not cleave to them or mingle with them, for of Israel it is said - "and of the tree of
    the knowledge of good and evil ye shall not eat". This tree is the "mixed multitude",
    and G-d pointed out to them that through mixing with them they suffered two
    losses, of the first and of the second Temple, as it is said: "and on the day that you
    eat of it you shall surely die". They caused the Tzaddik to be left parched and
    desolate by the loss of the first Temple, which is the Shechinah in heaven, and by the
    loss of the second Temple, which is the Shechinah on earth. (Zohar ha Kadosh I 26a)

    - a voice in the wilderness

  3. The main aspect of the sin of Adam ha Rishon was that he wanted to bring close to
    him all the admixture of Chametz, the Erev rav and the 70 nations and this was also
    the sin of Moshe Rabbeinu when he took with him the Erev Rav, and they made
    things worse when they made the Golden Calf. And we are still in exile, for the
    redeemer will not come until we will purify and separate ourselves from them. And
    this was also the sin of King Shlomo when he received converts.
    Sefer ha Likuttim Tehillim

    - a voice in the wilderness

    1. The Erev Rav were created by Moshe and brought out of Mitzrayim by Moshe Rabbeinu. HaShem told Moshe that they were his problem. So in what way did Adam Want to bring them close? Are you speaking of the neshomas he made while separated from Chava? It's not clear.

    2. The Erev Rav were created by Adam HaRishon with Lilith. They were their offspring. Later they were reincarnated as the Erev Rav Moshe contended with and which were incarnated now for Moshiach/Us to contend with at the final stage.

  4. Loved this latest article on the writings of the holy Ramchal and the two comments by A voice in the wilderness. To me, the blatant unjewishness of the Erev Rav from the start has been so, so obvious, but the worst part is when so many cloak themselves in religiousity. The best example is riskin but why the silence of real Rabbis/Jews to out him out publicly for his sin, thus misleading the naive, ignorant and unlearned Jews.
