"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

24 February 2015

Excerpts from Binyamin Golden's Tu B'Shevat Message

5 Adar 5775

Message from Binyamin
15 Shevat 5775, in Jerusalem

On Elections

Q. It seems to me that since they want to take over here in Israel, it's easier for them to work via the Left, to buy and to operate them, so therefore, they are fighting now against the Right.

A. No! Completely not true. It's like in America. They have the Democrats and the Republicans. The Republicans are like 'against' Obama, against what he's doing. This way they're like 'protesters,' but in action, they're passing all his laws and if they would not vote for it - it would not pass! So, there's really not two parties, there's just one party: that of the evildoers. They're the rulers - and that's it. There are Democrats like this and there are Republicans like this. And that's exactly what we have here now. All of the seculars are involved in it and also part of the hareidim. And that's the problem. The whole matter of elections - it's a joke.

Q. So, what do you recommend to people, to not participate in the elections?!...

A. What a question. Whoever votes is voting that they are pleased with this system, with this structure which is not at all Jewish, simply not Jewish.

On Purim

Q. ...what will be here in another month?

A. I don't know what will be in a month, except that it will be worse. It will be Purim and I think that we will feel the purim very strongly. Hear our words - and don't ask questions... when it will arrive, you'll see. We will feel it very strongly, the purim.

Q. What? The rescue of Purim or the decree of the purim?

A. You're asking questions... I said what I had to say.


  1. Didn't quite understand Binyamin's answer to the question about voting?

  2. The problem is with my translation, I'm sure. I've cleaned it up a bit and it should be clearer now.

    I lean very much to that line of thinking, as you can see from the previous post that I wrote ten years ago. I, personally, hate this system. I want to see the monarchy restored. At the same time, there are rabbis backing certain candidates who they feel can mitigate against the pure evil of the system from within.

    I do not expect Mashiach to come via the voting process which I realize is rigged. I actually expect the Left to be given this round, but I know it really doesn't matter who gets it, the results will be the same. However, if all the believing Jews really would just pull out and let it collapse, Hashem would save us from the evil. It's not up to us. All that's up to us is to trust Him. I think we are just prolonging the agony for all of us by participating.

    We have no idea if they even count the votes. What if we would know for a fact that the act of voting was just a fraud and that the votes were actually thrown out and the totals manufactured and announced by the powers that be. Would any of us participate then?

    That's probably the real situation. I feel like starting a campaign saying "a withheld vote is a vote for Hashem." It's like getting a peek behind the curtain at the Wizard of Oz and still playing out the charade that he has any power to grant you your wish. How stupid is that?

  3. Agree 100% with Binyamin's message and your comment to it. Have thought that for a very long time. Why, simply put and especially in Israel - when you vote right you 'always get left'. We see this in an obvious way for a couple of decades in the States also. For the Jewish nation, politics is a very foreign concept and it is only a play for power. In the meantime, it probably is very improbable for the collective voters to not vote and thus if they would at least have the sense to vote for Yachad, it would have a positive impact and awaken many of the Jews, we hope. We need the monarcy, Moshiach Tzdkeinu, may it be in a blink of an eye.

    1. Mr. Anonymous, I'll let this go by once more, but in the future please sign a name at the end of your comment. It can be any name at all. And my thanks to all those who complied with my request.

  4. Rabbi Glazerson of the Torah Codes finds that bibi will be reelected: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l8E-_HuCSnU


    1. Thanks, Mike. I wonder if he looked for one of the other names or not. In any case, I read an article two days ago telling us to be prepared that Netanyahu is planning to build a coalition with the Left. That would actually make a lot of sense and it would really wake a lot of Jews up to the reality. I'm sure we'll see soon enough.

    2. Dave here,

      Devash, seems like bibi won't be making a unity government! http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/191805

  5. Thank you for posting this. I was confused by the Hebrew in what he was saying bit now it's clear. I told my husband I don't want to participate in the "hatzagah" of the elections and he feels we have to follow the gedolei yisrael and if they say vote then we vote. I'm rather torn because this seems to be the truth what Binyamin -and all the messages have been saying - it's all sheker , but we're supposed to follow the advice and rulings of the gedolim.

    1. I've also been struggling with this decision and for the same reasons. Like everything a Jew does, a lot depends on intention. If we must participate, let it be with the intention of following da'at Torah and strengthening the hands of those who are trying to bring true unity to Am Yisrael and not because we place any faith at all in the system or the outcome.

  6. Very well said and good advice. Thank you.
    B. E .

  7. Well, if so wasn't the Rebbe of Satmar, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, right on target over 60 years ago. His belief and wish was from the first day of the existence of the State of Israel, that nobody go along with the Erev Rav government, thus causing it to fall apart and bring Moshiach speedily. He actually stated then, that the Israeli government will not last a lot longer than 50-60 years. And we see that this is happening. On the other hand, some of you who actually are against voting these days, consider him too much of a zealot ..... Go figure...

    Sarah G K

    1. Rabbi Kahane famously said that "we" are closer to Satmar than many would believe. But, if you will recall from my previous post, I took the Maharal's example of a developing egg and compared the State to the placenta which nourishes a dveloping fetus. If it is G-d's will that the kingdom of Israel develop to maturity within the womb of the State of Israel then the period of development cannot be aborted short of its goal. It must be allowed to remain in that state (pun intended) until maturity is achieved. My point was that when that point is reached, to delay at the end of that process risks the viability of the developing entity. But, like everything else it's in Hashem's hands and He knows what to do and the time to do it which is why all of our efforts only merit or condemn us but they don't have any effect whatever on whether G-d's will is carried out or not. A prime example is our teshuva. Either we do it willingly or He will send a king who will force us to do it.
