"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

01 July 2014


3 Tamuz 5774

You have low expectations. You don't really expect the Israeli government organs to take vengeance on God's enemies. That's an ideal that lives only in the pages of Tanach - like a fairy tale. It's something to be hoped for only in the future when Ben David comes to rescue us. But, you still have the hope that at least this time, they will have the wisdom and the grace to just keep their mouths shut!!!!

One government minister has already proposed that Israel respond to this atrocity by announcing a new construction program. A well-known group of activists took over a hilltop in the area and called for "sovereignty." One leftist MK predictably called for calm and breaking the "cycle of violence." There is talk of bulldozing the kidnappers houses. And there are pictures of groups of kids sitting with lit candles - like the goyim they're trying to turn them into.

Endless, empty rhetoric... 

And the enemy does not fear to stone the very ambulance which carries away the bodies. They do not fear to continue to send rockets into our communities. They do not fear to riot on the Temple Mount - even in the wake of this outrage. And this chillul Hashem is the greatest tragedy of all.


  1. Or, what about blue (background) and white (wording)?
    Resembling the blue and white Israeli flag?

  2. Al pi derech hateva nothing short of a revolution in this country will change anything. Just like even the new generation of even secular Israelis, having grown up with bus bombings and all the other horrors of Oslo are no longer accepting all the brainwashing they have been force fed that we can make peace with these bnei pere adam, I think the whole Israeli society has to become so burnt out on this government that they finally realize our only salvation is in Hashem and not on politicians and diplomats.

  3. The key to revolution is prayer; it is stronger than you think.
    Here are my notes from an amazing shiur by Rabbi Noson Maimon on Likutei Halachot, containing the idea of a tzadik who is abducted, and how the tzadik can turn the tables on the kidnappers:

    Tefila b bechinas din: when chesed gets messed up, you switch to Channel B—din.
    The Sitra achra tries to swallow the din and is forced to vomit what it had swallowed over the years; sometimes it spits up its insides, in the form of converts, and even spits up some of its own.
    Sara Imenu in the palace of Avimelech is an example of tefila b bechinas din; the sitra achra swallows it up, but because the tzadik is so powerful, the tefila lodges in the throat of the sitra achra; it’s forced to give back the life and power it had swallowed with the kedusha when a person did a mitzvah improperly; now the tefila could result in all that din being returned.
    “HaShem will pull it out of his insides”—see chapter 8, Likutei |Moharan Tannina/shechina/sara/malchus/rivka
    Sara was taken to the houses of these 2 major reshayim; they wanted to conquer Sara themselves; why take Sara? --a simple case of adultery, from the impurity of the snake, to the point that they had their own women and also isha yiras HaShem; they wanted to inject their tumah into Sara imenu but she had incredible power so that even when the midas ha din took over, she exerted her tremendous power and they weren’t able to control her; adaraba she controlled them and they were beaten up by HaShem because of Sara; they were not able to touch her; she extracted from them many holy sparks.

  4. Koheles ch 8: to his detriment, didn’t know where to hide--this is all similar to the concept of tefila b bechinas din. A powerful tzadik shoots a missile and the sitra achra wants to swallow it.
    But it’s powerless to draw any strength from that tefila b bechinas din; what happens is that the tzadik shleps holiness out of the sitra achra. The woman who fears HaShem: is synonymous with tefilah/where you see the yiras shomayim in a person it is where he davens; tefila is submitting to HaShem, expressing faith; Sara is like a paratrooper behind enemy lines, extracting all kinds of kedusha.
    “Give her from the fruit of her hands”--sparks of kedusha forced to return. Avimelech: “I’ve given your brother a thousand pieces of silver” This is a remez to the sparks of kedusha the sitra achra forced to give back; this wealth/rachush/is a result of trying to swallow Sara imenu; she turned the tables on them and extracted from them the previous conquests, because Sara imenu symbolizes that tefila b bechinas din, the power to extract from the sitra achra the sparks of kedusha they had swallowed over a period of time.
    Pp 24, 25 same topic
    Explain that posok…
    It seems a little strange…what’s the connection between “this is a covering for your eyes” and “1000 pieces of silver”?
    Rashi: struggling to make sense…the words don’t seem to flow together; but based on our interpretation it fits together perfectly.
    Sara taken captive by Avimelech; she succeeded in rescuing all the sparks of holiness. HaShem puts a chut shel chesed on them. Then they are qualified to give tochecha; Avimelech was admitting he was forced to give back elef kesef; give back the holy sparks represented by gold and silver; see chapter 56 Likutei Moharan.
    Forced to give back to domain of kedusha; Avraham Avinu. This is covering of eyes: tzitzis; when zoche to tefila b bechinas din; that’s the concept of tzitzis/chut shel chesed/through all this we are zoche to proper tochecha/reprimand of Moshe Rabenu which inspired them to do teshuva.

    Paragraph chof hay: victory of purim; Mordechai went out in royal garments…then the colors: techeles…the greatness of Mordechai ha tzadik was brought about by the tefila b bechinas din, a powerful weapon can even defeat amalek/haman as…what did Yisro hear? Krias yam suf; connection: the miracle happened after they captured Esther ha Malka; missile the tzadikim shoot has a label on it, “din;” Esther is a nickname for the Shechina—“like a rose among the thorns” Shoshana/Rivka/Rochel/Leah are all the shechina and synonymous with tefila; Sara emanu being captured;
    127 countries/Sara lived 127 years. Connection: but in the case of Sara one night, a short stay; even though midas ha din; a tumay goy took Sara imaynu…but later the tumah was much more powerful: haman/amalek/the essence of the snake; HaShem himself does battle against amalek all the time; the midas ha din so powerful at the time, in form of Haman yemach shmo; that’s why Esther had to be taken captive. It says in chumash they didn’t touch Sara imenu.
    So there was a female shaid that substituted for Esther ha malka; she was so powerful, she succeeded in extracting all kinds of holy sparks from the sitra achra; all haman’s wealth given to Mordechai ha yehudi

  5. Anonymour: All well and good, but today we don't have tzadikim and tzidkaniot of this level; and even so, we have the great majority of Jews who know nothing. What we need are the tefilot of all the tzadikim of today and of the pure children, but together with that we need a real Jewish leader with great warriors fighting the fight, while the people, pray, do teshuvah and really show H' that we put our total emunah only in HIM & HE will do the rest! Until Moshiach Ben Dovid arrives, may there arise a MBY who will be a warrior like Dovid HaMelech and vanquish all our enemies!

  6. Well hopefully, MBY will take care of it before MBD arrives. That said, until then, expect nothing until the erev rav government falls, and that won't happen until we make tshuvah or they run out of the zechut to keep their circus government going.

  7. Dear Second Anonymous,

    Everything written in the Torah, including Rabbi Nachman's writings, is true for every generation and contains PRACTICAL ADVICE we all can use. If you don't know how to make a tefilah b' bechinas din like Sara Imenu, pray harder and ask HaShem to show you.

    What good is our puny pop gun revolution?

    Rabbi Nachman z"l is telling us to ram our tefilos down the sitra achra's throat; just do it.

  8. Really unable to say anything than I'm not sure at whom to get more angry, the gov't, the "rabbis" on the payroll, or all of the sheeple who continue to buy into all of this pseudo-Torah nonsense.

    All I'll say is that it is important that you and all of us continue to write, and try to wake people up.

    I wrote to Barry Chamish shortly after the abductions with some of my theories.

    He said straight out that the boys were dead already. And unfortunately, he was right.

  9. When you come out criticizing other Jews, you lose the significance of this event: This event brought together Jews of all colors - Chareidim, Dati Leumi and Secular. The 3 kedoshim elevated the Jews by bringing unity to Clal Yisroel (thereby bringing us to a deeper unity with H'). This was the lesson that we had to learn and have to continue to integrate. When you criticize people who think differently than you/us, you alienate again and prevent yourself from doing the real avodah of this time - feeling the unity of Klal Yisroel. Only unity will bring the geula shleimah.

  10. Aaron, we were united in our march to the gas chambers, too.

    Better to be united in fulfilling Hashem's commands than in mourning our dead.

    When everyone speaks of "doing teshuvah," this is what is meant - repenting for doing everything, but what we were commanded to do, i.e. claim this land, eliminate the enemy, build the Beit Hamikdash.

  11. I still feel like achdus is the greater personal avodah in this event that somehow, for the first time that I remember, brought together all streams of Jews. To me personally, that was very powerful.

    It's easier to externalize the avodah and point fingers at 'what they are doing wrong'. The avodah of 'achdus' is much more internal and deeper and has more potential to influence. When I focus more on my own personal inner avodah (of focusing on achus, for example), then please G-d, it will be mashpiah on the world around me and the world will change in a much more real and deeper way.

    I appreciate your words nevertheless. Kol hakavod for your writing in general and thanks for your response! All the best. Aaron

  12. Aaron, I appreciate your comments. But, this one is key...

    "When I focus more on my own personal inner avodah...."

    This is galut Judaism. In Eretz Yisrael, we are obligated on the mitzvot as a nation, not as individuals. Our "personal inner avodah" might be good for us individually, but it's a catastrophe for the nation and for the world.

    We went down to Mitzrayim to become a nation. We left Mitzrayim as a nation and we accepted the Torah as a nation. Later, to our sorrow, we went into exile as a nation.

    It's time we learned, once again, to behave as a nation and not a collection of individuals. Or else, we will keep repeating these tragedies over and over again until we do.

  13. Interesting. The erev rav leads a rebellion against Torah and then demands we join their rebellion in the interest of Jewish unity!

    No. Jewish unity means unity in practicing Torah. It means NOT siding with the rebels who rebel against the King.

    It means remaining loyal to the king--Hashem and his Torah.

    It means NOT joining those who break off from Judaism and create another religion or anti-torah movements.

    Why don’t people say we should pray in a Church of Jews for yushka in the interest of Jewish Unity?

    So, too, we do not pray in a Church, whether they refer to it as a Shul, or join the erev rav "we want the goyim of the world to love us" nationalism.

    Achdut is a powerful force. It was so powerful that unlike the dor mabul, the dor haflaga, who rebelled against hashem with midgol bavel weren't punished as badly. Nonetheless, hazal say even though Hashem didn't kill [most of] them and they were scattered instead into the 70 nations, they have no share in the world to come.

    Like most things in life, achdut can be a double edged sword. Sometimes Hashem requires Havdalah instead. (e.g. bamidbar 16:21-23)

  14. Thanks for your response!

    I understand what you are saying by "galut Judaism". But my avodah is DAFKA with the kavanah to connect to the Klal!

    My point is that you and I can be mashpiah more on Clal Yisroel by SEEING and thereby giving ko'ach to the Achdus - this week's parsha!!

    ie: My greatest ability to be mashpiah is when I take the avodah inwards instead of blaming the other side. As a mashal, when I personally act in a way that my wife and children can model, then they follow my path. It's the way H' made the system. But when I TELL them what they are doing wrong, then they don't listen (and possibly rebel even more) and I didn't actualize my opportunity to also grow by working through the avodah!

    That's what I meant by "externalizing the avodah" to other people (which doesn't work) versus being proactive and fixing the world in a real way in the only way I can - by changing and improving the essence of who I really am... but of course always for the purpose of elevating all of Clal Yisroel.

    Thanks again for your previous responses!

  15. Interesting. The erev rav leads a rebellion against Torah and then demands we join their rebellion in the interest of Jewish unity!

    No. Jewish unity means unity in practicing Torah. It means NOT siding with the rebels who rebel against the King.

    It means remaining loyal to the king--Hashem and his Torah.

    It means NOT joining those who break off from Judaism and create another religion or anti-torah nationalistic movements.

    Why don’t people say we should pray in a Church of Jews for yushka in the interest of Jewish Unity?

    So, too, we do not pray in a Church, whether they refer to it as a Shul, or join the erev rav "we want the goyim of the world to love us" nationalism.

    Achdut is a powerful force. It was so powerful that unlike the dor hamabul, the dor haflaga, who rebelled against Hashem with midgol bavel weren't punished as badly. Nonetheless, hazal say even though Hashem didn't kill [most of] them and they were scattered instead into the 70 nations, they have no share in the world to come.

    Like most things in life, achdut can be a double edged sword. Sometimes Hashem requires Havdalah instead. (e.g. bamidbar 16:21-23)

  16. Thank you, Anonymous. You're absolutely right. The ultimate achdut is around the truth of Torah. In fact, anything less is an illusion.
