"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

05 February 2014

We Are in the Midst of an All-Out War!

5 Adar Alef 5774

I do not believe that there has ever been another time like this in all of Jewish history when we have been attacked by so many from every conceivable side all at the same time.  There is literally no place to turn; no place left to run.

No matter what you wear on your head or what color your clothes, if you are a Jew according to halachah and you believe in, pray to and stand in awe of the G-d of Israel, you are part of the smallest minority on the planet. And yet, YOU are at the center of this all-out war being waged by virtually everyone else in the world.

There is presently not one nation in the world that does not exhibit, on some level, a recognizable and vocal antisemitism (anti-Israel sentiment). It is only going to take a single spark to ignite it into a conflagration, G-d help us!

Around Eretz Yisrael, all the nations of the world, both Eisav and Yishmael, are gathering like slavering wolves awaiting the moment to pounce and the Erev Rav within have taken off both the masks and the gloves as they go on an unrestrained and undisguised attack against Yiddishkeit, intent on uprooting it or watering it down into nothingness.

From being willing to truncate our blessed land and destroy hundreds of thousands of Jewish lives in the process to giving the Christian world a platform to lobby for Christian "aliyah" (G-d forbid) in the Knesset to turning the illegal African immigrants into "asylum seekers" at the turn of a phrase to allowing surrogate-bred Thai infants to be imported by "gay couples" to be raised here as Jews to allowing foreign workers and their families to remain and become citizens because the children grow up from gan believing they are Israelis by every definition and it's too inhumane to divest them of their delusion to the forced drafting of religious women and yeshivah students...  I'm sure there are other methods that don't come immediately to mind.

A line has been drawn in the sand.  Can't you hear the voices of Moshe Rabbeinu, of Mattityahu Hachashmonai, Cohen Gadol calling to us - "Mi l'Hashem elai!"  As Hashem exhorted Yehoshua upon his accepting the mantle of leadership from Moshe, so do I exhort all of us today:  "Just be strong and very courageous to observe and do in accordance with all of the Torah that Moses My servant has commanded you. Do not stray therefrom right or left, in order that you succeed wherever you go." 

For with this, we will win the war and bring peace to the whole world.


  1. And forgetting even the hostility to frum people, just consider the hostility to decency and honesty. You can't walk outside anymore. The world is a sewer from sea to shining sea. Then consider all the in-fighting within the Orthodox world and all the corruption there. I can't believe what I see everyday.

  2. Yes, what you write is pure truth. We are living in the bizarro world before the coming of Moshiach. The world has ganged up against the Creator and His representatives, the Jewish people. The Erev Rav are in bed with Eisav, Yishmael and all else. Do not believe that the State is any more in the hands of the bnai Yisrael because the Erev Rav who are in control have surrendered sovereignty to them and that is why the war is no longer clandestine but right out in the open and they are going full speed ahead to do everything they can to deJUDAIZE Israel. Soon the Almighty will take over - may He have mercy on His children and not tarry any longer! Amen! Jews need to wake up and return to their roots - do teshuvah!

  3. Devash:

    Have you heard about this?


  4. Wasn't it ever thus? Every generation (especially the elder members) believes that society is worse morally than previous generations. True, the world does seem worse and more corrupt than ever it was in my youth - a lot of it the outcome of ever more advanced modern technology and scientific knowledge. But at the same time we need all this technology/science expertise nowadays to thrive physically, materially and spiritually. It's a conundrum - without it, would we nowadays be able to observe mitzvot properly at all? Think kashrut, Shabbat, bringing up children, etc. With larger and more complex populations, how can we go back to a time hundreds, if not thousands, of years ago, when we observed mitvot in a simple, but more cohesive, society?

  5. Moriah, I went to the youtube and it does not have anything that seems relevant. What is the title of this video. I entered it in a few times and I wonder if the info you gave may not be a good match...?
    Thank you

  6. Anonymous, 2/5/14 @8:37 pm

    Cannot agree with you. This new technology is a the modern version of the Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Good and Evil. As usual evil takes over and becomes more powerful than good, but, of course, there is always a time limit for evil, so that will have its end also. True, there is also, good being done with it, but, you bring up hundred and thousands of yrs. ago. This tech. that we are deriving all this 'naches' from is only 20 yrs or so old and society did a lot better before it came into play. The world has sunk to its lowest, and, that is the best indicator that it's time for Moshiach! Otherwise, the world could not survive more of the way it is headed.

  7. While in agreement, to me it means Moshiach is ever so near.

  8. Anonymous on technology? I don't understand the relevance of your comment.

  9. Well, you did say in your article 'allowing surrogate bred Thai infants to be imported by gay couples to be raised as Jews' (scientific knowledge, medical breakthroughs, technology??) Well, whatever, I thought it had some bearing, aka relevance on what you were saying. I am sorry if I confused you.

  10. I was thinking about some international forum or event in a place where iron (Xtianity) and clay (Yishmael) come together, and there can't be a place in the world where this is more the case or that is as stark as either the Balkans or the Caucuses. Lo and behold, the Sochi Olympics comes into view. Any thoughts on the next two weeks in the Caucuses?

  11. I think the Olympics is nothing but a distraction. Just like the Super Bowl.

  12. It is only a distraction if someone does not blow up him/herself at one of hundreds of sports venues in Sochi. Until that happens, it is only a distraction. And perhaps nothing will happen, but the Chechniyans are itching to do something. And they have people on the ground to do it.
