"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

24 January 2014

Discussion with Moishela: "These Tragedies are Divinely Sent"

23 Shevat 5774
Erev Shabbat Kodesh


Discussion with Moishela (with his family)
A Handicapped child
Shevat 21 5774 (Jan 22, '14)

These Tragedies are Divinely Sent

Oy, Vey … Got in Himmel … Got in Himmel …. What is going to be? What is going to be? Tragedy on tragedy on tragedy … tragedies hitting the young and the weak, the old and the infirmed, and just the average Yid.

Oy, Oy, Oy, what more can I say? What more can I say? How can I beg you Am Yisroel? How can I beg you, to do Teshuva? You think you're so Frum. Some Yidden are Frum, but the ones that consider themselves Erlich, Erliche Yidden, not all of you are Frum. Maybe you keep Shabbos the way you're supposed to, that’s also not so sure. Maybe you keep Kosher the way you're supposed to, that’s also not absolute. But you're not Frum, you think you're Frum, but you're not. I'm not speaking to those that are really trying hard to go back to the Emes. Go back to the way it once was in Europe, and in the lands of the Arabs where Jews were very ostracized and they had their own Kehillas not with any influence of the Goyim. And the Yidden in Europe that lived in the Shtettels and that held on to their Rebbes, to the Rabbonim who were greats, were giants, I'm not talking about them. They're almost extinct today. I'm talking about the regular Yid, the average Yid, the average Yid is what's going to save Am Yisroel, because he's never been average. He's always been much bigger than average, much greater than average. Because a Yid anyway is greater than any other type of human being. This is why Edom is so jealous of Yaakov, why Esav could never make peace with Yaakov.

But now my dear Yidden my fellow Yidden, please, please listen again to me. You're going to see even more tragedies than we've seen this week. Irrational unfathomable things have happened and will happen in the future, Hashem Yishmor. Thousands of people, tens of thousands, millions of people have had professionals come to their homes to pesticide the house with all kinds of chemicals in order to get rid of unwanted bugs and rodents. No one died from it. It's never been in any newspaper that anyone ever died from it. How could it be that these children and the parents are so sick from this? How could it be that some of them have already died from this, Hashem Yishmor? How could it be? Years and years people are using gas for heating, for cooking, for whatever you want. Yes here and there we heard of one of those gas canisters blowing up, but nothing much ever happened. How could it be that now a whole family was wiped out after the technician came and checked it and found nothing wrong? How could it be? Obviously all these tragedies that we've been seeing lately, and I only named two, are divinely sent.

We're seeing so many strange things in this world, from tsunamis to tornadoes to storms to hurricanes, but all of these natural disasters are way beyond the norm. It is way, way beyond anything we've ever known, and the world is in shock from it, but not in enough shock from it. The Yidden, we Jews are seeing one tragedy after another, whether in America or Eretz Yisroel or wherever in the world, we're seeing tremendous tragedies one after another. Many of the ones hurt are children. Many are women just after having given birth, and still we don’t pay attention. We just shrug it off as one of those things. Of course the world is getting a message from Shomayim, when every day we see more and more bloody, cruel wars all over the world, and violent riots plague many cities of the world. Every day we see the slaughter of men, women, and children, especially the children's bodies piled up from being gassed. Being gassed? Remind you of something? They piled up the bodies of the women and the children so you could see the terrible, terrible violence, the terrible, terrible cruelty of those fighting in Syria. Nobody knows for sure who did it, whether it’s the rebels or the government because they're all violent, cruel, animalistic people. Its regular practice for them to chop off the heads of their enemies. Is this not animalistic? Is this not wild and cruel? We would expect it from the most primitive people in the worst jungle, but it's our neighbors. It's our neighbors and our cousins, our cousins from our uncle Yishmael.

Hashem is making the world so much more terrifying than it ever was. We thought that the holocaust was the most terrifying thing that could have been, however we see a holocaust every single day in the world. Every single day we're suffering from large holocausts and smaller holocausts, but the violence is unbelievable, and still people are running, or should I say flying to Switzerland, to all different places in Europe to enjoy their vacations. Here in Israel when the first of July comes, that means the first day of their vacations, half the country goes flying overseas to America, Australia, India, Thailand, and of course Europe etc. because the Jews just can't stay in one place. They have to be going and going and going, and for what? For entertainment? To see what? They travel to see another museum, another historical spot and of course to shop. I can understand the Chilonim whose heads are not full of anything too serious, usually, partaking in such superficial activity. But the Chareidim? What does it give you? What is it giving you? It's not Tzniusdik to run around all of these places for no reason at all, except to enjoy yourself. And how many Chareidim are pulled by all the different attractions of these places even though the tour is totally Frum? How many women go skiing? Many! Many so-called Frum boys don’t want a girl that doesn’t know how to ski.

OY … OY … OY … Well I'm telling you straight that if you don’t change there's going to be more and more tragedies, Hashem Yishmor, more and more hardships, Hashem Yishmor, and in the end only those Jews that get the message straight, and really change their ways are going to greet Moshiach Tzidkainu. You are getting clear warnings! Warnings that touch the heart and the soul and should also bring down that terrible Gashmiusdik facade that is the Mechitzah between us and Hakodosh Boruch Hu. Once that facade has crumbled then we can come very close to Hakodosh Boruch Hu and assure ourselves that we can enter the Olam Habah of Moshiach Tzidkainu. All those that reach this great spiritual height (which is in the grasp of every true Jew) of understanding and closeness to Hashem, and change by doing complete Teshuva, then the most glorious future is waiting for you, but if you don’t change and do complete Teshuva, then hell or Gehenom is paradise next to what you're going to get.

An addition by Moishela added on 23 Shevat Jan 24

I sit on the floor and shed many tears to all the victims of the tragedies of the last week and especially I Daven for .Refael Yitzckak Isaac ben Michal and Chaim Michael Shlomo ben Michal. I beg Hashem to bring them a Refuah Sheleimah B'guf U'vinefesh B'soch Shear Cholai Yisroel, and I cry for the great Tzaddik Rav Yaakov Galinsky Z"tl that was one of the last bridges between we Jews of this generation and the greater generation from before WWII, but I am also crying and sobbing for the future victims, the future Karbonos Tehoros that will be sacrificed in order save Am Yisroel from destruction.

The great Chupa has been built and the Chosson, Hakodosh Boruch Hu is already standing under it and waiting anxiously for his Kallah, Am Yisroel.


  1. I am really scared to be living in this generation

  2. Love to read the moishele messages. Just wanted to clarify something, because we read all the time that today's arabs are our cousins. They are not. We have to remember that the actual Yishmaelim have not existed for about a thousand years. The arabs are a mixture of many, many peoples today and many are even of European stock. Yishmael today is only a 'representative of the Muslim world', just as Eisav is of the Xtian world. They are no more relations than all the other peoples of the world are related to one another from Adam and then from Noach.

  3. Last week a 15 year bochur was found dead at home.

    A 7 berakhoth celebration was going to be held upstairs from them for someone else. It was moved out of sensitivity for the avelim.


  4. I mentioned that one here.

    I really dread to see what this week is going to bring. G-d help us!

    It's almost Rosh Chodesh Adar which should bring us to very happy times, but in the past years it brought us the massacre of eight young yeshiva bachurim at Mercaz HaRav and tractor attacks!

  5. Devash , no need to sow fear in peoples hearts , I assure you there is more than enough going around , one other thing , with all due respect Moshe is completely wrong when he says nothing much ever happened in regard to disasters related to natural gas , unfortunately I have a friend here in Israel who lost his son and this was decades ago he told me that he gets little sleep until this very day . So my point is that natural gas was always dangerous , that is why it has a very distinct odor to warn the public of any leaks that often occur , the odor is added and not the natural smell .

  6. Annonymous - don't be afraid. yes we have a great responsibility being here at this time but it is also a great merit! Rebbetzen Iris Odeny Alyashiv - from Torahanytime.com speaks about how all the jews in this generation were THE generation that left Egypt, and that is why we have the strength to go out of this exile mainly because we have done it before...(Zohar). - especially the women who were the ones who helped give koach to the men.

  7. To awake the feelings of the above posters, I think that we have to look into out daily routine and see if Hashem is happy the way we preform or maybe it might need some improvement.
