29 December 2011

US, Iran playing a dangerous game

4 Tevet 5772

Talk about "nations provoking one another"...

Tensions between the US and Iran have all but reached a breaking point with a naval standoff moments away from occurring in the Strait of Hormuz.
Nearly a month ago, on Dec. 1st, the US Senate approved new, "tougher" sanctions on Iran. Three and a half weeks ago, on December 4th, Iran captured a US drone and promptly advertised the fact on their national TV.

Two weeks ago a member of Iran’s parliament named Parviz Sarvari told the student news agency ISNA, “Soon we will hold a military maneuver on how to close the Strait of Hormuz. If the world wants to make the region insecure, we will make the world insecure.” At the time, many news and media outlets thought the statement was just another open-ended threat from Iran, a country known to make bold threats and outrageous statements. Needless to say, this time they were telling the truth. On Christmas eve, Iran began its military exercises in the straight of Hormuz.
Then yesterday and the day before, the US warned Iran not even to think about closing the Straits of Hormuz and Iran responded that it would be as easy as "drinking a glass of water."

Today, the ante was upped yet again, as a US aircraft carrier 'wandered' into the area of the Iranian military drill, which is only half over at this point:

Iran Says It Recorded U.S. Carrier's Movements
Iran raises anti-US threat level. Israel's C-of-S warns of potential for regional war

US Navy warns Iran: Hormuz disruption 'will not be tolerated'