"Egypt" Loses Its Power Over Israel on the 15th of Nissan

"...and on the 15th of Nisan they will in the future be redeemed from subjugation to exile.” (Tanhuma, Bo 9)

13 March 2008

Trippple Purim 5768

I was thinking about the threat from the current 'Haman' (Achmadinejad) in the present-day Persia (Iran) and the fact that it is set for Purim, just like originally. Then I thought about this being Purim Meshulash, a three day Purim which constitutes a 72-hr period and I recalled these things from the posts by Rav Dahan's student, Daniel:

...the Rav said that the final Berur (purification?) is getting closer, and he said that this Berur will be a hard one, and that it is a Berur to the whole people of Israel, no matter if we're talking on the most secular Jew in the world, or on the most Charedi Jew. The Rav said that the major Berur will be through a hard Nisayon (test) in faith. He tried to conclude the subject and go further, but the audience tried in any way to push him to get more info, and this is more or less what they could get from him:

(a) The Berur's duration will be 72 hours.
(b) The Nisayon will be based on choice: are we choosing HaShem or not.
(c) The Rav hinted that there will be something in the sky, and he was very unclear about what exactly this will be. My source understood that this is something like a plane or an angel (he thought it reminds of what the Rav said once about the Malachim), and there will be something like a lethal bomb threatening ch"v to blow on us. These were only hints, not more than that.

The audience asked more details about the exact type of the Berur that will be, and about the kind of Nisayon that he's talking about, and the Rav again talked with unclear terms and hard to understand hints. He gave them 2 answers:

(1) He said that it's known (it wasn't known to me) that Rav Bnayahu said in the past that we should be prepared to deliver our soul and die on Kiddush HaShem,
(2) He said that the test in something similar to something that may happen if we see in our eyes as if not only that HaShem is not choosing us, and not with us, but He is actually choosing others, and helps them clearly, and the question is whether we will continue to believe in Him and in the Torah after such a situation that may happen. Again, only hints and nothing clear.

The Rav concluded the lesson by saying that in the help of HaShem we're going to enter the month of Adar this week, and this is a month that we should expect in it that actually every day the Geulah will come. He said that the people of Israel has already passed to many troubles, and it seems like he was hinting (or asking) that in the merit of the troubles of the people of Israel until now, all the hard things and tests will be canceled.
How interesting is it that this was spoken about previously at Purim time. Here is another:

"...This Purim, HaShem will b'h remove the masks and reveal to us that we are His children and we will say, You are our Father. We will sing and dance lichvod HKB'H.

...When will we reach the last Klipa? The Zohar HaKadosh, zs'l,says that when the Erev Rav (Unholy Mixture) are the leaders, this is the last Klipa that we must endure till HKB'H returns the truth of His Torah. The 3rd Bet Hamikdash is ready in Shamayim and during the Gulf War it began coming down.

I'll give you a sign: The leaders are the Erev Rav and they are stupid and fools. They have no knowledge of anything from HKB'H. There are almost no leaders that are from the Kedusha. After this leadership which is no leadership at all, HKB'H will reveal Himself. HaShem Will Fight the last war and win and then, rule over us. HKB'H will remove the last Klipa, only HKB'H.

Only 20% of Am Israel will survive. Know this - HaShem is the Moshiach, HaShem is the King and He'll lead us. There will never be another leadership of the Klipa. The Klipot will be removed forever.

All those that did not do Teshuva, will not be able to do Teshuva. Only those that keep the Mitzvot, Emunah, and Torah will survive forever - very few people. There will not be atomic bombs but there will be a complete darkness - Yemei Choshech for those who distanced themselves from HKB'H.

Those who side ONLY with HKB'H, will survive."
Perhaps the process was delayed and it is Purim 5768 when these events will occur. We are certainly more ready today than we were a year or two ago. And that is the purpose of chevlei Mashiach after all---to get us ready!

Those who are prepared by having thought out all the ramifications of these events and the consequences of their actions; and having done teshuva to the best of their ability, they will have nothing to fear when the darkness descends upon the whole world.

That said, I must admit that I am still not ready, still not at the optimum of my potential, Hashem have mercy on us all!

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