26 March 2008

New Messages from Daniel

Posted to Daniel's site on 24 March 2008:

"Am Yisrael, beloved of HKBH, return home, there's no more time, the end has arrived." (Binyamin Golden, 3/2008)

Message #1)
To the residents of S'derot---dear Jews,

I know how hard your lives are and that from moment to moment you don't know from where will come the next bomb...

HKBH loves you and this situation brings you to the possibility of returning to Him in Truth. When a person sees that he has no one to depend upon---not upon the army, not upon the police, not upon the government---then he knows, not just in thought, but in understanding, from inside and from outside, that there is no one to depend upon apart from HKBH.

And now is the biggest possibility of S'derot residents to return to Him in complete teshuva because in the very near future, really, all of Eretz Yisrael will be exactly like S'derot.

I pray very strongly that in all Eretz Yisrael there will be great and revealed miracles like there is today in S'derot and that this will result in a mass return to our Father in Heaven and to His Torah. And I pray that there won't be korbanot, that these [events] will frighten us enough of a portion to enlighten us. And if c"v we don't awaken, then I don't want to think more about what can be. HKBH loves His people Yisrael and he wants that His people will return to him. Let's begin the process of return to Him davka from S'derot and this will privilege all of us, all Am Yisrael, in happiness and joy, to receive Mashiach Tzidkeinu speedily in our days. Amen!

Message #2)
...to the volunteers that distribute the communication pages of the autistics,

To all the distributors, I want to wish to you a Purim sameach and that we will be privileged, all of us, to the complete redemption. I want to thank you for your efforts in order to rescue Am Yisrael.

We are quickly approaching the end. Everyone can see this. Already, there is no need to be autistic for this [to see this]. And those that believe in HKBH, those that trust in HKBH, those that really wait for Mashiach, those that cry over the destruction of the House, those that want only to sit all the days of their lives in the House of Hashem, they will be privileged to receive Mashiach Tzidkeinu and take pleasure from the World to Come.

With blessings that all of us, all Am Yisrael, will be privileged very soon to receive Mashiach ben David, Mashiach Tzidkeinu.

Message #3)
...to the organizers of the Sack & Ashes Assembly,

Woe to us! What is waiting for us? Woe to Am Yisrael, woe to the world. These are the last repairs (tikunim) and the most difficult. But these which are with all the heart, with all their Heavenly[?] essence, sackcloth on the body and ashes on the head, taking out the pride and sitting on the floor and crying over all that we lost because of our sins and over the sorrow of the Shekhina, over the Beit Hamikdash, over Eretz Yisrael, all these for which we cry many tears and do teshuva and decide to change the path and to walk only Hashem's way, deciding to live, with Hashem's help, only according to His will.

All these are able to save themselves and many other Jews.

I bless everyone that we will all be privileged to receive Mashiach Tzidkeinu and be able to take pleasure from the World to Come.


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